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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Nexous

  1. Heya Guys, just wanted to throw some photos to show this isn't dead in the water! I've been busy with other projects and had commissioned Gabe and Joleen to make me a new Bund & Vest as well as modding my Flightsuit in the meantime. So, what's different? The cod is sewn to the Flak Vest, the elastic attaches to the Bund which is also now on its own. The flightsuit is slimmer around leg area and the elastic leg loops are tighter and lower. With the help of Chris I lowered my drop boxes, you can see the difference from the original submission. And lastly the front sole of the boots have been cut to match the rest of the pattern. Below are photos taken at the Legoland Troop I did this Saturday, keep in mind this was about two hours after trooping so some things were moved around. Mickey and I discussed the dressing issues that need to be fixed for the next "official" round of photos, such as drop boxes being uneven because of belt tilting a bit, cod piece being a bit bunched, and moving the bicep/forearms back into place. But, if anything else really obvious jumps out please let me know! I'll try to set up a time to suit up and take another round this week with the dressing fixes.
  2. Interesting observation maybe a future change for myself as well, seems like a quick little mod that can help make life a tad easier
  3. Appreciate the Update-LESS update ! My SC works fine for me, so not in any sort of rush... but I did have the pleasure of trying on Mickey's RS Props, very excited to have my own in hands to say the least
  4. Anyone from Wave 2 get an update? I'm anticipated a long wait for Wave 3, but just wondering where the Wave 2 guys were at, should've entered painting quite some time ago, but not getting my hopes up.
  5. Seems like the CRL on the Official 501st site might need a look-over... a bit of confusion amongst the Pathfinders
  6. I believe the 2015 Update on the boards should be more accurate than the one on the 501st CRL Website
  7. Yeah, I didn't mean "no rivets" by my comment, just meant no need to rivet another boot if you just make the "cuts" on the ImperialBoots you have already since those I am 99% sure can be Lancer with that mod
  8. I think ImperialBoots only needs the "Cuts" to be Lancer, if you're willing to do that then you wouldn't need to worry about the rivets the first go
  9. I'm hoping by the time they get to Wave 3 they perfect it -- supposedly painting Wave 2 now? So even though I was joking about getting Wave 3 before summer... might not be far off
  10. If we see each other again soon I'll bring my SC so we can see the jump from that
  11. Me! So long as it plays nice...
  12. I believe so. From what I understand the point of the black inside is just so that the white isn't bouncing any of the light.
  13. We discussed this on a Facebook group, but I am hearing 2" Black Gaffer tape
  14. Wave 3 says they are starting up next week. I got into Wave 3 as well they opened a few slots as Shaun graciously let us know and I jumped in on it. "RS Prop Masters: Now we have these under control we open up a few spots for Wave three, which gets in full swing next week. Please check our website"
  15. Welp... early Birthday/Christmas present to myself? Just pulled the trigger...
  16. I've got a Hyperfirm, fits nicely.
  17. What's nice about Etsy though is at the very least you can use Credit Card / PayPal (as non Friends & Family) so there is warrant to get your money back if things go south.... if you just send PayPal as Friends & Family then that is as good as a wire transfer (aka good luck getting that back if the vendor is dishonest).
  18. Perfect! For the time being here are a few updated photos as requested, the rest will come when I get all the changes done. Close-Ups of the Bicep Greebs Blaster, Hyperfirm
  19. 1) Move your pouches out a touch so we can see all 5 ribs on the bund -- Easy enough, will do. 2) Your bund's rear closure doesn't seem to be centered, or else it is off in the photo. So your bund strap is also pulling off to the side. -- I'll be discussing this with Gabe/Joleen to work on a fix. 3) Bring your dropboxes down maybe an inch. -- That shouldn't be an issue, I'll work on that when I get a chance. 4) The thigh straps are a bit high and loose. See the pic below for a model -- I'll be discussing this with Gabe/Joleen to work on a fix. 5) Vest and bund closures need to be right-over-left. -- I'll be discussing this with Gabe/Joleen to work on a fix. 6) Bring up your bicep armor and turn it forward for your next round of photos. Remember, it's bicep armor not elbow armor! Also make sure that the two circles on the greeblies are facing forward -- Is that with the changes I already made? As in move it higher? Just want confirmation before making changes. 7) Close your helmet all the way when taking your next round of pics -- I'll add a touch of velcro to seal it in better. 8) The bund is dropping below the belt on your back photo. Maybe it's a touch too long? -- That was more-so an error when dressing, I'll correct this next round of photos. 9) Make sure we get good pics of the bicep greeblies, the belt joins and your blaster -- Absolutely. Will take some snaps and update this with those. 10) Can you get the front of your boot soles cut as well? -- I'll talk with Chris about it, if not, maybe Gabe might be able to help out along with the other changes. 11) Your pants legs seem a bit baggy. Do they need to be brought in a bit? Or maybe stirrups on your pants cuffs would help pull them down into your boots? -- The suit is a tad baggy overall, when I get the other changes done I'll see if this can be tailored in a bit more to be snug.
  20. Order one for you next next next next Birthday present to yourself! You'll just sort of wake up to a brown box and go, "oh, right, ordered that"
  21. Greetings Lancer Review Board, Per suggestion of a good friend and Lancer... I am "jumping off the plane" and submitting my current Biker Scout build in hopes of achieving the next tier of accuracy. I troop often so the modifications have been coming along very slowly (been approved since June 2015, but as you can see from my Troop Log, very busy!). 3/1/16 -- When I get home today I'll try and take close-ups of things like the Knee armor w/ the rivet and strap... etc etc... UPDATED; added close-up photos of armor bits. Gear Information Armor / Helmet -- StudiosCreation Bund -- Gabe @ MaxSciFI Pouch / Boots -- Chris (Local Pathfinder) Flightsuit -- Modified RedKap, local tailor. Gloves -- Replica Gloves by a Hollywood Leatherworker Blaster -- Hyperfirm --------------- Front , Back, Right, Left Photos Increased exposure to show suede parts --------------- Helmet Mods - Ear Cut w/o Mesh & Black painted inside Bicep Mod - Strapping Size Forearm Mod - Strapping Size Knee Mod - Riveted Strap, Size Boots Mod - Cut soles Bund - Stitching Close-Up Thermal Detonator Mod - Metal Clips installed Flightsuit - Collar & Close-Ups --------------- NOTE: A change I made shortly after the above photos was raising the biceps
  22. I bought a cheap bike helmet bag off amazon, it's a little big, but for $15 it was hard not to snag it ... I suppose you could add some liner or stuff it to fill it more
  23. Pouch: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=7084 Flak Vest: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=12485 Mudflap: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=4450 Bund: ??? (I believe Chris R. made his, could ask in ST6)
  24. Very cool idea, if I get a new bucket I'd be sure to give this a shot... that or when my Scout goes into "retired/repair" mode
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