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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Okay, been asked before but here's the answer. The holster fell off and was placed on the left side for the Blu-ray (and the book). That's it, move on...
  2. I had a KS and I literally pulled it off. They use an adhesive similar to E-6000, so if you are careful, it will come off without too much effort. They also use a decal for the gray area under the snout. That'll make it even easier.
  3. If I could hit 'like' 20 more times, I would. That's pretty cool and would love to see that variant, on the snow scout.
  4. I think most GMLs would only deny entry if it's missing or just horribly wrong. If you follow other members and a few template ideas, you'll be just fine.
  5. Cool, and no problems. It sounds like the web-dude has not hooked you up yet. I'm sure Kam will take care of it.
  6. Hi Travis...I am in Hurst, TX and part of the Star Garrison, NTX squad. Most likely, the email address you are using is incorrect. This should help: 1. SG CO is Kameron Earles. This is her profile: http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=8376 2. Kameron is also on this site as Daala Girl: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showuser=1638 3. The SG web site is: http://www.stargarrison.com/forums/content.php 4. The SG has a Facebook page too. It's located here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/69279015694/ 5. Not sure exactly what you need, but you can reach out to me anytime...
  7. Looking really good! Hang in there and keep after it!
  8. Griffin-X


    Yes, he's part of the CMD staff.
  9. FYI: 35mm suspenders work really nice and are available in most US stores or eBay.
  10. Griffin-X


    Chef on this forum makes a super nice flak Vest.
  11. I use DVH snouts on all my scout lids. They are awesome. Also, that eBay reseller is BSN member Cucblack.
  12. If you have any questions once you get the suit or kit, post them on up. We're all here to help!
  13. Yep, slightly off. It looks like the ABS was sort of "off the mold" when it was formed. It's not too bad and with a little trimming should be good to go.
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