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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Nexous

  1. Hello Tristan, I would recommend reaching out to someone from that garrison via email or something perhaps their FB? https://www.facebook.com/501stCDNGarrison ... I don't know how the Canadian Garrison works unfortunately
  2. I'm a little skeptical about the zipper pocket around the leg, but maybe I just googled the wrong image? :/ That would need to be removed if it is because you'll be sewing suede with elastic around that area.
  3. You can definitely afford to trim around the hands & feet area as boots and gloves will cover them wouldn't want to burn yourself alive with all the soft parts.... other than that it looks nice and snug
  4. I would just say use these as guidelines if you want absolute screen accuracy, don't look at helmet comparisons and just look straight at the film that's your best bet EDIT: Just from a personal observation, there are "variations", not every single helmet was cookie cutter and some differed (ear hole sizing between these two)
  5. I believe if the zippers are concealed you're alright... I believe the important thing is as long as it doesn't compromise how the overall costume looks w/ armor, flak vest, and bund then you should be alright.
  6. Just go ahead and email Jeff, I've bought some things like another TD & Boot Holster by doing that
  7. No problem! Just easier to do when it's still in pieces Other than that, it looks good. The extra cuts you plan on doing to the lens area looks solid too Personally I like mine not as jagged
  8. The ears look fine to me, I know some people like deeper cuts. I would also recommend painting the back of the helmet black prior to assembly, I did it afterwards... was not fun
  9. Question to add to this, is the lens from the SC helmet different than this? I might invest the $10+ shipped for the Trooperbay one if these are a little darker
  10. Anything visible should be taken off, I believe those pockets are technically hidden by the Cummerbund / Flak Vest, but since they can't be accessed without removing things... might as well remove them and use them for the neck flap
  11. Looks pretty close to the go-to RedKap, so like the others I'd say with dye it'll be just fine
  12. You've got "some" wiggle room with the knees, so if you end up going over or under the guess then you can just adjust the knee pad. Good luck with the boots!
  13. I would hold out for the Hyperfirm if you can, I know the price is a bit more... but its very lightweight compared to resin and considering that these go holstered in the boot the heaviness "can" cause boot sagging.... there are ways around that, but why bother when you can just get a lighter blaster?
  14. Only prop maker I know that makes the DC-15s is Diamond State (http://diamondstateprops.com/dc-15s-animated-blaster/) ... and thats only because I got my DLT from them
  15. I don't believe anything released information thus far has identified any First Order variations for the ROTJ Biker Scouts, we may never unfortunately see any I would certainly hope with two more movies up for grabs in this Triology we get a FO Variant Scout
  16. If you're unsure about anything just snap a few photos and ask about here this forum has been extremely helpful for my personal doubts.
  17. Palladium Boots definitely look nice and I'd imagine that they'd feel nice for $90+ boots Wouldn't mind owning a pair myself down the road.... but I'm guessing the OP doesn't wanna go higher than $30, which is understandable.
  18. Yup, those were meant for the Boot Holster... but are not accepted for CRL. Happened to me as well EDIT: For reference on SC's site it shows this That's what threw me off during my build as well, having a 5 Stripe Decal and not knowing where it went after already putting the other Decals on
  19. I think Chris got my boots off Amazon for $20-25 and they had a single color sole
  20. Yeah, like Stasz said... be weary of things that advertise as 501st Approved. If you stick to the boards you can pretty much find where to get anything... from blasters to boots
  21. Yup, same boat as everyone else. Jeff is an absolute pleasure to work with... the armor is already trimmed so all you really gotta do is fit it and fine-tune it to your body type. I messed up with some decals and asked to buy them separately... he sent me them no charge within the week. Again, great guy to be dealing with.
  22. ^- that's my dude, he'll take good care of y'all
  23. You'll probably want to start off with a new kit then, this will give you the opportunity to trim size up your armor to fit you. I know there are several shorter ladies on the board that have built scouts, not 100% sure what kits they went with... it's likely StudiosCreation.
  24. Nice! Looks exactly like how my kit came from SC The helmet was my first venture
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