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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Nice mod Chunk! I did a Nerf Recon a few years back. These are super fun to do... I use this one for non-canon events.
  2. Nope, only the holdout blaster is considered canon for the Biker Scout. But, when not at canon events, and if it's okay with your Garrison and Squad, carry what you want.
  3. Um...I believe the "clips" from SC are actually for the lens of the helmet.
  4. Chef also has a fibreglass lid but I think he's using HIPS now. This one looks SC-ish to me.
  5. The CMD staff is already working on this...stand by.
  6. I have a small square of ABS on the backside of mine (secured with the zip tie). On that piece, I have Velcro in the center and (2) aluminum clips that I made from some sheet aluminum. Those are riveted to the ABS plate and help to hold the TD in place on my belt. It works for me. Here's a pic from my Shadow Scout TD:
  7. I'm sorry Tim. I'll send something up to the CTX and NTX squads now.
  8. So, this was taken from a Loves at exit 70 and I-30 (near Rockwall)? I will send a note over to the Star Garrison FB page too. http://www.mystore41...tores--Rockwall
  9. Tim...I'm so sorry to read this post. I'm in the DFW area and troop with the Star Garrison, North Texas Squad. Were you at Space City Con this past weekend? If you want, send me a PM with some details and I'll circulate it within the DFW squad.
  10. SC actually uses a similar padding that Southscout mentioned above. If you got the helmet pre-assembled, that'll be in it. If you got the kit, ask Jeff @ SC to include the padding. There could be a slight charge but it's worth it.
  11. I'd go a bit bigger on the openings...but not too much.
  12. A few years ago, I remember Acrylikhan (Frank) had done a Rubies MOD that rocked. That's the closest Rubies conversion that could even come close to Lancer specs. I'm not sure if his site is still active. http://www.frankkrug.net/ I think Heatshock did one too. It's rather nice...
  13. Yeah, that's like a Rubies lid gone horribly wrong.
  14. Yeah, Scott (w/KS) does not sell those blasters for less than $100...in my experience. Maybe your friend got a deal or a hookup for a one-off or "b" blaster. See if you could get pics of it, just curious.
  15. Glad they finally got a site. IMO, it's the same SA we know and love, or someone who worked with him. Great stuff.
  16. Agreed...get you a pair of SA gloves while they are available.
  17. It seems the eFX TK armor is taking up most of the limelight at the moment. It does look cool, but a 2k pricetag is a bit steep. Heck, maybe eFX will offer scout armor along with the bucket.
  18. Sorry, I just can't stand them on a scout. They do look cool on Sandtroopers and baseball referees.
  19. The trooper you see wearing them must like the pauldron. Again, not intended for the scout costume. To me, a scout in a pauldron makes me **barf** a little.
  20. Well, best advice...do not wear a shoulder pauldron! Those are only worn by the Sandtroopers and some Special Operations troopers. Your idea is good, maybe you meant the shoulder bell. Once approved, some scouts do decorate their bells with their TB-ID, but it's not canon. The "fish hook" on the helmet is sort of like the Imperial Scout symbol too.
  21. These blasters are really nice. Check out his FS thread... http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10994
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