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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Give the download another shot. I modified the permissions so you guys can get it.
  2. Pics of that setup would be ideal. Hook us up Gino, please!
  3. Many thanks Gino...please keep it coming!
  4. Gino - outstanding sir. Many thanks....we owe you a ton for this information.
  5. Thanks a ton Gino. Your insight and knowledge is most appreciated by our little BSN community!
  6. Awesome work Gino...really, really nice! I checked them all out...
  7. Very interesting...and from France, eh?! These do look really good. Let us know how it goes Joe.
  8. Very interesting and thanks for posting Terry. The greeblie is horrible, although the disclaimer claims: Makes me really wonder if it's a "real" helmet or something else...
  9. Great work on your scout! Should be an easy approval. Look-and-feel-stuff: You might consider moving the pouches in a tad. With the helmet, slide it forward/down on your face a bit more too. Then, make sure to keep your chin up and head level. That will help hide your chin. Everything else looks good.
  10. Trust me, a lot of us felt the exact same way about ourselves. You build, live, and learn. Then, pay it forward!
  11. Yep, just speak up and don't be shy. We have tons of awesome members who are ready and willing to help you.
  12. I left you some feedback on the SO site. The ears are fine "uncut" if so desired.
  13. Wow, what a lot of great updates. I agree on position 1 for the bund pouches, closer is better. Also, glad the bund is fitting now? That's cool! Also, great find on the lid padding. You have really done a lot of work and it will soon pay off!
  14. Looking good so far. Nice job on the boot soles.
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