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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. I know it's difficult, especially on the rounded top part. I would bring it in a tad or you'll end up with too much black on the snout.
  2. Gotcha. Maybe the cast you got had air bubbles. Lou does a pretty good job on them. I've never had this problem. Did you prime it first too?
  3. Great work and you have learned some valuable lessons that will help later on. For the snout, I use the Darth Voorhee's snout for all my scout lids. It is one of the best. Most resin based casts will require a little cleaning. I have found that dish soap works really good to remove the excess resin/residue. I think that's what is causing your pinhole issue. Once that is done, I then hit it with Krylon flat grey primer and then brush the satin black over the aerator.
  4. Word. It's the "natural" way to acquire battle damage.
  5. KS is the largest, followed by CB and MLC. The SC lid is the smallest...IMO.
  6. I use 35mm elastic on the shoulders and biceps. I find it secures the parts nicely and looks proportionate for me. I had 1.5 elastic before and it looked small and barely held the parts. I also have the knees setup like Dart mentioned. It works for me.
  7. Thing is...no definitive screen shot showing a chin cup. There is ongoing discussion as to whether there is one, or not. I personally do not use one since it bangs on the inner lid when you talk. I dislike them greatly...
  8. Congrats! Send me a nice action shot and I'll update the Lancer page for you.
  9. Cool, nice work. Replace the gloves too...
  10. Deja vu...You can pickup 35mm suspenders fairly cheap on eBay. That's what I used...
  11. I personally dislike Rustoleum. I've had nothing but trouble with it and only use Krylon paints. They make a great primer and have awesome gloss and matte colors.
  12. Although not canon for the costume, they are fun to build. I made this one.
  13. Yep...I believe that's the Chef TD I sent you.
  14. You are doing an awesome job. Very impressive! Keep up the great work!
  15. Nice man! Would be interesting to see KS along side these two...
  16. It looks like you have all the parts and pieces. The helmet will most likely be the most challenging, if you want to convert it. Best of luck and keep us all posted!
  17. I use the aluminum rivets with home-made ABS washers. For example, on my boot holster, I rivet through the holster->boot->ABS washer (made from scraps). I'm using 1/8"x1/4" rivets for mine and it holds very well. It's the same way I did my knee straps, belt webbing in the back, etc.
  18. Awesome updates Duff. Many thanks for all the hard work you are doing on these blasters. By far, the best one I have seen.
  19. Aluminum rivets are the most common type used (at least that I have seen). That's what I used for both my scouts. It's easier to break the stem off once you crimp the rivet. With steel, it's a little harder to squeeze the rivet tool and break the stem. I hope that makes sense.
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