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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Welcome to Bikerscout.net!
  2. Try the balaclava on the inside of the collar.
  3. Known fact: The actual TD on the blue-ray is upside down.
  4. I'm also 6"2 and weigh in at 180lbs these days. My armor is KS, but I also have the SC kit for my Shadow Scout. SC makes some really nice armor and you will not be disappointed. The scout pic you posted is a member here, and a good guy. The armor is a bit too weathered for my taste but Pandatrooper has given you some really good advice. He's got some awesome techniques and skills...follow his lead. Also, good to have you on board with us!
  5. Cool, just take it slow and easy. I'm sure your helmet will look awesome when completed!
  6. It looks like you've got it. Before you put it all together, I'd cut the ear holes out. It'll be much easier before it's all assembled.
  7. In a nut shell...the main back part is the "outer portion". The dome fits inside that part (or should). Then, the visor should be attached, or glued, to the sides of the faceplate. The bolts go through the outer visor and faceplate holes and attach to the "inner" dome part. Yours looks pretty good...I would trim the front visor portion a little more though, follow the lines of the forming. Sounds like fun, eh?! It's really not that bad if your parts are trim and fit well. Here's a few snaps of mine, if it helps.
  8. Great for non-canon events. But, if you're attending a canon event, your Garrison and Squad may not allow it. BTW...you finish your scout Joe?!
  9. That's a cool artist rendering, but not accurate compared to the movie Scouts.
  10. Good to see you Cal. Here's a pic from a great supplier of this part.
  11. Honestly, most of us have it flipped. But there have been some lengthy discussions on that topic. Your build is looking good btw!
  12. Interesting...I sent you pics of mine, hope it helps.
  13. I'm a loyal Trooperbay dude, but I love Lou's hook decal. Much more accurate...
  14. Looking good... I would trim a bit more around the visor eyes (the top portion mostly). I'd also clean up the black trim around the snout. Once you clean up the ears, it'll look much better.
  15. Welcome to Bikerscout.net!
  16. You and Josh will have a blast with this one Niki. Your awesome sewing and costume skills are going to do this one up right. All my best to you and Josh and cheers from NTX!
  17. Cool glove catch! Yeah, I first heard of her when she was fronting that band. You can really see where her freaky-ness came from too.
  18. No problem Zack, very glad to help. You will be very happy with the SC kit.
  19. For basic clearance, just build the kit and make sure it fits well. For Lancer clearance, you'll need to swap out the webbing (as mentioned above), the elastic strapping, decals, bolt covers, etc. The idea for Lancer is to be as screen-accurate as possible. If you have specific questions on the Lancer program, send Chex and/or Marcel a PM.
  20. He's recasting SC armor...avoid this one. You would be much better off going through SC directly. Their product is great and the service is awesome.
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