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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Check out this thread. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8977&st=0
  2. Here's my collar mod using one of the removed pockets:
  3. Looking good. I modified my Redkap by taking the legs in about 3/4 of an inch. That keeps it from looking too baggy. Beyond that, I just took the pockets off and made a collar mod to make it look more accurate.
  4. Hard to find in the US. I use black elastic suspenders in 35mm...hit up eBay and you can find them for under $10. There's more than enough to do one scout setup (biceps and shoulders).
  5. Yeah, lesson learned...heat guns (or a torch) can really warp ABS and HIPS plastic. It does not take much either. I learned this one on a belt. Good suggestion from Joe, give it a shot.
  6. You did a really great job! Are you going to modify the soles? It's not really required for normal clearance but sure looks good.
  7. Do you actually have the helmet yet? Would love to see actual pics of the lid.
  8. Ah, you got the DP from Carlos?! Cool! Yes, the Trooperbay decals should work just fine for you and I believe DV is making his snouts to screen accurate scale so that should work as well. Best of luck and can't wait to see your progress!
  9. It looks nice, online. But the price is very high. For that cost it might be better to wait on an eFX later this year.
  10. Ya, out of the box but can look good with mods. I'm currently building a Shadow Scout using SC armor and it actually fits me really well. Although I have more room in KS, the SC is really nice. I plan to redo my setup in white SC this summer. Chef has some really nice armor too...
  11. Looking really good man. I would hit up Trooperbay for the decals. Also, you can put a small bit of foam just about at your nose tip level and that will help the fit. I did this or my KS and it works well. You've done a great job so far!
  12. Nope, it's the largest version...but the least accurate too. I sport a total KS setup and I'm 6"2, 180 lbs. The kit requires some mods to get it looking good, but the helmet also has the most room.
  13. Yep...Walmart or Lowes sells it by the yard - cheap. Good stuff.
  14. You have a great attitude, that will take you far in this hobby!
  15. Nice comparison and evaluation Barry!
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