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Everything posted by Chex

  1. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8569
  2. UK seems to have all the good base boots lol.
  3. Can't tell if you have 4, or 5 raised ribs on the bund. Should be 5. Your gloves make me jealous. After 4 years and over 125 troops in the hot Florida sun, my Esprits basically fell apart on me. I miss them so much lol.
  4. Just shipping issues. It looks like it's getting taken care of, but for the time being we're just making our members aware of the issues, and until all issues are resolved with his current customers, his status will remain unchanged. Our members here come first, and we're just looking out for them in the only way we can.
  5. I miss my esprit gloves. :/ I wonder if a good leather shop could repair them. Hmm...
  6. LOL if I didn't have what I have now, I'd have a DVH blaster!
  7. Agreed. Annnnn done.
  8. I'd make sure you're either reinforcing your boot, or putting some velcro on your leg and inside of the boot to help support the weight of the blaster. Otherwise your boot will sag like it was cool. Had that problem with the heavy KS blasters. I troop now with a hyperfirm and it's like a dream.
  9. Only thing that kind of stands out to me, and maybe it's the lighting, is the color of the helmet. The white seems off, in comparison to the armor. Nothing to hold up approval though. Good job on the build!
  10. Plenty of time to get gloves, with that armor wait time. You get your helmet from Rick?
  11. LOL I told Manoah that he's too dirty lol
  12. Nothing in the CRL that says you can't do it. I just wouldn't go overboard with it. We've had lancers with blaster marks, but they weren't riddled with them.
  13. CB helmet is a little more spacious then the KS helmet. I can put a CB helmet on without lifting the visor..can't do that with a KS. Flak vests...hmmm...I think Marcel makes them, maybe Chunk as well.
  14. The cod threw me off a little. Like's it's riding up a little in thr front. Nothing there that would hold up approval though. Get those pics submitted!
  15. You could have at least taken that nasty looking fish hook off first! Lmao
  16. The tank topper should be a flat black.
  17. It does look a little normal. But still looks a tad small on you. Like Stasz said, with the balaclava and collar, you don't notice it as much.
  18. Yep, stay away, and save your money and either order some boots from Marcel, or follow the boot building tutorial here on BS.N.
  19. Yeah it'll take a bit before you develop a pattern when getting suited up. You'll get used to it. Looking good!
  20. That's probably due to broad shoulders. Make sure you don't have any bund poking out from under your belt in the back. Also, your right pouch could come inside a tad more, to the edge of the verticle rib on the bund. Nice looking scout. Easy approval.
  21. Please let us know how those boots work out for you when you get the right ones. Been wondring myself about those.
  22. That's odd..I know when I built my kit that hole was in the center. Def cover that hole and drill out the center hole and use that.
  23. Yeah, the back seam does need to be filled in and repainted. That helmet would have never been approved in the Florida Garrison. I'm on the membership team and have never seen that helmet come through.
  24. Check with Chunk. Marcel also does bunds and pouches.
  25. Chex


    Who's Steve? And CC..hmm...Culinary Creations?
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