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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. I do use an Aker 10W amp and ICOMM device for my TK/TX & TI troopers. Just not the scouts. The ICOMM has various static burst effects (5) that can be tweaked to used right out of the box. Jim Sauter TK-6294 offers a really great combo deal.
  2. Yep, I never troop with an amp or changer. The scouts did not have this in the movie.
  3. When I joined up in 2011 most scouts were using a Speedway racing suit. It's nice but sort of pricey and had the usual pockets, cuff, and other problems. But it had a mandarin collar. I think it went for like $80 U.S. Then, you mod the heck out of it. I chose a Redkap in 2011 and never looked back.
  4. I love my recent Altmann acquisition. I have owned the others, but love this one the best.
  5. Griffin-X


    It's actually a 5-post rule.
  6. Welcome to the forum Tyler. The BSN forum has a "5-post rule", where you need to have at least 5 posts to see the trade forum. As of now (5:03PM CST), you now have 5 posts and should be able to see and access the forum. http://forum.bikersc...hp?showforum=26 Also, I noticed you are 501st and did not have 501st access. I hooked that up for ya too. Cheers...
  7. Jason (Spec Ops MBO) helps them out from time to time. I don't think he's a lackey, though.
  8. Personally, I'd never do business with KS again. But you live and learn.
  9. My misunderstanding. When I think visor I think of the lens. I do see the gap in your blinder/faceplate (visor top). The right most is not nice. You could modify the left to match but it would be worse. KS should definitely replace the front section (blinder/faceplate). Looks like a bad trim job.
  10. Hit up Darth Voorhees or Rottie on this forum for the snout. If the visor is toast you can pickup a new one from Trooperbay, or make your own from a welders shield (5 shade). The heat gun is tricky so experiment before modding the actual visor. Typically, 10-15 seconds at medium heat will give you a nice 'bend'.
  11. I'm sorry your experience has been a bad one. I have KS armor, and literally went through the same thing. Of course, this was in 2011 and I learned a tremendous amount since that time. The good news is the KS armor CAN be made to be more accurate. Heck, even out of the box all you need is the Scout decals from Trooperbay and you're all set. The greeblies that come with the KS kit are not accurate, but will pass basic 501st approval and clearance. If you want to go for a more accurate costume, do it. I have spent a ton of time updating and replacing parts on my KS and I'm finally happy with it. We all have felt your pain man. It's just part of costuming in general. A lot of patience is the key here...
  12. Both Marcel and Chef are on the CMD staff here on BSN. They may respond here, but I'd send a PM. They are super cool guys.
  13. You should contact Chef. He's top-notch.
  14. Check out this thread and contact Spike. There are a few available and they are wonderful. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13442&hl=&fromsearch=1
  15. The Lancer page has been updated! http://www.bikerscout.net/lancers/
  16. The Lancer page has been updated! http://www.bikerscout.net/lancers/
  17. Yes, but the Shadow Scout is a Spec Ops costume. http://www.501stspecopsdet.net
  18. Have you seen this thread? I'd go with an Altmann over a KS. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13442
  19. Isaac - I understand, but we won't let you give up! You are an outstanding costumer and will be an awesome scout. Since you already troop, you know how cool the gig is, and what the Legion is about. More than any other costume (I currently have 5 in the Legion), the scout gets all the attention. It is your, destiny... So - press on young man!
  20. I too started with a total KS kit (armor and helmet). Since that time, I have swapped out the inaccurate armor parts (bells, boxes, etc) with SC or Chef parts. The chest/back and belt along with the knees and biceps are all that remain (as KS). The KS helmet was replaced with an MLCv3 (fiberglass) too. The boot holster (way too big as KS) was replaced with an SC. So, as Matt mentioned, if I had a reset button...SC for armor and I'd go Altmann for a helmet (SC too small, MLC too narrow, KS well you know, CB ditto/delays).
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