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Everything posted by pghfett
Armor will be shipping out this weekend. I'll pm with each of you with shipping numbers as appropriate. TB5994 check you pm box I want to confirm once again the address you sent me please. This was the special auction winner for those who are unfamiliar.
Quick update for everyone above, Shipping supplies are enroute (still - ugh, the holidays...) and the sets will be going out as soon as the arrives. Greeblie boxes are packed up already to go with the additional set of small rubber greeblies to match the resin ones (a little more time but worth it). I will pm each with shipping numbers and will update post#1 as listed. Jon - I'm send out the visor material to ya today, sorry for the delay but I had a hard time finding it Tony - a heads up, you will be getting two packages - helmet/armor respectively. there were some other folks interested here, please re-pm me in this is still the case...
Recasting will happen, it's unavoidable and expected I've come to learn and accept. What hurts more than anything is who's actually doing it, our own brothers and sisters... I have no intentions of allowing others to cause OUR BARC project to end. I'll be here for everyone worthy, answering pm's and such as always and working quietly for the 501st, lots of good people here that I've really come to enjoy time with. I'm always around, thanks to you all and have a great holiday ! ~Mike
PM's sent and list updated in post #1
Funny and sad thing is, i found the site because I religiously Google the words BARC trooper everyday in hopes of finding more pics to do better work on the costume - everyday - and while I was sitting there picking FG splinters from my damn fingers - BAM - pops up right in front of me. Understood, but very disheartening..... For the folks who are getting my armor sets (5) plus one nice set up for the auction winner) - please give me the option first if you choose to sell down the road, and for gods sake, consider the enourmous amount of hard work I put into making those pieces please before considering selling to any unsavory folks, I beg ya... ~Mike
Thanks Phil, and your exactly right. What chaps my but the most, or the major dissapointment is, I undercut myself regularly for 501st members, and in this case it appears it is the same Brothers that plunge the knife into my back. I understand this stuff happens and accept it for what it is, I'm also new to this feeling, but it don't make it any easier to swallow.
Nice, I only made a few of these helmets for "fans", nice to see these are "in production" huh ? EDIT: Link Removed This is the straw that broke this camels back.... Paypal "buy it now" and everything..... After I meet my current commitments, I'm so gone from the net, I really can't take this anymore(especially from "trooping" members), I'm so aggravted... I'd really like to talk to those 501st troopers pic'ed on the site.
If the walls are fabric lined, perhaps less material can be used. ?
Hmmmm, rubber, interesting idea... But then how do we paint it so that the paint sticks ? For a White GM shin no problem - tint them white, but BARC.... They would have to be urethane rubber as it like lasts forever opposed to silicone which degrades rather quiclky. (thinking, thinking...)
Sentinel, Not silly at all, You are correct ! You cannot fit your foot thru, but I mold them as one piece like the bicept armor because FG and different resins shrink ever so slightly, sometimes at different rates, therefore I mold one piece (pain in the REAR for sure) but assures when you clam shell the halfs to your liking, they are dead on the same and join nicely ! If each clam shell is molded separately, they may shrink at a different rate and not match up perfectly ~Mike P.S. - good point as well - perhaps we can work together to half the calfs and hide the seam somehow ? I thought of two pieceing them along a camo patterns edge, but this would really take some skill to accomplish...but who knows ? Any offers or ideas ?
Mad, I actually sculpt the form to a somewhat finished sculpt trying to capture as many details as possible then make a casting of that, pull a prototype piece and finish it to the final master - Then make the final mold of this piece. Basically - mold the piece twice, rather expensive but worth it in the end... Yes the raised area is designed to allow the straps to be run thru. I'll be running straps through this one as soon as the toe armor is done. I plan on mocking up the entire set up knees as well
ARMOR UPDATE A few quick update pics for those who pm'ed me or posted above. As pic'ed below, I have a few more pieces to cast up and then I'll be moving onto cleaning up of all the pieces, you know removing the burrs and giving the rough trimmed edges a quick go over so handling the pieces will be easy. The greeblies are done for the sets as well and I'm throwing in something special for the greeblies for everyone, see movie below... For the greeblies I decided to get more into the durability of the greeblies for trooping sooooo, I decided to include both resin geeblie details as well as RUBBER greeblie details for everyone. When trooping I'm sure we all had small plastic pieces break off or kids touching costumes and inadvertantly snapping something off. Well, my answer to this was to take the time and provide both rubber and resin so you can choose what to use as your needs dictate and it's nice to have an extra set of greeblies as well - just in case Also, I'd like to apologize to everyone for my conduct last month for allowing myself to think "small" - Not to offer an excuse but alot of things have been going on in the background here and abroad as of late and I allowed it to get the best of me - so, forgive me for being a knucklehead Rubber Greeblie video http://s21.photobucket.com/albums/b292/pgh...nt=MVI_1321.flv
Mike, Everything is going well as I continue to sling out resin and FG. PM sent...
pm sent...
PM sent
pm replied to
Ok folks, sorry for this announcement but it seems I need to protect myself from a varity of people from what I've been reading as of late so.... To kill a few birds with one stone... The list is closed - no more armor will be made. The folks listed above who have "contributed" to the project , as seen on the above list, will have their parts sent out and this includes the special auction as well. If you haven't contributed don't bother as I am no long making armor or anything else for folks in general. Friends have my number and know how to reach me as well. This thread will be updated regularly as always, and anyone owed anything can pm or email me with any questions. I'm no longer a armorer (and never was) so spread the word to LFL as well as others, I'm a hobbist only, like I always was and continue to be, I don't have a web site with prices and pp buttons, or a fancy web armorers name or a vast list of customers (what a joke)... I am a fella who, as a hobby, builds stuff (as my wife and kids say) in my basement who at this point has chosen to share what I made with some friends for VERY LITTLE (so why look for a cheaper version - it was) for materials and items Ineeded. This is a great site as far as I'm concearned with great folks, but this drama is making it "not fun" anymore and if I'm not having fun AT MY HOBBY why bother..... See you folks around here at the board - I'm not leaving, just taking a back seat for a while Top post updated - although I recently reconsidered dealing with folks outside the states I no longer will be so don't even ask.
Not saying it is or isn't - I don't sweat this stuff nor do I go underground or allow it to hinder my progress or availabilty. You guys know where to find me, thats why I booted a few folks off that list, I don't have to make it easy. This is also why folks don't PREFER overseas hook ups.
EDITED - at mods request.
Yes the grey is close but to be dead on it should be darker grey, like my coveralls I'm modding as well.
Mad, I agree. I plan on altering to "tighten up" the set to fit.
That is dead on by all the pics I have to date, trust me. The grey could be a tad darker but that is VERY,VERY accurate ! O.k. - now whats the chance you can whip me up a a set LOL or at least dig up the dye and a set state side.
List updated - NOTE: current listed persons please pm me before sending anything - everything is fine just want to get caught up