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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by 01Hawk

  1. I was very happy with my experiences with SC
  2. Don't sweat it- I think it will sit in a different position with the back plate on
  3. It does look tight on your neck but are you just holding it up without the back piece on? I think you could move it forward/down a bit and it will be ok.
  4. Since there is a lot of discussions about big heads etc I took pics with the measurements of my head - hopefully it helps others to decide if it will fit. Some things to keep in mind : the decals are Trooperbay, the bolts are elevator bolts from Lowes that are slightly larger than the 3M ones but have a much smaller square so I was able to make it fit the helmet with little modification, the lid will shut flush once I put the Velcro straps in. There is plenty of room inside and as it sits I can put it on without lifting the visor and I don't have a small nose. My head measurements are : around my forehead is 23" and the more vertical measurement is 27" Then wearing it with my mouth wide open ( an extremely uncomfortable position I can't imagine being in for long let alone anyone being able to notice and critique how much is visible below the helmet. Other angles ( mouth closed) And finally the inside of the helmet. I do not have it resting on the top of my head ... I may play around with the padding a bit
  5. If you mean the black lense to the placebo u look out of - I just velcrod mine in. It seems to leave a little gap here and there ( very small ) that helps keep it from fogging. If you mean the white part that lookalike the bill of a baseball hat to the white face part - I glued mine at the top and at the sides. The sides had too much of a gap that light shined through for my tastes
  6. Looks great! Excellent idea on the removable tank
  7. The only rivet should be the ones hold on the webbing on. The goal is to make the belt look like one piece- i just glued my 2 sides to the center.
  8. I have flat laces in mine and just have them pulled tight. I could easily tie them since the upper rows are exposed but just tuck them in the boot instead
  9. I'm not sure how old that Altmanns is that they used in the comparison shots to the Don Post but mine is much different. The one shown has visor fit issues as well as the bottom not sitting flush with the table when viewed from the rear- mine sits flush/flat and the visor by the side bolts is level with the rear piece
  10. That pair sold earlier in the summer on eBay http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=231605597757&globalID=EBAY-US
  11. I paid $175 for the ones I bought recently and they are a size too small. I would have thought people would have called in the past - was simple enough and I am still amazed he even entertained the conversation. I have no idea how much they would cost nor how they would produce them or market them. I do know I can't financially facilitate the purchase of 1000 pairs unless they are like 10 or $20 a pair .. Hopefully he does get back to me... They are a decent looking casual hiking sneaker/boot and that is what they still sell. The ideal scenario is they just say yea we will remake them and sell them thru their normal vendors/direct. I did tell them it needed the horizontal line and will ask him if he can clarify what version they are even if they can't make make the boots. And considering there are people paying $700 or whatever for helmets with some " lineage " to a movie helmet , what's a couple hundred dollars for accurate boots lol.
  12. If they say the minimum order is 1000, I am going to have a problem because I, unfortunately, don't have $80,000-$150,000 laying around. But I will cross that bridge when I get there I suppose.
  13. I did tell him why and explained what the costuming community was about.... Also asked him to see what version was used that had the horizontal line. I sent him pics of my boots and screen shots from the movie to show which sole was needed. He lead me to believe that this could happen and even said it would take till March to get them out. He just emailed me back to confirm my email to him and to let me know he will get back to me after reviewing with " the director". I was expecting a flat " no" when I called. Would be crazy if it was as simple as asking them to make them lol
  14. Today I made a phone call to Hi-Tec ( expecting to get brushed off and/or laughed at) and spoke with a rep named David. I explained to him what I was looking for in detail , emailed him pics and he is going to have the Product Manager call me back. Was actually shocked that he talked to me about it as long as he did
  15. I will keep at it Thomas ... I have a slow work day tomorrow and will see if they have a customer service number I can call
  16. I was looking at their ( Hi-Tec) contact info last night and got distracted ( which is easy to do lol) .. I was also told that the boot is used for the Endor Rebel soldier. Still not sure there would be 1,000 people ( which is what the online Chinese manufacturing sites require for productions it seems ) people willing to buy boots. Finding an upper part to use/make shouldn't be an issue . If MOW can supply Fett boots in a cost effective manner , I don't see how scout ones couldn't be made- except our sole is much more complex- what the upper looks like shouldn't even matter
  17. Mine doesn't stay closed on its own ( the SC one) so I added Velcro straps to the inside to keep it closed.
  18. Yea there is a small lip and even more little cutouts
  19. I will see if I can pick up a reasonably priced and accurate digital caliper this weekend To get some accurate measurements as needed.
  20. No problem! Hope they help even with just the carving of the soles. Here is the back center and front center/media/769935E0-C08B-4E57-BF69-68E3731780F9.jpg.html][/url]
  21. Inside of left front Front center Kinda center toward the inside of toe Left outer Left outer side
  22. I am using a Singer cloth measuring tape so it isn't exactly a scientific scale
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