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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. The paint I use is made by "Folk Art" and the color is "Teddy Bear Tan". It's a nice wheat-like color. For the cuts, I use the chisel blade and sink it in on the four sides of the square, and then on the last side, I dig it under and out. I do not use that corner tool. Hope this helps.
  2. I have the Redkap 42R Long, and just altered the legs a bit to make them less baggy. I'm a tall skinny dude...works for me. Of course, I added other mods like the riding patch, elastic straps, butt flap, and then the collar closure. But all in all, total cost was under $50.
  3. I have a Redkap coverall and did this exact thing to mine (flipped the collar, added a mandarin closure, etc). But, the CRL is based on what we know, have seen throughout the movies, screen caps, insider info, in the MOM exhibit, etc. There are always little things like this that pop up and make you go...hmmmm. "Was it a stunt man, were all the scout suits like this, eh?!" That's one of the fun aspects in this costuming world and with the scout. I'll let the senior scouts weigh in and give you their 2 cents, but that's mine.
  4. IMO...get a suit like Redkap, or Speedway, mod your suit, and then make or purchase a vest. In the end, you'll spend less on it than this one and won't have to mod it later. That's my 2 cents...
  5. No, it should not. It's only one screen grab and variant showing a scout (or stunt man) with a mod costume. There is a screen grab of a scout with no TD greeblie, but it is still a requirement. Remember, where the movie was filmed, it must have been super hot. So we may be seeing a stunt man with a mod suit due to the heat, or the collar was left open in this shot. Mine opens like this, but I keep it up and closed as a rule.
  6. SWP is a member of this forum and does provide a suit with the vest built-in. Although not accurate, there are a few topics on this subject, check them out (search for flak vest). The best option is to have a separate flak vest, and it's not really that hard to make. I made mine using a t-shirt as a template, and added the ribbed sleeves. There are also some reputable sellers here that make awesome, accurate vests.
  7. That's a really interesting screen grab Chris. For the most part, we see scouts with the mandarin collar and not one like this guy.
  8. Yeah, Exacto makes all sorts of different blades. The chisel blade works well because the width of the blade is just about perfect for the squares. When it's fresh, the blade will sink right into the boot rubber and you can easily cut out the chunk. BUT, it takes some time so get comfortable! I also used a craft paint made for rubber in a "wheat" color for the soles.
  9. I used a sharpie to draw the squares, then an exacto blade to make the cuts. The best blade is the chisel version. Get a few of them, you'll need 'em!
  10. I put a small, 2" square of white foam in my holster, just inside on the left. This gives the holster a little padding to secure the blaster. I have marched with it without the blaster moving around. But I mostly carry mine around in hand and rarely holster it.
  11. I feel for ya Chris. I think you can fix it up and resell it to recoup some of your funds. You got some great skills and can make it look a heck of a lot better than it did when it arrived. I'd pursue a KS or an MC helmet for your own needs. As a rule we try to disuade people from eBay since that's where recasters lurk about. You can sometimes pick up good bits and pieces (TD greeblies, snouts, etc), but even that's hit or miss depending. Unfortunately, guys like that one are a reality in this world. Even his auction says "screen accurate", which is total bull-pucky. If you need anything going forward, ask away. We're all here to help.
  12. Just my opinion, I'm going for the naturally weathered look from trooping. But I remember from ROTJ when Palpatine arrives on the Death Star 2. He's walking with Darth Vader and there is a scene where you can see rows and rows of nice, shiny new Biker Scouts standing at attention. I love that scene. Obviously, not all of those dudes went to Endor, most died on the DS2 with the rest of the troops. It's still a cool scene for me...some of us are shiny, some of us hit trees on Endor, some just fly around on speeder bikes. It's all up to you and your imagination!
  13. I have a KS helmet (and armor). The helmet is widely used by a lot of scouts and is better suited for us "larger dome" troops. IMO, they have gotten better with the customer service aspects and the pulls. As with most stuff, you need to communicate with the seller. If you are not happy with the purchase, let them know.
  14. Ya...I don't prefer that look either. Pauldrons...meh, only for Sandtroopers. But I know him. That's TB-1250 (Brooks) and he is a Pathfinder and a member of BSN.
  15. Wow, that is a large helmet. Mine is a KS from about 1.5 years ago. It looks about the same as the one pictured and compares in size to the MC. I think the size of yours pretty much clinches that it's a SF recast. As for a face plate replacement, I'm not sure what to advise. You could create your own that looks more proportionate to the rest of the helmet.
  16. Okay...no worries Rob! The dimple near the left ear is weird, not sure about that part. Also, the snout does seem a bit off too. But from my iPhone the helmet looked good for a first build attempt. A little tweaking, and fixing here and there, it'll be nice.
  17. I fixed it for ya...there were too many [image] tags in the HTML code. Nice look'n lid btw...
  18. Ya, I was thinking the same thing due to the narrow look of the face plate. Good eye Chex.
  19. Good review Chris, sorry you dealt with this eBay seller. I sent you some feedback via a PM reply. Bottom line: we'll all help you fix this up if you want to go that route. It's going to need some TLC for sure.
  20. I use 2" nylon webbing with a "T" style Velcro strip for the shoulders. Mine looks like this:
  21. Not too bad, great work. I'd raise the drop boxes a bit as mentioned above and make sure you wrap your chest/back joins. I would also replace your KS snout and bolt covers, but that should not affect yor clearance. You might also use a darker grey on the chest stripe.
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