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Everything posted by pghfett

  1. Here is some progress pics of my last full build I'm finishing up for Adam Stanford. I'm still offer painting services thru Jason (SGB) and full support on the BARC project (which I plan to finish) but Jasons the man now for the buckets.
  2. There are two bars for sure. However the top and bottom raised areas are the same dimensions and the "capt bars" are not set into the bicept but raised out, as seen here. I told you guys the CG images are "deceptive" LOL , you really start to discover this when you try and fabricate parts of this costume.. LOL Look here .... Bicept profile
  3. Right, the top portion of the back plate where it meets the tank will be changed and worked more, it's not done yet. The curve on the greeblie plate will be changed as well. This will be done last, I have not worked on this at all, just the tank. I want to get the tank roughed in first.
  4. I completely agree and noticed this as well . It's much easier to remove clay than to put it on I have "blown up" a side view of the tank to size today and have begun making the reduction on the tanks length. Using this method will give me the exact profile I need to sculpt to. Also the rear back plate, below the main tank, "swoops" down gently in the middle if any of you noticed, this will be copied to. Also, the tank angles downward toward this point as well and this will be sculpted in too. Mad, you can clearly see the "tank greeblie" bottom curve must, and will be, adjusted as you posted above to match the natural curve of the sculpts back plate, I'm sure everyone can visualize the final product . ArmyScout, the rear tank is quite large, you might as well start now figuring how to pull this monstrosity LOL Updated pic will be fourth coming soon of all the adjustments. ~Mike
  5. TI-1574, The Tank top is a secondary item I just chose to put together "quiet like" at night so I don't wake everyone up. I started it premature like so It's not a hold up item, just a rough in to show everyone for feedback and changes. I am however looking forward to your pics ~Mike thanks for the compliments as well, hope your mom is feeling better soon too
  6. The back plate on the bottom will be built up away from the armatures back consierably more. Also it will look "smaller" once I add the curves to the side tanks. The lower portion of the large tank will be reduced and swept into the back plate at an angle. I noticed it was too round as well - for now its better to have too much clay than too little.
  7. Here is a pic of the rear back plate and part of the chest plate and "Tank". These pics are the "ROUGH IN" of the above items. The angles and curves are NOT completed, just a partial rough in of proportions. The pics are open for conversation and I thought I share some of the progress with my brother BARC's LOL I tried to copy the rear pic of the BARCS in the treetops in the Battle Kashyyyk for comparison. I have ton more sculpting to do before I start to refine everything, then we will really have fun together revising it - so POST for goodness sake - and I want honest info like TB above, get picky !!!!!! over and out for now ~Mike Pics removed - see below for updated pics
  8. TI-1574 Any updates on those pics ?
  9. Added dremel bits used for cut outs. These are the current bits I use to do all the cutouts on the base helemt and visor.
  10. TI-1574 I thank you my friend, and I will adjust the tank top as needed Version #2 on the way LOL !!!! Thanks ~Mike
  11. Thanks for the input, and I did indeed ask. TI-1574, you must have better pics than me that I'm working from, could you please post pics of the close up pieces you have made referrence to of the tank top so I can make the neccessary changes ? Or anyone for that matter who might have a better pic of the layout. Thats what I posted at the start of this thread (needed better pics), all I'm going off of is the pics above I'd love to make these changes if they need to be made, once again it's version #1 Also, I'd like all opinions on this good, bad or otherwise. My goal is to make this as accurate as possible. TI-1574 could you edit your pic to show what the pieces look like to you? I know they will be hard to edit them "smooth" with sofware but can you give me a rough idea ? Thanks ~Mike
  12. your right again Mad, the arc of the base plate is wider here (on purpose) because I still have to add clay to the rear back plate near the neck. I left it a tad wider until I know exactly where my clay line will end where it meets the tank, then I will trim it up...
  13. I'm gonna make these out of resin... Pgh (Pittsburgh) Fett Mike is cool too LOL my wife calls me.....ah....well....many things and she's doing it right now LOL
  14. Ladyghst915 - Your help here will be VERY welcome - fellas, if you don't know Ladyghst915 - you soon will, her soft parts are 2nd to none, beautiful work !!!! A corset, hmmmmm I think the smaller belt has the thigh pouches swinging from it instead of a command skirt
  15. The chest armor sculpt is almost 6 inches deep - this is just the chest frontal area (not overall for goodness sake). Until I post pics of the back plate and chest plate together, only then will the "depth" be obvious. Also, the above pics are deceptive considering it is just roughed in, much has been done since then and the next set of pics will be of the completed front and back. I also wanted to note, the depth can be adjusted by how you "strap on" the armors shoulder straps, the "longer" the shoulder straps, the wider or deeper, if you wish, the chest / back armor will fit. I also have been watching the lack of consideration for our female troopers out there and plan on altering the chest plate for our fem-troopers if someone might like that. With the exception of Zam and Amaidala and a few others I'd love to see more interest from builders for a dynamic butt-kicking costume for our fem-troopers made just with them in mind .....hmm sounds like my next project..... Anyway, I was a bodybuilder 2 kids ago, LOL , so I'll make sure the chest will fit large pecked people LOL, and I'll post pics to show, Also for you Tonya, being a 501st member, I would personally alter a pre-made chest plate to fit you if you would like, however, beaware of the "tightness" the chest plate is displayed to be on the cg character. I've done this before for a few folks and it worked out great for them, Oh yeah ! I love wolves too !!!!
  16. That looks dead on to me as well matching a CG image !!!!!! "thats it - the rebels are there !!!!!!!!!"
  17. I belive there is two belts, the thin one with the silver buckle and a wider "garrison" belt similair to web gear used in the military service appears to be above the thin one holding the pouches. like this but no buckle and some adjustments.... Web Belt
  18. How are you planning on working out the center seam of the vest and the buckles? Also, I was wondering if the material wraps around the entire vest?
  19. Your "speculations" are better than my hard found facts !!!! LOL I hold your speculations in very high regard ! PLEASE, speculate your heart out LOL I have a few ideas as well and was wondering how "close" my thinking is.... Take the large circle on the top of the tank for instance, it appears (to me) to have a raised strip section running down the middle, but others think it's recessed..... ~Mike
  20. Mad, I'm currently sculpting the back plate/tank area, if it is not too much trouble, could you illustrate that tank top for me like you did with the gloves? I know you don't have the DVD but perhaps you can toy around with what pics we do have, if you have time that is. I don't need it right away I'm just involved in the rough out stage at this point but I have made the tank top template and the cylinder of the tank. Once the back plate is roughed in I'll be "attaching" the tank and sculpting it to the back plate. The pics are pretty clear, but I would like a better eye than mine to render a thought LOL
  21. LOL !!! TB your something else LOL !!!!
  22. I'd like to say you fellas have got the glove issue very well in hand. Considering I couldn't sew a hole in my sock, Just LMK at any time you need something fabricated in the future on this, I'll be available if needed.
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