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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Southscout

  1. Lexxan scissors are great to cut with. A hobby knife for finer work maybe. And congratulations for the armor! Can't wait to see some progress :-)
  2. I also use military style pads. I had to cut the one that goes on top of my head in half since it was too thick, but was a 30 seconds activity. I have one on the top, 4 small ones on the sides and one at the base of the neck. Just move them around until you get a good fit.
  3. Vicky did some modifications on hers, so could be worth to check out: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10573&st=0&p=89299entry89299
  4. Jedi mind trick of course. The Force is strong with us.
  5. Fantastic news for the community
  6. Looks great! But the closure on the bund is on the wrong side, but it's an easy fix. And since you look so good, I would recommend the plastic insert mod to the cod piece to avoid the camel toe. That would really finish of this great piece of work.
  7. It's one large file. But there are several periods of silence so it comes out as pretty random.
  8. I also stiched the top sides on my pouches since they tended to flare out. I added some stitches from the inside by hand, for maybe 3/4 of the total distance. With this I'm still able to put stuff in the pockets while avoiding the flaring. What measurements are you going to use for your pouches?
  9. I think I just got an overload of cuteness..
  10. Hooray! And big congratulations on your daughter! So what will be her first costume?
  11. The top should be quite close to where the crotch starts. Take a look at the scout that Han and the rebel capture outside the bunker, that's a good reference shot.
  12. Maybe a bit, but not much.
  13. No idea, but maybe check with your GML as well. One idea would be to paint the one you have white and then add an already "popped" rivet in the hole on the tank so it looks proper.
  14. The rivet on your tank top is outside the topper. It has to go into the hole in the top greeb, not sit outside.
  15. Looks pretty good. It's easier to judge if you have a picture from the front while standing straight. They should end around the top of the knee cap. Also, a small tip for the next stage, when you add the elastic, put the top of the elastic in line with where the crotch ends. That's a good rule of thumb.
  16. For the bund you want (approximately) your girdth + an inch or two times height x 2 + an inch or two. The batting would be the same size, but not 2 times as high. When I did mine I cut out the batting so it would fit inside the bund, and lie below the seams so it get fastened. You don't have to do the in- and outside of the fabric in separate pieces, you can just fold it along one edge. Add a seam line in the fold however to hold the batting. I might have some pictures from when I did mine, so just holler in case you need some. And while you're at it, plan for the cod piece insert mod. so much nicer and more accurate
  17. I would suggest flipping the fastex clips on the backside, and move the straps a bit more inwards under the TD. Here's a good reference shot:
  18. You're off to a good start It looks like the flap on the bone-shaped part is a bit loose on the ends. I would also recommend cutting the notches in the soles, it's a nice details that makes the boot look a bit less like a normal boot.
  19. Looks great! You might want to add some velcro to your bicep pieces, it looks they drop a little on some of the pics.
  20. Seems like you're off to a good start. But the forearms are upside down...
  21. I couldn't find any post with pictures. Basically it's a square piece of around 1.5mm thick plastic, cut to fit into the groove and slightly narrower than the greeblie. Paint the edges black and smack it on with some E6000. The knob also seems to not fit so good, but maybe a good glob of glue will do the trick for that.
  22. There is a an issue with the DJ greeblie and the MC TD. What I, and most people, have done is to add a small piece of plastic underneath it. I made mine slightly smaller and painted it black, so it looks like a the greeblie is thicker than it is. Either that or fill it out with bondo will work just fine.
  23. Looks good! You look really menacing, hope you don't scare the kids
  24. That shoe looks really good!
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