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Everything posted by pghfett

  1. The most aggravating thing about the BS helmets ( I thought) was although there is a "joint" for the face to flip, the engineering behind the helmets curve/joint is not correct and that is why the helmet doesn't flip up correctly and is sloppy when it does. The BS bucket has to flip up due to the tight curves on the bottom of the mouth/chin area which is very narrow. The BARC helmets joint - if made to look like the helmet in the movie - would never open if engineered in such a manner. What I'm saying is if you want it to look like the movie helmet it can't open. If you want it to open, you will have to give up some (movie) accuracy. It would have to be a complex joint that can cause the faceplate to come forward and up in the same motion. I tried to make the joint movie accurate and workable but it pinched at the top every time, limiting the "lift" of the face plate so much it wasn't worth doing it.
  2. Yes, there is def two boxes that wrap around the left bicept armor.
  3. Hey Bro, Seen your post here and at the Fett board - you know I'd like in on this. As an added note and to increase the interest - the Galactic Marines also use this boot as well - in white !
  4. I'm almost done with the bicept armor and that would conclude all of the upper armor pieces - !!!! Pics will be put up for evaluation and overall acceptance. The knees are done as well so all thats left is figuring out the cod/belt combo and, as you all know, I got something special planned for the boots and shin armor Git' those soft parts goin' LOL I want the project done too but I want it done as accurate as possible and that requires time and Madphistos eyes LOL It so close to being assembled, it hurts
  5. Hang in there folks, Jason won't let us down.
  6. I spoke with Jason and he said this is his personal helmet he put up for sale. Nothing more to it - He still intends to do a run soon.
  7. Yeah, I'm gonna have to ask him about this as well. It may be an extra helmet he had lying around the shop. I was told he was going to do a run when he gets caught up with other things. This might be the only helmet he had in the shop at the moment.
  8. Hey fellas, I spoke with Jason (SGB) the other day about this and he was brainstorming the idea of having a snap incorporated into the jumpsuits to accomodate the cod piece or even som other system as well.
  9. Tom, Thanks for the PM, it was appreciated and understood. Thankyou ! The triangular areas you speak of are not seen on the final BARC versions as seen in the movie so I left them out. This is something however that can be added if someone wanted to customize their own helmet into the "white" BARC version. I encourage anyone to make alterations ,just like Mad had posted above about the sharp edged dome on my helmet. Together as a community we will nail it sooner than later and I personally would like to see you and everyone involved with any input on all parts of the costume. Alterations for good or bad is what personalizes your artwork Just like Mad pointed out, I did have to alter the dome slightly for the helmet to fit a human head. If you look at the CG images and stills it's like BARC troopers don't appear to have foreheads LOL I discovered it's a very delicate balance to try and capture all the "signature" elements when sculpting a CG helmet or the armor for that matter, based on the pics we have at this time. Mike
  10. You know what Xdarkangeldownx you blasted me in a PM just now for no reason Bro, I didn't post the pic or comment on your costume at all seen above - You need to direct your anger at the persons who posted it - not me Bro - not cool at all. This thread is my helmet tutorial thread, please don't flame it for me, thanks. Your misguided pm to me was sent to the management of this board to set the record straight. Talk to snub999 He's your man not me - I also removed his "quote" from my response - HIS QUOTE - Also notice the "wink" icon as well to get the feeling of my post. so long BTW BARC armor is completely different than biker scout armor, how you got something negative out of that is beyond me... ~Mike
  11. I say, like the other clones cod armor and because of the camo paint scheme, it's a hard piece of armor myself. I actually started a thread on this as well.
  12. I spoke with Jason about a possible run to do some helmets and he had stated when he gets caught up with other wirk, he is going to make some if there is enough interest for run. Drop him an email at: skygunbrojpw@yahoo.com
  13. Phil, I wish you lived closer to me....we could get lots of things done, Great work!!! Between you, Ghst915 and Ladyghst915 the gloves are becoming a reality -
  14. I don't even keep track anymore...
  15. This project is being done with all Scouts here in mind. So many folks here have inspired me while tackling this project and contributed to this project in some way. Like I said a while back - This is OUR (Bikerscouts) community project and I'm hoping to see some BARCS running around in the 501st Including myself... In short 1) Fiberglass (looking for a really good thermoformer as well ) 2) I will be making more 3) Out of respect to the boards policy pm sent We need some BARC's in the 501st to "camo" things up
  16. Hey everyone, Ely (VASHDSTAMPEDE) contacted me thru a pm today and has a few sets of brackets available for folks. There are four brackets (2 for each knee) in all but you can talk to Ely if you want to arrange other options I suppose. here is his email address for orders and questions pretaining to the knee brackets. Version 2 is the one you want - FORPOOPINSILLY@aol.com
  17. If it's a soft part, how do you match up the paint job with the armor? What about a rubber cod piece ? I can do this as a prelude to the shin/shoes. Are you talking about a foam cod perhaps ? If the paint up can match the rest of the armor, I'm open to any considerations.
  18. Yes, It's getting close for me to start on the Cod piece - I think it's a hard piece by the pics I have. What do you guys / gals think ? Also if its a hard armor piece should I incorperate a piece that goes around the waist to support the smallish metal belt as well, almost like a Fett cod piece ? Lets talk about it post some pics -
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  21. So much better that the newly released figure ! I love it, much better than a camo paint job on a biker scout. I'm going back to his/her site too window shop...
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