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DL Emeritus
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Everything posted by Chex

  1. Basically what Peter said. Pull your forearm pieces down a little more as well. Pouches ideally want to rest on the edge of the ribs of the bund, but not bad at all. Easy approval.
  2. It gives me great pleasure, announcing that Bryan, TB 41424, aka Low-Endor, has achieved the rank of Lancer. Bryan never gave up when we came back and asked him to make changes. Congrats Bryan! Now get out there and make us proud!
  3. Congrats! Loving all these fresh minted Lancers.
  4. Welcome to the fun set of armor!
  5. Congrats! Welcome to the club!
  6. Looking forward to it!
  7. On behalf of the Command Staff, allow me to congratulate Justin, TB 36000 aka Mr. Poopie, on achieving Lancer status! Congrats brother! Welcome to the ranks! Now get out there and represent! As soon as we have someone updating the Lancer page, I'll let you know who to send a pic to.
  8. Other then the cod still looking a tad loose, I didn't really see a reason for tou to not get approved the first time. If the Florida GML denies again, please let me know.
  9. Sorry, been a busy time of the year and Darth real life can eat up a lot of our time and take over. It's looking really good. You've done all that we've asked you to do, and have been patient. All we ask is a little more while we confer with each other. Stay tuned, mate.
  10. I'd buy a couple of pairs. Hell, what scout wouldn't want to buy a pair or 2...or 3.
  11. Go with the darker one. If you do get these and build boots on them, let us know how they turn out.
  12. I'm at work so I can't see the pics. Will review when I get home!
  13. Not bad, I love the weathering on it. First thing that needs to be fixed is your bund. It has 6 ribs, where as the standard is now 5 for Lancer. Your pouches look like they have a visible thread line around the sides of the flaps, similar to the outter seam line of a pair of jeans. Maybe post some close ups of your pouches so we can see them better. You should have a mandarin collar, where all I can see if your balaclava. Might wanna switch to a more form fitting balaclava. Your boxes could stand to come down some, I would say to where there is at least a 2 inch gap between the bottom of the belt, and top of the box. Knee rivets need to be white. Good job though..def on your way!
  14. California Scents, Orange scent! lol..it's a car freshener, but the orange it works wonders on paint, and leaves a nice smell afterwards hehe.
  15. I use frog tape..but you're in good hands with Chef. Def follow his advice.
  16. Chex


    All the information you need for purchasing armor and building a costume to Lancer standards can be found here on these message boards. Research is the key!
  17. Thank you for asking for advice though. I've seen so many people not ask, then buy something like that, then get told that they need to replace 80% of the kit before getting approved. So thanks for asking, and we're always here to help.
  18. It's an old MG/Atin kit. Honestly, I'd stay away and use that money towards something else. The only thing worth keeping from that kit are the knees and elbows. Everything else is meh..put that $150 towards an SC kit.
  19. Welcome to the club!
  20. Just throw the belt on so we can see the boxes..that should suffice.
  21. Hah, def need more glue lol.
  22. I know the DP or Rubies helmets are made from a type of vinyl. So over time not only will they yellow, but the martial is soft so over time, due to heat, and it just sitting, the material will flex. Most people who buy those and use them for trooping, will re-enforce those areas to prevent that from happening. You can heat up those ears and get them back into shape. There are tutorials in the helmet section here. Take a look and see if it will help.
  23. When I sold my old set, it needed that treatment as well. The trooper that bought it (WinterG) did that and it turned out great. Made it look brand new,
  24. You're up next, Alex. Time to build your own scout!
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