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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Southscout

  1. I had the same issue with my MICH pads so I took out the padding and sliced it in half, i don't know however if that is possible with the zap-pads.
  2. Hi Alyona and welcome! Like they say above
  3. What kind of clips are you using now? There are several options like Makita clips, fastened to the belt clip, magnets etc, but I guess you already know those
  4. Great start! It's hard to say if your shoulders are a bit long, try to move them up a bit and see how it fits with the biceps armor since they seem to overlap at the moment.
  5. The vest is notorious since there are no real patterns... She can use for instance a t-shirt pattern and modify accordingly however. But wait with that until you have your undersuit and your biceps armor, since those are needed to get the correct measurements.
  6. Oooh, she's picky I have a short how-to here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10334&hl=&fromsearch=1 if you think you can convince her. Basically it's a big pillow with velcro on it
  7. Looks great! You can move the pouches in a bit so they're in line with the ribbing on the bund, or flush with the side of the chest, that way they don't need to be showing at the sides. And if you plan to add some velcro (or maybe you already have) to the vest to keep the bund tight, I would hitch it up 1/2-1" so there's no risk of the edge showing. Details, details, details...
  8. Cool! Now remove those pads and show us all of those fancy knobs and buttons! They're so shiny!
  9. Hey there! Don't worry, that's why we're here For a cummerbund pattern, you can check this: http://wallofshemp.freeservers.com/501st/scout/LT_cummerbund_Pattern.jpg . There are some sellers for the soft parts on these boards, like here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=5086 and here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9694 As for the elastic, some people widen the hole a bit, others just push the elastic through. It all comes down to how it looks in the end and if you're happy or not with it. As for the rest of parts, just post pics here and ask for advice and someone will be picking it up
  10. Good luck! Don't be afraid to ask anything if you're not sure on how it's done.
  11. I use MICH pads from an airsoft helmet which I got cheap from an online store since the helmet was busted. They're the same style as the pads you can find on EBay quite cheap in the US. The ones from Fenixprops will probably give you a heat stroke plus you will probably not hear anything, which is one of the benefits of using normal pads. I have no issue with bending down or anything with these, and they're easily adjustable. The placing is more or less like this with the front being to the left (or the right, don't remember ): Don't mind the small box of rivet washers, it's not in the helmet
  12. Yup. ABS goes hard-hard-hard-soft-SUPERSOFT! :-)
  13. Same as Chunk. Sewn into the cod, and velcro in the back. Look at Panda's thread (as always :-)). My cod piece is attached to the bund with velcro as well. No specific reason, otherwise than it was easier than to sew it on.
  14. Say what? I've never heard that the shoulder bridge should be anything other than white. I would check that with Marcel.
  15. Nice! Must be lovely to be able to have some boots that breathe and not keep all the sweat inside like vinyl.
  16. Does the collar have too look that way? I can't see anything in the CRL about it.
  17. Nice work! But if I may comment on the bund, since I also made one of mine (I have one from Marcel as well). It's riding a bit high up in your armpits and will most probably be visible above your chest straps. I had this issue as well. I would suggest that once you have the chest and belt done, put it on and see how much of the bund that is visible. Then just sew a line along where the top should be but around 1/2" lower, cut off the excess but leave 1" to your new stitch line, remove the padding inside, fold the fabric inwards from both sides and sew it up again. You'll then have two stitch lines on the top, but they will be covered by your straps and armor. I also suggest putting velcro on the inside of the bund and the outside of your vest both in the back and in the front, I have 4 pieces around 4" long each for this. It will keep your bund where it it's supposed to be. The bund shouldn't be kept up by your chest, mine also did and boy did I sweat... Also, the arc must be higher. Look at some of the reference shots, like on the Bluray, for some good references. The pouches look nice as well, but is that external stitching I see for the velcro on the flaps? That is unfortunately a no-no. Do you plan to attach it to your bund or your chest plate? It looks like the veclro's on the back side, if you want it sitting in your chest plate it should be on the front. Even though these things might sound hard, it's something that will only take an afternoon or so to fix.
  18. Just drill them from the top (i.e. the side where you put them in from). It doesn't take much effort and it will just fall out. Use a smaller, or same size as the rivet, drill. It's dead easy, so don't worry. Nice looking belt
  19. So, as part of my planning I'm checking out what paints I can find locally. Since sending spray paints via mail is a big no-no, it can be a hassle to find the right products. I think however than I can get some Montana colours, so I checked out their color charts and picked, what I believe, some colours that could work. So, if anyone could give their input I would really appreciate it. I have 4 different base colours to choose from, and then 3 browns, and two greens. #1 #2 #3 #4
  20. So, after months of staggering back and forth between different detachment to decide which my next costume should be, I have come to the conclusion that it should be a Kashyyyk. I'm trying to read up on everything now and following the current build threads. It seems a "bit" more complicated than a biker scout, but I hope I'll manage. I however have some questions which I hope you fellas can help me with. I will probably get my armor from bikerchick, seems to be a couple of kits still out there. The undersuit and boots can probably be found as well, especially now since CROW62 seems to back in from the cold. And a blaster seems easy enough to find (maybe Woodchuck?). Fabric for the cummerbund seems also relatively easy to find. But the rest is puzzling me... First, the gloves - is the only option to make them yourself? - are the greebs supplied by Bikerchick, or do I need to source them from some other place? Pouches: - is Grumpy still making these? Cod piece: - I saw in the CRL discussions that it should be fabric covered. Is there any reason for this, since to me it looks like the rest of the armor. Anything I forgotten?
  21. I can't see your pictures Have you tried Photobucket? It's dead easy to post pictures with it, even with thumbnails. They have an app for mobile phones which can be used to upload pics to your account very easily, even straight from the camera. Be careful with the heatgun. ABS goes hard-hard-hard-SUPER SOFT! Maybe start out with a normal hairdryer while keeping the part bent a little more than you want to and see if it works.
  22. Check if there are any local shops selling radio controlled cars, they might have them.
  23. Damn you Terry! You make it look so good that the rest of us look like something the cat dragged in
  24. Regular scissors I think are hard to use, Lexxan scissors are used to trim RC bodies, they're sharp and they're short and you can probably pick up a pair for around $4-$5 (I checked quickly on ebay). They're also a bit rounded so it's easy to adjust while cutting.
  25. 1. Check your other thread 2. Rectangular piece to the left, knob to the right. On the rectangular piece, the two bumps go upwards (I think Pandatrooper's thread has nice pics, btw I use that thread as my own reference )
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