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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. I'm curious...what did he recommend?
  2. I also do not use fans in my lid. I'm in North Texas and it gets pretty hot. The scout helmet gets more air than a TK style bucket.
  3. There is no telling what type of seller and/or recaster we have here. We'll all keep an eye on your dealing with him. Thanks for pointing out the situation and keep us all posted.
  4. Just make sure to use industrial hot glue...not craft glue. The crafting hot glue come loose too easily.
  5. I agree...it's too bad SA has stopped production. But his stuff is/was good and he won't deal in crap goods. I'm sure he'll find another producer and be back in it soon. In the meantime, the option Heidi pointed out is a really good alternative and could be really, really close with some mods.
  6. Welcome to Bikerscout.net Ani! Good to have you on board with us.
  7. I went and checked out his auctions. I don't think he's a bulk reseller, but definitely one to watch. Keep us posted. Also, I have seen some cool mods to the Kenner blaster which make it look better. Just make sure to lop off that ugly trigger when you get it. Hold-out Blaster For 501st approval: - Flat black, semi-gloss or slightly weathered. - The pistol should not have any visible trigger, labels or logos.
  8. I think the gloves Chris found are close to the mark for sure.
  9. Ya, recast of a Kenner is no bueno IMO. Plus, not accurate, or even close to the mark. But I understand your situation.
  10. Wow, that's pretty flexible. I think as long as it snaps back in shape, this looks good to me. Have you tried a heat test...like leaving it inside a car, or something? Just curious how the shape stands up to that type of condition.
  11. Although not quite as accurate, requires mods, but made for tall skinny folks...I wear KS.
  12. The blaster really turned out great Marcel!
  13. This is a good post from Matt (Grendel_Blitz). http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9501&hl=&fromsearch=1
  14. Good luck, I'm sure you will do fine! Great job!
  15. For forum disk space, we have more now with the newly upgraded server. I can increase the upload limits for the ADMIN and CRL staff too. But I do agree that remote hosted images are a better way to go. You guys let me know what I can do to help.
  16. As always, you have done a fine job. I like your attention to detail Terry.
  17. It all depends on your local Garrison GML (or Garrison Membership Liaison). I found that it helps if you contact them in advance and let them know who you are, what you are doing, etc. It also helps to go ahead and figure out your ID too. Usually, the turn around time is about 2 weeks, that was my approval timeframe.
  18. As the guys stated above, we all care about this detachment, the troops (both new and old) and keeping things open and honest. Great feedback and discussion topics so far and I know this will help us all in the end.
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