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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by pghfett

  1. Fantastic work - simply outstanding very clean, professionally done
  2. Outstanding work grumpy. I may have some "upgraded" greeblies that I made for my helmet. If your interested in them LMK, Mike
  3. I have TONS of this tint sitting around since I no longer build other than on a personal level. Anyone who needs some - green reflective tint - the same seen on my personal helmet. PM me. Mike
  4. Thanks, I needed a 5 year hiatus. Building for others was really taking a toll on me. If you guys build for others please take that into consideration, it can be brutal and very cut throat at times. If your an artist it's hard to see your stuff pillaged by others but that is the risk you take if you choose to be a builder. On the other hand, there are MANY great folks I've met and sincerely miss their company here on the forum. What great artwork folks are turning out -
  5. Thanks, Don't want to throw off the thread but I stopped buy to see how everyone was doing. I really like what I see and how far my favorite trooper has come
  6. What parts are missing? Maybe I can help you out.
  7. Excellent work, you are miles ahead of many of the KS's out there !!! Kudos on a job well done!
  8. Nice work Angelo. Good to see you working on it and making progress, Mike
  9. This is why I left....Nice to see my helmet vac formed now....without permission.
  10. I'm totally confused and obviously no help, so you guys can debate this topic. Hopefully we can get something from an official LFL rep to find out what the deal is for a final resolution. over and out, Mike
  11. I thought the same thing about the toys - they have to go through LFL and be given the green light prior to production. I also agree that the clones are the 41st elite - so they are a fast moving elite group that utilizes different armor and equipment on their excursions. Wasn't there a Clone scout (which I call a barc) riding a at-rt on the beach ? I'm sure there was, so it appears this unit utilizes many different forms of compact & quick moving equipment. 41st Elite.
  12. Now I'm really confused LOLLOLOL Now what ?!?!?! I give up LOLOL
  13. wasn't there another thread about this same issue floating around ?
  14. Excellent work Frank, it's really coming together overall. I really enjoy following this thread. You have to admire the work going into this build !
  15. Dave, sent you a pm...
  16. Decal updates These were some of the files I used to work on my version of the new symbol. Perhaps a few of our more talented brothers here can "clean up" these and make them really accurate and nice - professional like - hope this help some folks out, ~Mike
  17. Nice work - Don't be afraid to add what camo pattern you like, if a spot looks too open sketch in with a pencil some pattern then look at it from a distance, if it looks good and pleasing to the eye, paint it up. That green wash is what sets it off - after weathering and such. Mike
  18. Check this out - The 41st got barc speeders issued as well. This why I always called them barcs As stated on the box, barc speeder with barc trooper - this is what throws me off but personally I don't care what anyone calls them I just like the fashion lol
  19. I'll post some full sized 1:1 pic's or files here tonight so folks can make a waterslide or other medium. Here is a pic of the updated decal / waterslde on my personal helmet visor. I also have the "eye lash" decal seen in the pic and notice the updated greeblies as well. As for the name change I've seen them called the following: BARC troopers Clone Swamp troopers 41st elite troopers Clone scout Troopers Kashyyyk troopers See pedia entry here - Clone swamp troopers
  20. Sure to be another top notch piece by my man Frank !!!
  21. UPDATE on Mid Green Wash Goto Iron wind metals web site (miniatures website for war games) They took over Citadel paints and inks - you can buy buckets from them directly via the phone or email - I got like 10 containers the other day. Their website shows only ink kits, but if you call, you can get single pots of it. I told them a few others may be calling and she promised to hook you up. Iron wind metals -
  22. Goto Iron wind metals web site (miniatures website for war games) They took over Citadel paints and inks - you can buy buckets from them directly via the phone or email - I got like 10 containers the other day. Their website shows only ink kits, but if you call, you can get single pots of it. I told them a few others may be calling and she promised to hook you up. Iron wind metals -
  23. good news, The cod and shins are covered in rubber
  24. Wow Frank, your attention to detail is second to none bud, very nice work.
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