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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Great pics and captures, nicely done. I personally do not like the game scouts and/or game based trooper variants. The game programmers rush through to meet deadlines, miss details, and are inconsistent. You can also see this in other games with the Swamp Trooper and Shadow Trooper game based characters too. For me, the scouts should look like what we see in the ROTJ. If we start polluting the gene pool with freaky looking, non-standard, game-based scouts...things will look really weird. Why not agree on a sniper rifle that makes sense for everyone, do a poll, and add it to the CRL? That's just my 2 cents...
  2. I would start with your local Police department. Perhaps, call and ask what the state policy is on cos-play (or costuming) and replica weapons. They will tell you...
  3. You would need to check locally to be sure. In Texas, replica weapons are allowed but are subject to inspection and "peace bonding". The local law enforcement sets up shop at conventions and has to review the replica, ensure there are no moving parts, and then clasp a "peace bond" over the trigger and/or grips. It's a fairly simple process. I have been to some events where an orange tip was also required. But, in my time in the Legion (2+ years now), I have never had a problem.
  4. Visor looks good, but I'd trim a bit more off the upper portion. The ears look fine, don't trim any more there.
  5. Yep, mine is done just like the image Chef has posted. I even have Chef boxes!
  6. You have the right attitude Eddie, and that will take you very, very far. Heck, most of us learned as we went along, and I'm no different. In no time at all you will be helping out members and paying forward what you have learned.
  7. It hurts everytime I see that eBay seller's auctions. If I were you, I'd just pick up new cotton webbing (like from Jontay.com) and replace it. Also, IMO...I'd try and trim the ABS and rivets off the back. Then, get some 2" nylon webbing and secure it with a single rivet on each side.
  8. I'm sorry you went this route Eddie. Glad the armor is at least working out. IMO...your feedback on the seller was way too nice.
  9. Right, the BF game scouts do not necessarily look like they should either.
  10. The CB helmet is nice, no doubt. I have a KS, SC, MLC, and a Chef helmet (shadow scout). I personally love my Chef helmet the best for look, sizing, and durability. It is also made of GRP. While the helmets are all similar, each one is slightly different than the other (size, shape, cut, etc.). It's good to have options! I do agree with Chef on the LW helmet and accuracy of the shape and method for assembly. A lot of research went into it. Also, from what I understand, if you want one...send LW a note and ask him.
  11. There are the Sideshow Collectors figures/statues that have the DLT-19 (MG-34) variant. I'm still digging for an E-11 sniper, but have seen a few. I think Cyberscout did one, right? And then there are these guys....
  12. Thanks Marcel, a great direction for the scouts. This pic may work.
  13. The DL can always request that the CRL be updated, if he wants to do it and has a good reason. The LMO team will either agree, or disagree.
  14. I'm just the web dude, but here's my take as a Biker Scout. The hold out blaster was the only blaster we see scouts use in ROTJ. We do know that the Stormtroopers used the DLT-19 in ANH and have seen it in the other movies too. But, there is no official reference pic or screen capture of a Scout using a DLT-19 (the MG34 variant). That being said, it's not an offical weapon of the Biker Scout and not part of the CRL. There is a weapon seen in the Star Wars: Battlefront game. This is a DLT-20A or a DC-15X (the MG42 variant). If any other blaster were to be approved, it would be that one. Marcel built a really, really nice one. Personally, I own two DLT-19 blasters -- 1 with a scope, and 1 without a scope. I use the scope variant for non-canon events from time-to-time. I do like the DLT-19 look over the DLT-20A, but it's not in the game.
  15. Hehe...they do get dirty when you actually "hit" the tree...!
  16. Chris...very, very nicely done scout. You should be proud. Get it submitted so we can make you a Pathfinder! Great work.
  17. That looks just about right. I would not remove anymore material.
  18. You could use a fine sandpaper and a Novus 1,2,3 polish routine, but I doubt it would ever match the helmet. If you plan to fill the gap, you should prime and paint the entire helmet. That way it will have a uniform finish.
  19. Long debate...there are scenes without the greeblie, with it flipped, and with the entire TD flipped.
  20. Really nice work on your build. The only parts I would modify is the fit of the jumpsuit, maybe a few alterations to make it less baggy. Also, If you're going for Lancer, remove the "X" stitch in the cummerbund back. Your scout should be an easy Pathfinder approval. Great job.
  21. Yep, me too. I use black, water based craft paint in a matte finish. No stink or fumes...!
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