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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Bobik96

  1. Your build looks great! Did the greeblies for the Thermal Detonator come with the SC Armor Kit?
  2. I would also like this information please.
  3. No I haven't met anyone yet.
  4. Wow I just noticed that your from Mt. Vernon. I sent the bloodfin garrison membership liaison an email today. I hope to see you around.
  5. Nice find on an almost complete suit.
  6. Yeah it seems like there was a thread about it in the past but I can't find anything on it.
  7. There may be a remedy through Paypal. I know there was in the past. You won't get your money back but a complaint of not receiving goods can freeze his Paypal forcing him to take action. Someone filed a bogus complaint against me for an ebay sale saying that I didn't send an item. I sent paypal a tracking number and they released my account.
  8. The snout looks great!!! I'm probably going to buy this helmet but I'm waiting to see what his next version will look like.
  9. Does anyone have experience with this vendor? The helmet looks really nice. http://www.newimage58.co.uk/biker%20v2.html Sometimes sells one on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/BIKER-SCOUT-VERSION-2-TROOPER-HELMET-STAR-WARS-STORMTROOPER-ARMOUR-NEW-PROP-/141182458600?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=ri2Q%252F5TlgP%252F%252BIeJv%252BXzP0q1599Y%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  10. Awesome!!! I look forward to it. I enjoyed you SC Armor tutorial. I hope to use it soon.
  11. Has anyone removed their glove liner to make them cooler ? If so how did if affect the fit?
  12. Thank you for all of the replies! I guess it does make sense to put together with all of the mods that need to be made anyway. I did find out that there is an option for a pre trimmed unassembled kit. I would have difficulty trimming so I am considering this route.
  13. Are there any pics out there of a pre assembled KS helmet? It seems to be popular opinion to purchase the kit but I'm scared. I think its the trimming that scares me. I think I could handle could assembly. Is there much of a difference in price kit vs assembled?
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