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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Southscout

  1. Just another tip on the inside of the helmet if anyone looks here. Since you're probably adding adhesive velcro to your armor pieces, put some of the fuzzy side on the inside of helmet, behind the ears. Easy, fast, and black as sin. Skickat från min Nexus 6P via Tapatalk
  2. I have two pieces of velcro on the front of the vest, and two pieces on the back. The bund stays put without any issues. Skickat från min Nexus 6P via Tapatalk
  3. I make snap plates, i.e a small plate with a snap mounted in it (hammered together), then the plate is glued to the plastic. Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  4. I use fuzzy black velcro. No reflections or anything. Just blacknuzz.. Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  5. Hm. Maybe I'll start with that. Thanks! Plus, perixode wasn't easy to find here. Apparently I'm quite dangerous since I make drugs with my slush acetone and bombs with the peroxide. Lol!
  6. Oops, did a better search on the forum and see that there are two options. Strokers fix with toothpaste and peroxide, or retrobright. Anyone that can recommend either way? And one more way from http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13231&st=0, 12% peroxide cream. (although this requires sun. Well, Sweden doesn't do "sun"...)
  7. Greetings fellow dodgers! After 3 years and close to 50 troops my armor is now turning a bit yellow. It's unpainted ABS from MC, and I'm starting to look like a custard pie next to newer troopers so I need to fix it before I'm sent to the back of the parades. Has anyone tried the Retrobright formula that's available on the internet? Does it give a good result? Or option 2, has anyone painted their armor and gotten a good result? I'm thinking that a load of white spray cans and even more varnish might be the way to go. The unsure part is how well it will hold up so I don't end up with a bunch of cracks in the paint. Or will a simple rub down with Novus fix this?
  8. If you use pins, be very careful when trying it on. I missed one and it got me in the "manly" parts... Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  9. The 'famous' pattern: http://wallofshemp.freeservers.com/501st/scout/LT_cummerbund_Pattern.jpg If you want to get rid of the cameltoe, then you can check: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9972
  10. As Jim says, for the holster to the boot, rivets and washers, for securing the blaster itself, it's just the normal answer; check what Panda did http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9781
  11. Hands down the worst moment of my life... And I've even painted two of them! But great job! Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  12. Dito! Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  13. On a side note, seems like snowies are shipping now at least. I have two garrison mates who got theirs this week. Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  14. And my two cents on joining the helmet is to use ABS sludge (if it's ABS) as much as possible. I used only filler first on my Lonewolf and it cracked pretty fast. Especially in the neck area. If needed you can cut a groove in the join and fill there. It will make it a bit more flexible. Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  15. Search for Pandatrooper's build thread. It contains everything you ever wanted to know :-) Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  16. I did mine off the pattern that's here somewhere. Sew the top part first (the curve in silver fox pic above), then fit it, fasten it with pins, try it on, remove the pin that punctured your testicle, try it again, then sew it on by hand. Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  17. Yes.... And it's miiiiiine.... Edit: but I think I'm going to look into what Mandalorean did. I had a major malfunction during the weekend (after two hours of non stop trooping) when the velcro came loose and the helmet fell down on my head... Looked like a drunk scout...
  18. I also fully agree with Chef. I have during my two years here heard more about people paying everything up front and then waiting for months, than people paying a deposit for material costs and then full payment at delivery. IMHO this should be the criteria for everything sold on the 501st boards with that has a delivery time of more than a month or so. That being said, I can however say that MC will deliver your stuff. But when, only the maker knows... Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  19. The decals you can find at trooperbay.com. Snout, I think Darth Voorhees here on BSN sells them. Why repaint helmet to off white?? It's white. Off white is more grayish or eggshell coloured. The rest you fix in no time ;-) Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  20. One idea is to put a fan in the tank. There are rechargeable fans out there, and I'm myself planning to put one into my clone (ongoing, never ending project...). Another idea is to put on some kind of undersuit as you say. I used to umpire in baseball and we always used long underwear, even in the summer. It feels crazy, but it works. Just remember to get one made for that purpose, and not for winter use :-) Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  21. Some rivets are 3.2 mm (1/8"), so you need a 3.2 mm drill. Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  22. Just to show off a bit, I just finished my LW bucket build. It's a tricky one, no doubt about that. But one million trials and errors, and just as many questions to The Wolf himself finally paid off. So I went from this: Through this: And this: And then reaching this: And after a lot of filling and sanding, getting this: And finally after 2 cans of white, and two cans of clearcoat, getting this: The lens is made from 3mm black tint perspex as recommended by Lonewolf. And boy is that glass good. It's very black from the outside, but the view from the inside is great. And finally-finally, a comparison with my previous MC helmet which is now degraded to "BAT-helmet" (blast-a-trooper).
  23. Cord. But really really small. Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  24. If anyone looks, this is how I ended up doing it. Velcro, sweet velcro: And then headband with corresponding velcro. Note that the top strap sits at an angle. Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
  25. Unlike some other costumes, bikers comes in all sizes. That's why we rule. Skickat från min LG-D802 via Tapatalk
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