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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by pghfett

  1. edited
  2. Would you belive it was a charity auction on the big E and they were placed under an odd category? I found them by accident during my eternal hunt for them. Only one other person bid $15.00 4 days go and they were buying them to wear around the house ! I got them for $29.00 bucks - shipping included !!! LOL They are size 10 1/2 - 11 .The seller stated the size was not listed on the shoe, they just measured the outside length. No matter, I can make various sizes from 8 and up -I just needed the sole of the shoe Oh yeah, alterations for the BARC and Gm soles will be made to be more accurate.
  3. Look what I just aquired ! I have a very interesting project (we will all benefit from) waiting for these puppies once they arrive. What do you guys think of a set of rubber boots with a neoprene interior that has the proper sole and has rubber shin guards built into and on top of the proper boot ? Cast in white rubber for GM's and tan rubber for BARC's too ? The only thing stopping me from my little project was aquiring the shoes/boots with the proper sole - Well lookie here ----- whats on the way to my crib - This project is ON ! :)
  4. Na, the greeblie plate will be separate from the tank top. however, the greeblie is recessed into the tank top making both surfaces even with each other - smooth straight across - except for the devices that stand up off the greeblie plate. I'm making the indentation that will "outline" where to cut out for the greeblie plate. Both pieces will be separate from each other. It would play serious havoc if I even tried to cast them together as one piece LOL
  5. I have pulled the back plate and have finished it's surface. All that remains is the installation of the greeblie plate area and a final trimming and it will be ready fo final molding. I'll post some pics of the final buck/piece prior to final molding.
  6. The knee piece pic'ed below is preped and ready for the 1st molding. After pulling the preliminary piece it will be refined and the "indents" along the seam areas will be notched in as needed. Also, any refinement will be done at this stage as well. When it's all said and done, they will be paintable right out of the mold just like the chest and back plates (with some trimming on the edges) After the piece is finished a final mold will be made of the finished piece. p.s. the back plates first mold is done. - now to refine it - pics to come. ~Mike
  7. To be updated
  8. There are some major differences overall with the BARC chest and back plate. Although it may appear other wise, if you were to sulpt the armor and stare at reference pics there are many noticable differences. Here is what I've noticed... 1. The "dip" on the back plate below the rear of the neck. It is very deep on BS armor but shallow on the BARC. 2. The rear BARC tank is much, much larger than an accurate BS tank. 3. There is no raised ridge at the bottom the the rear back on the BARC 4. Greeblie panel is completely different 5. Barc armor rides higher towards the shoulders giving the tank an angled look. 6. The sides where both the chest and back meet are wider 7. The BARC chest plate has a severe angle on the bottom and appears to be "cut short" or rides higher, just under the pec muscles. 8. The BARC chest crease and line work is different as well. There are a lot more things I've noticed as well but the bottom line for me is the totality of all these small and subtle differences all add up, IMO, when shooting for an accurate BARC costume. you can really notice these differences when both costumes are pictured side by side.
  9. I agree, there is clearly a garrison belt around the belly holding up the larger pouches as can be seen here. The smaller pouches are not. Also a smaller waist belt below.
  10. The BARC soft parts will be the hardest part of this costume to fabricate IMO. Not so good pics + poor CG images is going to make this soft part build VERY difficult - but not impossible
  11. Back plate almost ready for 1st molding
  12. edited
  13. I wear glasses myself, and can wear them in the helmet no problem.
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  15. Wait 'till you see what I got going on for the boots.....
  16. I can personally assure you, I will be completeing this costume no matter what, recasters or not.
  17. You stated the BARC's were not pictured or seen on the BARC bikes, However, in the scene just before Gree is killed as the scene pans up from the beach and the large republic attack transport rushes to the beach front, look very closely at the bottom left screen and you will see a BARC (our BARC) trooper seated on an AT-ST !!!!!!! It appears the BARC trooper was not the most "attractive" character as far as marketing was concearned. I belive the BARC (our BARC) trooper were originally on the BARC speeders but was removed from them to allow a more "toy friendly" clone to be seated there. I mean after all we don't see BARC troopers being sold that are sittng atop AT-ST's now do we ? - But it's in the movie...... Looks like Hasbro has GREAT influence on what sells and what don't..... Oh, yeah, I belive it was stated somewhere Gree "chose" to wear his standard issue clone bucket in lieu of the BARC bucket as a matter of personal choice and pride.
  18. Just email Jason for details and a link, I've just been observing form a distance (not actively involved with posting) and have made my personal decision on how and what to do with the mentality behind it all... Honestly, I'm truly disgusted and shocked with what the posting were there. Obviously the people posting are not builders.... Said enough, Sorry ArmyScout but I will post no more here on your thread with this, I meant no disrepect by doing so. ~Mike
  19. Sorry Apharius, I got your pm but forgot to reply to ya, Contact Jason at skygunbrojpw@yahoo.com There are some serious recasting issues going on right now NOT related to the BARC project but making me and Jason possibly reconsidering making any more props available to folks. A thread has been posted elsewhere where recasting actually appears to have been "accepted" and Jas was basically told - if you don't want recasted, don't sell - so as a result he might not. It appears the tide is changing where recasting and buying recasted items is acceptable, I'm not speaking for Jason here so you can talk with him about his intentions but I personally know how he feels about his work being recasted With that being said, I'm crawling back into my hole LOL I am continuing to build the BARC costume for those of you who pm'ed and emailed me as well, but don't look for a "run" on anything I make. If you like (or dislike) something I make pm or email me, but don't look for a run...
  20. I've done two buckets so far (none for myself yet LOL) and each time the paint job took two times as long than it did to fabricate, touchup, and assemble each one. The camo paint job (which I still do) takes a considerable amount of time and patience on my part, not to mention the greeblies, screen work and goggle fabrication. Each paint job is similar but not exactly the same. The patterns/layout and the colors are the same but thats about it. I'm painting another bucket right now - and then maybe I'll be doing my own paint up soon... I'll be finishing up the chest and backplate prototype soon - the initial sculpt anyway.
  21. Jasons horribly busy right now and he is not the kind of person who holds peoples monies "hostage" i.e. taking your cash knowing he don't have time to work on your bucket, which seems to be the trend as of late. DDArk, Jason will hook up with ya when he gets caught up with his other projects, and I'll hound his lazy kiester and crack the whip on his butt for you as well LOL Hang in there Bro - he knows. Feel free to email me as well - ~Mike
  22. Here is the final pics of my last full build, that is to say, from the mold to the finished product by me. This Build is for Adam Stanford, who I would like to say thank you to for his patience and trust. I never felt hurried to get it done or to meet a deadline. Thanks Adam once again. I once again still offer paint jobs thru Jason SGB for the BARC helmets, but please no deadlines, The camo paint up just will not allow it. Heres whats coming your way, it will be sent tomorrow as requested. More pics can be seen here: http://www.bikerscout.net/forums/index.php...um&album=32
  23. I'm still here and working on the armor Tonya. The armor will be FG. I'm just letting you know - if you like the final product - I would be happy to adjust one for you later.
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