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Everything posted by Chex

  1. Specialist eh...what about lancer, Lou...what about lancer?
  2. Chex

    Mike's WIP

    Have fun with it, and don't be afraid to ask questions.
  3. We're still working on getting it approved. Stay tuned. Def don;t think it was being lazy. lazy is pulling a screen grab of a standing scout and photoshopping out the rest. This took time to do.
  4. The boots aren't as hard as they seem, they just take a little time. But seriously, if you build to Lancer spec, then submit for it, please. I promise the experience isn't as harrowing as it is elsewhere.
  5. No exact size since people come in different heights. Put on your suit, put your knee armor on. Your suede should end right above the knee armor. An inch or 2 sounds good. Take a look at Mickey's pic he posted.
  6. If you're not worried about going for Lancer, then you can use a parachute clip back there. I still use one from when I was approved back in the day. But when I redo my belt, I'll upgrade that to the most current Lancer standard. Slowly I'll update all my gear to the most current lancer standard. You're doing a good job on the armor. Keep it up!
  7. Yeah I saw that too and was like..don't cut there!!
  8. You would have to remove the off black striping on that suit. Once you hit 5 posts you'll have access to the trade forum where you can see what vendors can help you. We have a member that goes by the name of Chunk that can possibly help you out. Also, welcome to BS.N!!
  9. Pro: It keeps you warm in the cold months due to the layers Con: You sweat your butt off in the summer months due to the layers That's the only con I can think of. Everyone else has pretty much nailed it.
  10. Not too sure on that one. Christian would be your best source as to how to do that since he made the helmet.
  11. Vinyl on the boots could be a little tighter, but I know it's hard with the type of boots.
  12. Welcome to the club, brother! Congrats!
  13. Also, join your local garrison's message boards. There should be some locals who can help guide you through the process as well. Plenty of information on the boards for you, and you always have everyone to help answer questions as well.
  14. Sorry I was late to the party. Spend the last few days moving into a new place. But yeah, dremel.
  15. The boots are a littler dirtier then what I usually like to see, but nothing that would hold anything back. Very good job over all on your build, Mark.
  16. Yeah I've inspected the helmet personally and seeing as I built it, it should be good. Just follow the rest of what Marcel and Chef said and you should be golden.
  17. If you could kit back up that would be great brother.
  18. Lou ...^--The guy above me, would be your quickest option. And he does darn good work too.
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