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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. I own a pair of Marcel's boots and they are top-notch. Great work all the way around!
  2. Moncal does not make a lid, but I believe he can sell you a MLC helmet. Or you can work with Mardon (MLC creator) directly. That's what I did and I love it. SF = don't waste your time, it's crap. NI = Newimage; looks okay but do not know anything about it. Chef = see the guy who posted above, named Chef!
  3. I have owned a KS, SC, MLC, and a Chef helmet. I would like to check out and/or own a LW and a CB lid. Until I see one, I can't really comment. I know the LW pull and design is really, really close to the original. Right now, I wear the MLC for my classic scout and my Chef lid for my shadow scout. The MLC is an awesome helmet and is almost like a piece of art. But, not super accurate even with the mods I have completed. My favorite lid by far is my Chef helmet. And, I agree with Chef's comment about the helmets too. But, don't let him fool you! His helmet is awesome and the new helmets he's pulling are even better and more accurate IMHO. KS: MLC: SC: Chef:
  4. Great kit and you have the best help a scout could ever want or need!
  5. Sure, pretty much anything flat. I'd just get some clear lens material similar to the lens you already have in green. Then just spray it and lay it on there. Once you squeegee the bubble out it should look decent. Just make sure your lens is slightly larger than the eye opening in the lid. That will hide the film overlap.
  6. My wife hung a ton of that stuff in my covered patio on the windows. It's shiny and mirrored on the outside.
  7. Get a clear lens and spray some soapy water on it. Then place the tinted material on it and squeegee it. This film is similar to window shade film used on homes and cars.
  8. Yeah, the Cushman blasters are sort of like those plastic army men we played with as kids. Really low detail, blob like blaster, that sort of looks like a gun. CCC basically vac-formed the guns for use on paint ball weapons. It then expanded into our world and they sold them as shell parts, or completed blasters. The last person I know that bought one had tons of problems, both with the blaster, the QC, and the company. That was back in like Summer 2011 and I think they were shutting down operations at that time. I don't think they are making them anymore, but I could be wrong. I picked one up in 2010 before the owner (Ed) had a health issue. It's got a PVC core and I used spray foam for the inside. It's light and I use it as my DLT-19 sniper. From a distance, it's cool. Up close, the detail is blob-like and clumsy compared to my Hyperfirm. But, it works and kids/adults love it.
  9. Yeah, you can see Nik Sant changing into the Scout armor right outside the bunker doors. This happens when Han and team get access and raid the bunker.
  10. Post up some pics and let's see what you got...!
  11. See this topic: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=11324&hl=%20sniper%20%20rifle&st=0
  12. That's what I had thought. I can see a faint hint of the seam in the back of the lid. Looks really nice though...
  13. I use the Aker 10W and iComm combo setup for my other trooper costumes. I do not use a mic setup for my scout since we never heard scouts with a static burst in the movie. Plus, my voice is plenty loud!
  14. I agree with Eric. 1. For the Hump, I'd tread lightly and NOT modify this until you are approved. 2. Yep, trace it out with a pencil, drill a starter hole, and then use a Dremel to get the shape. Take your time! 3. I have styrofoam rectangles in my pouches. Not too much, but just enough.
  15. Agree with Chef...I know Bolivia is far away, but I'd ask for a replacement.
  16. I use this one in the Summer: http://www.jpcycles.com/product/131-229 And this one in the Winter: http://www.jpcycles.com/product/115-015
  17. I have a DVH snout, Trooperbay decals, 3m bolt covers, and a shade 5 lens on mine. On the inside, painted black with simple foam padding.
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