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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Very cool comparison Kelly. I would agree that the SC is for a smaller sized head. I have a KS and it fits me great...with room to spare.
  2. Great job, love the crate too! Nice touch!
  3. Very cool, hope it arrives quickly for you!
  4. Not sure of the actual helmet size. But, I've got a big melon and the KS fits me with room to spare. Most troops with larger sized heads use a KS.
  5. I believe his link is: http://stores.ebay.com/Dons-Place
  6. You know marketing man, they need to test the waters and see if there's an interest. Obviously, they learned there is and we all need/want one (or two, or three). So...I'm sure within a few months it'll hit the web and these will sell quick - at whatever price they decide on. Then over time as things settle down, the price will too.
  7. Hey man...I tried to use mine and it was just too big. Even after trimming it and using a heat gun, I was not happy with it. So, I grabbed a nicer one from MC a while back. But, here's a pic of the KS one I had and how it looked at that time. Basically, cut two slits in the main piece and the other one fits right in with some E-6000. Hope this helps.
  8. Welcome to Bikerscout.net! Glad to have another upcoming scout in the ranks!
  9. Awesome and great choice. Best of luck with the build and let us all know what we can do to help.
  10. Wow, really nice job Chef! I give you 2 thumbs up mate! Ps...my mannequin is named Jeb, or Jebediah.
  11. Sorry Chex...I realized it was CHEF Rob but was thinking of you when I posted!
  12. Nice job and looking really good. Chex has you covered on a few minor mods. If the hook is KS then I'm guessing the other ones are too. When you swap out with Trooperbay decals it will look much better. Did you swap the KS snout yet? Should not affect clearance but sure looks better if you did. Great job overall!
  13. Based on previous lids, it'll probably start @ $599-$699 w/COA and then drop over time. I'm totally guessing based on the TK and TX helmets they have produced. Still, would be awesome to have one. Time to start saving up (shh..don't tell me wife)!
  14. Looks really good and you have a nice task list to complete. Don't forget to put something in the pouches (foam, and/or a liner). Just make sure it's not Darth Vader!
  15. Very cool post, I like your style Terry. Your blaster is interesting too.
  16. I have KS armor and I'm 6"2, 160lbs. It seems very well suited for a taller and thinner scout, but not really for a "larger" scout. The KS chest armor may be a little smaller than the SC armor and that may be why it was recommended. Good point too...if you are going to trim it to suit your wife, not much need to get a pre-trimmed kit. I do love my KS setup but still plan to go SC very soon - better product. You might also send a PM to MJ who has a lot of experience trimming and setting up her smaller build. She is awesome.
  17. Yeah, there is no riser plate for the DJ snout greeblie. I made mine out of a piece of ABS, easy enough.
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