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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Bobik96

  1. Okay I went to the garage and checked. Rust-oleum Matte Finish is acceptable.
  2. Primer gray and I am sorry but I don't remember what finish of black spray paint I used. Possibly satin. This is the best pic I have of what has been Lancer approved and a screen used helmet. The mesh on the aerator is definitely black.
  3. Looks goodí ½í±
  4. This is what I used. It makes curves easily and they are perfect. I used it on the snout greeblie too. http://www.tcpglobal.com/MMM-6404.html?sc=114&category=1932083#.Vb-rGko8KrU
  5. Congratulations.
  6. Congrats and welcome!!!
  7. Congratulations and welcome Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Just be aware that you will have to do some trimming. There is no way around it. It is really easy with some Lexan scissors and a metal file. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Congrats Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Nice work Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Welcome Hoosier
  12. Congrats! Nice job. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Okay good. I thought I would clarify since I mentioned it earlier. I was nervous when I had to remove mine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. You have been busy. That bund looks totally different. Much better. I noticed that you said you flipped the greeblie on the TD. Actually the whole TD was upside down. Here is what it should look like. That Suit on the blu ray screwed me too.
  15. Thank you everyone.
  16. I just noticed that your TD is upside down.
  17. Dude this looks good. I only see what you see too. I'm new but it looks like the bund may be too long. If it were shortened it would allow the bund and belt to be pulled up a little. You could probably just fold it under at the top To see how it looks.
  18. Could you remove the Velcro and re sew it?
  19. A little bit of heat on the backside and a razor worked for me. Go super slow. Also if those are the SC clips mine broke the first time I wore the belt.
  20. Yes sir, Level 2 is Lancer. Lancer standards state that You need vertical AND horizontal ribbing cut into the heels. No stitching visible on the soles. Yes stitching where velcro is attached is normal. Boot soles must be a single color but are hard to find like that in the US. Acrylic paint is less than $1 at walmart and the sole edges can be painted a single color. Even though the screen scouts had it, No ribbing is necessary for approval other than on the heel.
  21. I feel your pain brother. At one point I almost threw away my boots to start over because of a few details. Turns out they passed Lancer inspection. Same with my vest. My issue was that I was too critical of my work and probably looked at it too long. My wife told me to walk away from it several times.
  22. If the bund fits you could just cut off the triangle cod piece, make a new cod piece and sew it on. Some people are going to a two piece bund and not attaching the cod to the bund. Picking the stitches out of the vertical lines might not take as long as you think. Probably less time than making a new bund.
  23. I think most people use Velcro to attach the bund to the suit to keep it from falling down. Mine is intentionally shorter than most so I like the security of suspenders and less restricted movement over Velcro.
  24. What looks wrong about it? I shortened the vertical part on the rear suspenders. I sewed them to the bund in the rear. The vertical attachment allowed them to peek out above the vest. I just put the bund on, attach front suspenders then put on my vest. The suspenders are covered by vest and armor. Here is the back of my bund.
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