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Everything posted by Chex

  1. Some of your links aren't working for me. It's better to use a picture hosting site like Photobucket, then paste an image link on here so your pictures display. Also, when showing your pics, you don't have to post all the detail pics here. That's what we wanna see when you submit your official request after your costume has cleared and you've obtained Pathfinder status. Not bad from what I can see though.
  2. A reminder, the rivets on the knees do get painted, the rivets on the holster do not. So the only rivets on the armor that get painted or on the knees.
  3. As of right now, no. We don't want to see a gap between the belt and bund, where you can see the black undersuit. Is that what you mean?
  4. Yeah you should be fine for approval. I wouldn't worry about painting them unless you do the Lancer cuts in the boots.
  5. Ooo I need a couple of those..possibly 3...but def a couple.
  6. You're def gonna have to redo the rib stitching, sorry brother. Way too much space between the ribs. Use a seam ripper, pull the thread, then wash the bund. Then redo the ribs to make 5 visible ribs that are about an inch to inch and a half in width, depending on your size. I'd like to see your boxes come up about an inch, and def when you strap those bells, make sure they're higher. Remember, the elbow armor should sit on the outside of the gloves, not tucked inside. Also, round off the edges of your shoulder bells. You don't have to round them off, but it looks better. Not a bad job on everything though. The reason I say you need to redo the stitches, is because the stitching is just way to wide, and your GML (Looseton) will notice that and more then likely have you fix it before approves it. Also, if you're on the Ga Garrison boards, shoot him a message and get his input on it as well. Or you can do it here as well.
  7. Sometimes the shadow scout gets confused with the storm commando, due to the similarities. Bikerscout.net does not own that particular costume though. You can check out http://www.501stspecopsdet.net/ for that costume. The guys over there would be more then happy to take care of ya with any and all questions you have. If you ever want to build a scout or kashyyyk trooper though, this is the place to be. Also, check with your local garrison as well. There are some talented people there (Marcel, Chef, Andy) that can point you in the right direction.
  8. And might as well just do 5 ribs instead of 6.
  9. Just keep in mind that the CRL, as of right now, isn't going to change for Lancer standards. The book is a great help though. When it comes down to it, we're still gunning for the over all correct look.
  10. Decent job. There;s too much spacing on the front part of the boots, but you do what you can based off the boot. Solid color though, so the bases you have would more then likely get a pass for lancer, if that's your goal. I wanna see the finished boots though. Make sure you post those when you have them done. Good job!
  11. There's no chevron on the lower bund, and you need 5 raised ribs on the bund, not 6. Cal probably isn't aware of our lancer changes concerning the bund. Drop boxes need to be evened up as well. Your right box sits a little higher then your left. So boots and vest, drop boxes. Also, are the insides of the ears on your helmet black, or is there mesh? If there is mesh or screen, take it out, and just either use some black gaffers tape on the inside of the ears, or paint the inside black.
  12. Just use some black gaffers tape on the inside of the ears. I heard it's screen accurate.
  13. The originals were def made out of leather. How you have the dogbone in those pics are too far back though. Boots still need to velcro in the back as well.
  14. Yes. There are some good reference pics in our gallery on here to look at. Compare, then go slow, take your time, and get it to where you're good with look.
  15. That suit looks familiar. My mind is still blown, btw. Can't thank you enough for letting BJ and I hang out and talk shop at D*C.
  16. Check the gallery here. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?app=gallery&album=138
  17. Chex


    Everyone pretty much lends an ear, and eye, etc when it comes to builds. You post pics and we let you know what to fix, or if it's all good. An actual local mentor would be the best, but let's face it, not everyone knows this costume, and you may have no one local that can steer you in the proper direction in keeping with the current CRL. Anything you need to know, just ask, but all the answers are here, and we encourage you to do your own research.
  18. lol no worries. Good luck, and please post pics of your progress. Would love to see some.
  19. You can tout that it's screen accurate AND made out of paper mache, as it would need to be made out of vac formed plastic. Use a 3rd party site like photobucket or flikr for your pics.
  20. Yep..summer weight BDUs have the squarish pattern, while winter weight is thicker and is more solid looking.
  21. 1st warning. Keep this thread on topic, or it will be locked. We have a new member here asking a question. If you can't answer his question about a helmet, then please move on or take it to PMs. This is no place to have an argument or discussion that's been played out in another topic already.
  22. I thought it was funny that he has a Prop Store card with a pic of the screen used helmet on it, and it looked nothing like the helmet on the card lol.
  23. Would never suggest sanding an area that you're applying velcro to. You want as much flat surface space for the adhesive to cling to. Gluing, yes..sand away. But no sanding when using velcro. Your easiest option is industrial strength velcro. I even have a tab of it on my leg and one on the upper inner knee to keep it in place on my leg. Has worked like a champ through over 100+ troops in it the last 4 years.
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