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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. You're all set on the Spec Ops forum Sarah!
  2. The Shadow Scout/Storm Commando is part of the EU (or what was considered the EU). The classic Imperial Scout Trooper is part of the canon SW universe, as seen in RotJ. The differences lie in the source reference material. The Spec Ops detachment setup the Shadow Scout to be a close resemblence to the classic scout. However, we allow other weapons - as seen in the references for this scout. http://www.501stspecopsdet.net
  3. Looking good! If you have not already, stop on by the 501st Special Operations detachment. We host the Shadow Scout. http://www.501stspecopsdet.net
  4. Oh - the books, comics, and games are still there. But, Disney does not recognize them as canon at this point. At least, not as part of their new canon lineup. They have been vocal at recent "canon only" events in FL - allowing only characters seen in the films. The EU troopers were not able to participate. Chex may know more about this deal. Personally, I have never done a "canon only" event (Legion member since 2011). From what I have read, the Legion still supports EU (as it was and is). We're all Star Wars fans (period), regardless of who owns the franchise.
  5. AND, now that Disney has "eliminated" the EU...it's sort of a moot point for what is or is not canon. We may well see scouts carrying something entirely different in episode VII. Just my 2 cents...
  6. No...don't do it. That vendor has a bad history and may not even be doing them today.
  7. Good deal...I look forward to your review.
  8. Good advice: approval first, weather second...
  9. Well, you have most of the parts and pieces. The biggest problem is the fit. This one needs soome modifications to fit the body size and frame. You'll need smaller pouches as these are way too big. The boots are also too large around the leg and will require modification. For the belt, raise the boxes quite a bit (should be about 1.5" from the belt) and flip that TD greeblie.
  10. Although it looks nice, we do not have any current members who have purchased it. Use caution, there are better options available.
  11. In my buckets, I use a Walmart foam topper (used on beds), that I cut into 2" wide by 10" length rectangles. I fit those in the lid using Velcro circles (one side on the foam, one side on the lid), so they can be removed, or reset. Both my scouts are done this way and it works very well and can be easily adjusted. Cost: $8 http://www.walmart.c...r-Twin/10055840
  12. Looking good, and LOL on pooping white webbing!
  13. I use foam rectangles cut to fit the pouches.
  14. Move along...don't waste your time on that mess.
  15. Great work! Yep, flip the TD rectangle greeblie. The notches should be on top.
  16. Aye brother, right there with you. I was 13 when ROTJ came out. It's not a matter of metric vs. standard. You'll need to speak with the CMD staff if you have questions and/or concerns with the requirements. The question asked by Bobik96 was "where to find 1 3/8" black elastic". An option has been posted. I'm not debating you or the Lancer standards. Just posting info for the person who asked... 1" = 25mm 1 3/8" = 35mm 1.5" = 38mm 2" = 50mm
  17. It's all good. Keep in mind what was available in 1980-82 is different than today. There was no Joanne Fabrics or Michaels, etc. Who the heck knows for sure. I've seen arguments going both ways.
  18. I don't disagree that it's a murky area. The BSN site tries to provide the best detail based on what we have and the research that has been done. The Lancer standards are periodically reviewed by the CMD staff. I have nothing to do with that part, I'm the web guy. What you're using should not affect your general clearance. In the end do what you want, but if you apply for Lancer that's the current standard. http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=11897
  19. That's how I roll... 1 set should give you enough for 1.5 armor kits.
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