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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Southscout

  1. Looks great now. I'm happy that the paint worked since at least in my part of Sweden it's near impossible to get a good quality spray paint. The only thing we have is cheap no-name or store-branded paints so if Plasti-Kote hadn't worked I would be in trouble. What will you cover the inside with? Plasti-dip? And one thing that has puzzled me a bit, the holes above the nose, are they supposed to be holes or will they be covered up?
  2. Oh no.. Wasn't the Plasti-kote gloss white good enough? What did you switch to?
  3. Maybe they will if you contact them. I'm pretty sure that's where Hummern4 got his from. S**t, I realize now how much extra stuff I need to buy when looking at all your snaps, elastics etc...
  4. Hi Arnie, great thread, since I'm doing the exact same thing in a couple of weeks with the MC armor and MLC helmet! I even have the same paint as you just standing around and waiting to be used, so it's nice to see that it works There was another swede, Hummern4, who made his own boots, he picked up his vinyl here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290610014998&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123 He has since paused his TB-build, but you can check out his build thread over at the NG forums. He ordered his flight suit from a company in the UK, and I ordered mine from a racing equipment company in Sweden, so you can also look at the different styles in his or my thread. Keep up the great work, and keep the pictures coming!
  5. Yup, I will get some faux swede during the week and then start with that. I'll probably just handstitch them directly to the legs. But first, some major digging around on BS.net to see how they fit and where to put the elastic band etc. Good luck with the racing suit!
  6. This one cost me just short of $100 here in Sweden. My first choice was a bit cheaper at $75, but it ended up in delivery issues so I chose another supplier which had this one in stock. And as for the seam (since I just finished it ) there are two seams inside the suit, one on the edge of the fabric (the big V-shaped seam called an overlock stitch according to Wikipedia) and around 1cm further in there's a straight seam which makes the "fold" on the outside of the suit. The pockets are sewn in between the fabric layers all the way into the edge and the bigger seam. So I picked up the straight seam from the inside, fastened the edges with a couple of needle stitches, then carefully separated the fabric and then simply cut off the pocket with a pair of scissors as close as I could get. I can now sew back the straight seam on the inside and what's left of the pocket is not visible anymore. The bigger seam on the edge, the overlock stitches, is kept as it is. Hope this helps with the ideas!
  7. Just to update any potential OMP buyers, I got my mechanics suit yesterday. It eventually became the third suit due to delivery issues with the first one, but I'm just as happy for this one. The is an OMP Mechanics Summer Plus suit, the first suit is called Summer Plus 2. It's not shiny at all, it's very very black. So far I have removed the logo patches and unstitched the front pockets and the tool pocket, now I need to open up the seam on the leg to get it completely removed, but that should be a fairly easy process. Under the armpits it's a mesh material which is very stretchy so movement is quite unhindered. Here's a picture, the thing hanging from the leg is the half-removed pocket. I will keep the knee pads on as someone said that there actually might be knee pads on the original suit. I also bought a black OMP cotton balaclava so now I'm all black. All ninja.
  8. Hi, if you look around in each of the sub-forums you will probably find all the information you're after. "Best" could be hard to define, best for price, best in quality, easiest assembly etc so it's basically up to you to decide on your own. There are some makers which are frequently mentioned here: SA, KS and MC, each with their own benefit and drawback. I started my own planning a couple of months back and have just now gotten all the pieces together and ordered everything, so it will take some time to dig into all the information, but in the end it will be all worth it. The UK Garrisson people should probably also be able to help you, there are some fine looking TB's from there. Good luck!
  9. Does anyone know if Diana is still making these? --- EDIT --- Apparently she does
  10. Got mine yesterday and they are great looking (and almost too comfortable...). Some word of advice, my hands are *exactly* 9cm across measured as the picture on Ebay and I went with a pair of mediums which is for 9cm. I usually at home wear size 9.5-10 to not get a too tight fit which would put me into the size Large, but for this glove I figured I wanted a tighter fit plus I expected them to stretch a bit. And as expected, yesterday when I unpacked them and put them on they where very tight, but after only 15-20 minutes of making fists (and saying "Join me and together we can rule the universe like father and son" over and over to my son) they fit perfectly. BTW, is anyone treating their gloves with anything? I guess the suede patches should be left alone but how about the rest? /Ss
  11. Hi everyone I've ordered an unpainted MC helmet and it's still some weeks away so I have plenty of time for planning and choosing paints. Is there anyone here that has use Plasti-kote White Gloss paint for their helmet and has a good (or bad) experince of it? I guess with that paint there is no need to apply and extra coat of gloss, or? I have seen that most people use Krylon, but that doesn't seem to exist on the European continent at all... All help appreciated as usual
  12. I found it on OMPs homepage . Says it's cotton/polyester. And a lot of velcro, which is, as I understand it, approximately half of what a scout uniform is made of.
  13. Hi, they are $81, or €61. Sizes are from size 46 to 64. I have no idea on how to convert them, that's something my wife handles when I buy clothes...
  14. Hi I was checking for some alternative for the commonly used racing style suit and what can be found in Sweden where I live. Any comment on these? Of course the pockets etc needs to go, but what about the general fit and look? First suit Second suit (need to die the collar for this one) Third suit (maybe too shiny?) Or does anyone have any good suggestions on a suit that's easily available in Europe?
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