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Everything posted by pghfett

  1. Sweet, you guys rock with the pics... Is that a belt I see?
  2. I just received my full scale 6' armature/mannequin and inbetween going blind on rudolphs camo job and pouring resin, I am going to sculpt right on top of the armature so I get the proper scale to all the armor. This will be FG armor, and my first attack will be the chest plate - an accurate one.
  3. You know what I discovered, Alot of people are not attracted to the BARC I always liked the biker scouts but never got around to building the costume, then when the BARC's came along, I knew right then I wanted to build a BARC. Something about the scouts that is really appealing, and by that I mean both BS and BARC. Aside from Fett, it's BS and BARC's for me. Then again, a Darth ..... ahh it never ends ...
  4. When I get time I'm gonna work up a white version as seen in the posted area showing the white BARC helmet. I promise to make it white and shiny and altered to match the concept art work that shows TM and the other clone helmets. This one to be exact... would you be game for this version, it wouldn't be hard to convert one of my helmets
  5. I can see the jumpsuit working well, the only real difference I see is the camo pattern on the jumpsuit travels horizontally, and the BARc camo appears to travel vertically. Any chance of getting a bolt of the fabric at all and reverse the flow of the pattern? I like the jumpsuit, thats the closest thing I've seen so far and is very workable.
  6. I did'nt mean to modify the actual vest but adapt / use some of the visual aspects of it. I was thinking making urethane rubber molds of the "blocks" and placed on a flexible material.
  7. Looks like a modified version of the above vest Armyscout Hmmmm... Can we adapt certain partd of it to our needs?..? ~Mike
  8. Very nice, Best layout od the flak vest I've seen !!!! Also, the BARC chest armor rides really high and appears alot smaller than the biker scout chest armor
  9. I came to the comclusion that the gloves and the boots will have to be custom made (no surprise there LOL). I have begun looking into sculpting the sole and scrach building the boots. Heres what I have so far... 1. boot soles can be made out of ureathane rubber with a Durometer (density) of A-80 this is the grade used for a boot sole. 2. A leather upper premade can be "set" into the uncured rubber, where I'm hoping the material will absorb the rubber and hold tightly when it solidifies. This is kind of like using a pourous material laid into RTV silicone rubber to strengthen a mold. In boot contruction the rubber is pressure formed around the boot upper. I might be able to "key" the rubber into the sole/upper. Any input on this attempt/idea PLEASE toss it out to me LOL..... I will also continue to look for the "JANGO" boots / sole
  10. I found these boots, I know the color is off but the sole looks really close.
  11. thats an excelent pic, one I've never seen before... TY
  12. I have made and finshed some revisions on the helmet and will be pouring the final mold tomorrow. I will post (soon) when I can make a few, so whoever needs one for a costume will get one. I'm not a prop builder by trade (or business), I am a fan and this is strictly a fan made helmet for trooping in. I am making a 1:1 life sized statue/display of the BARC (at least thats my goal) which can be worn or just displayed. I personally love the BARC character, however not many other have expressed interest LOL
  13. Anyone have good pics of the bicept armor other than the Gree/BARC Yoda Kill scene ? It appears the bicept armor on the BARC is different for each arm. The right arm also has a banded "clip" like device secured around it. Any Takers on this subject. Considering the obscure pics I picked this part of the armor to sculpt first (why do I torture myself...)
  14. Crap, have to look elsewhere then......but where can we get the soles made up ?!?!...
  15. Thankyou Mad, In my excitement over the symbols post, I was so excited over it I almost fell over. This was a BIG BIG find (for me), I could not come up with nothing at all and have been looking forever for a close up of the symbol. Also the remark wasn't taken as a claim for credits, I posted just out of respect for your incredible work and it was the proper thing to do. TY MAD (hopping up and down) LOL
  16. Fellas, I spoke with Madphisto thru Pm's and may have committed an error in making the visor symbol without asking him first. Madphisto gets full credit for this find, not me !!!!!!!!! I was simply trying to put together a nice decal set for BARC helemts, it appears i jumped the gun on this without asking Madphisto if this was O.K. I had assumed this was a community effort to make this helmet build up, so until I get clear confirmation from Madphisto these decals will not be available. I think it's ok wiht Madphisto, but I just want to make sure... Mad, I apologize for not conferring with you first fella, It was something I should have done but latlely, working full time, I'm trying to get this project done for everyone. Sorry Mad, I hope this makes up for my ignroance, Mike
  17. Decal order was placed today, here is a pic of the decal set....
  18. Yeah, Caboots can use the sole as a model, the uppers can be altered to our needs as far as height, color and the idea that shin armor will surround the uppers for the most part. I've been playing around with the idea of making urethane rubber soles myself, I would just need to make a casting of the jango sole and attempt the process. I also thought of casting the shin guard in FG but the foot guard in semi-hard rubber so it will flex. Just kicking the idea around at this point and thought I'd throw it out here to brain storm.
  19. Decals sample was emailed to me and the look GREAT. the cost looks to be about $90.00 for 30 sets, or $3.00 a set. LOL 1- set will be all the decals needed for one helmet. I saved some money for making a bulk purchase and the artist waived some other fees as well. Project funds LOL!!! I am going to provide the decal regardless of what the person wants to do with visor. Cut it out or use the decal. I am not going to cut it out, owners can "customize" the helmet as they see fit, making the cut out to there liking (size and what not). I'm actually hoping that others will do alot of customizing to the helmet, I'm always open to new ideas and methods. Some people "liked" the decal option and others stated they want to cut it out, so with provideing the decal, kills two birds with one stone. I'm also providing 1" black circle decals as well as 1" elevator bolts for the visor, once again two options for the visor. You can used the bolts to fasten or adapt the visor anyway you want, or fix the visor in place and use the "circle decals" since the helmet can be slipped on.
  20. BARC Decal sheet was submitted- I'll post more info when I get it from the maker .... Mike
  21. I am currently working with someone to make vinyl decals for the BARC helmet. Pending price I will be sending the images to him tonight to get a quote. The decals seen here and on my helmet will be the ones I will order, however If any of you folks have any special requests for "other" special helmet decals LMK. These appear to be high quality decals so I'm really excited about the outcome !!!!
  22. UK Scout, I would be willing to share what I came up with for the BARC respirators. It was a combination of a illustration and movie stills. Heres a pic and my greebles I would also be willing to send ya a set at no cost if you like as well. I really admire your work and would be glad to help in any way. BTY sculpting that helmet will prove to be difficult !!!! CG's and real life proportions dont match up very well. I'm here to help in any way I can, Mike
  23. I busted out the clay and started sculpting..... Mike
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