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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Bubonos

  1. Same kit I have and the sc bucket is great. I love trooping in it.
  2. Looks like you are about ready to build!
  3. I went without PPE. I like to live dangerously.
  4. Watch out for those Xmas trees and have a merry Xmas fellow tree dodgers
  5. David Dewka Camble has a scout bucket for sale. I'm Jeremy Bubonos Beech, he's on my friends list
  6. Uhhhhhhh its industrial strength according to the pack it came in. But its not like normal Velcro so loop I guess
  7. Example of what I did
  8. I used the industrial Velcro
  9. I honestly wasn't going for lancer, just approval.
  10. I'll be honest, when it came to rivets on the holster, I just put em in the holster but Velcro the holster to the boot. This way at some events or trick or treat with my kids I can go without the holster or if I need to repair or replace my boots its and easy swap. Its looks right and its conventional. I actually took that advice from command staff in my garrison because a scout in my garrison ripped his boot when the holster snagged a bleacher at a baseball game we did.
  11. My bund is stained from trooping hard. Armor is scuffed and dirty. I'm not scared to get in the mud and climb trees at events. I like the natural grime and scratches and scrapes rather than painting and sanding to make it look weathered. Real dirt looks more real to me. My garrison mates agree I look like I've battled ewoks and a scout just shouldn't be shiny like a tk.
  12. Looking good trooper, welcome aboard
  13. Get the full studio creations kit. You'll be pleased
  14. Welcome aboard from BatonRouge. So exciting to see so many potential scouts in my garrison! If you haven't, be sure to join la501st.com and get to know your fellow stateside troopers. We get lots of events in your area. Look for me here or there as well as Landeaux. He's a lancer and can help you alot better than I can. I can help you alot as well so you're between two scouts
  15. I didn't take mine out. Its not so hot with the liner in. Even if we are having 100+ degree weather here in Louisiana. Most events are inside with heating and air. There have been a few hot outdoor troops where I've poured sweat out my gloves. For the most part if you're not used to gloves I can see how you maybe clumsy with the liners in. I wanna say you're with bast alpha garrison too, we can meet up sometime so you can try mine on. My next event is geek'd con in Shreveport.
  16. He's a busy man but does good business. *waves hand* They'll get there and you will be pleased.
  17. Padding in the top front and a tight chin strap helped me. I didn't like or use the standard chin cup but took leftover elastic and stitched on Velcro to the ends, put stick on Velcro inside the bucket and no problem anymore
  18. Another thing i had trouble with. The tape I bought didn't stick well after paint. I used model paint and I will admit that the job was passable but not good. Steady hand was my problem. I eventually fixed it without tape but same paint and a better brush. I just took it really slow and it came out great! And now I'm less self conscious about close ups of my bucket
  19. Makes for a great costume for a con!!!
  20. I eat alot and put on weight so it doesn't slip. But my weight goes back and forth so there are troops I'm tugging on it like a tube top. Loving the ideas because I have had the same issue alot!!!
  21. I also feel that not everyone is warned before hand the money and work that goes into all the costumes in both the 501st and rebel legion. This turns people off alot and i have heard trash talk many times about our expectations on costumes. The demand for screen accuracy is costly and hard work but totally worth it when the kids freak out and hug your legs or the dad walks up and tells you your costume is amazing. Not to mention the response given when they learn you made it yourself!!! I'm sure we have all gotten that 100 times and it never gets old. Building is stressful and some of the build was and excuse my French, a pain in the ass. Sure I put it aside for the night or even a few days. But like said a few times already, research before you buy. I read and asked everything I could before I broke out the credit card. I learned what vendors were best and what armor was best for me. When I hit a snag I asked here and on my garrison forum. Most members love to help. The 501st isn't for everyone. We dont just play action figure at cons, we do lots of good for sick and under privileged kids, animals, vets, and lots more. I see squabbling in garrisons but in detachment not so much. Sadly we work together in text format so we all can misread or read into things said. How many off us upset our wife or girlfriend this way?!? But this site is a home away from home from my garrison site and I agree we all should work to get along. Great people here and i enjoy talking with you all and learning and passing on what i have learned from this site and my own experience. If the legion isn't the Droid you were looking for than like the sandys say, move along move along. But of you do want to make your build the best, suck it up and ask for help. Take your time and put your heart into the build and don't be afraid to ask troopers in your garrison for help on the build. We love armor parties!!!
  22. I guess its my construction career but the lining doesn't bother me. Its hot in Louisiana but I find the midsection under the cummerbund is the hottest on me and in winter the thick gloves are nice
  23. Honestly I fabrees the hell out of it and hang it up to air out. Cummerbund and armor, I like natural weathering so the dirtier the better. I wanna look like I've been on endor. Armor slippage is simple, sew on Velcro to your suit and add stick on Velcro to the pads. No more slipping!!! I had this issue at first and a friend my garrison said, "just sew on Velcro." Why didn't I think of that?!? Was my thought and problem solved!
  24. I'm a huge fan and we spoke before on FB. Love these soooooo much and I have to get one soon. Granted not a bucket to be worn at a hospital visit or boy scout event but I'm sure I'm not the one scout who suits up to go trick or treating with the kids. Great bucket for Halloween and cons and so many other events
  25. Only real issue I had was my hip boxes weren't even. Took em up and now I'm good. I too was over thinking it.
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