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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. No worries, we're all here to help! Good to have you on board.
  2. Gotcha...you mean swprops? He's a BSN member.
  3. Was this a suit you picked up from the eBay or another BSN member...by chance??
  4. If you have not already, go grab a free image account at Photobucket.com. You can upload your pics and then post the images on this forum. It's the best way to share images on topic sites like BSN. If you need any help, just send me a PM.
  5. Not too bad! Did you get approved and obtain an ID yet?!
  6. Agree with Andry...just be patient. With costuming things rarely move fast so just hang in there. Once you get your parts in-house you'll be on your timetable and can move things along.
  7. Great work on the shoulder bells. This is something I need to do with my setup and you make it look so easy Terry! You are a hero to us all!
  8. E-6000 is a great choice but if you use it, make sure to clamp and let it cure for about 24 hours.
  9. I love your attention to detail Terry. You are going to be a great mentor to upcoming troops in the Pathfinder world. Well done as always sir.
  10. Awesome, it's another Box Party! Congrats and look forward to your WIP.
  11. Welcome to Bikerscout.net! Take a look around and check out the search function on the forum. There is tons of stuff to review and look at while you are working on your setup. Check out this recent post from a member who is working on his setup. It is very detailed: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9781&hl=&fromsearch=1
  12. Cool pics and info Matt. Just about in line with what I thought for pricing. I'm going for a limited one too.
  13. It can remove glue and paint without damaging the plastic surface. I've used it on black and also white armor with no problems. Another options is a product called "Goo Gone".
  14. I have used a product called "Goof Off" with good success. It can remove glue and paint without damaging the plastic surface.
  15. I think it looks good for approval. Make sure you contact your Garrison Membership Liaison (GML) before you submit. It's always good to give them a heads up so they know "who" you are and "what" you are sending over. This sort of makes approval an easier process.
  16. If you have not already, go grab a free Photobucket account. It's easier to upload your photos there and post the image links here. Let me know if you need any help.
  17. Some folks use a webbing system to hold the bund up like suspenders. I use some thin, black suspenders for mine which do real well to keep the dreaded "slippage" from happening. It's a common issue we Scouts face.
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