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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Looks great John, your previous tutorial helped me out. I recently did this technique on my new MLC lid too. For the curve, I laid out a piece of 3M tape and used a whiskey shot glass as a template and cut the curve in the tape. Then I laid that down over the top portion and sprayed it.
  2. I completely understand and have built 2 of these so far. It's not too hard, but sort of tricky.
  3. Looking pretty good so far, nice work. It seems to fit you well. Question: did you cut the ear holes, or use the decals? For my SC shadow scout lid, I made sure the blinder sides lined up with the faceplate. If not, the faceplate will not close. I also glued the blinder sides to the face plate. That helped to keep it more "one-piece-ish".
  4. Adam...thanks for your post. I will try to address some of your concerns and I'm sure other members including leadership will too. Actually, that's not really true. We have a BSN Feedback thread specifically for, well, feedback. Also, someone from the CMD staff is usually always online and available to help and/or ask questions. You only need to ask, not lurk. You can always contact any staff member, or create a topic for whatever you want to address, openly. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showforum=21 We (as a 501st detachment) have operating expenses. ALL 501st detachment web sites deal with the yearly operating costs associated with hosting a site such as this one. It's not free, but we cannot charge a membership and/or a fee to sell your merchandise. Yes, that would help pay for the site, but we have strict bi-laws to follow enforced by the Legion. So, each year, members like you and I help the site. We have an awesome group of members and support. You may have noticed, but if not, this thread is a DISCUSSION about how to deal with a "potential" issue. ALL sites (as you know), including RPF and other prop based costuming forums, have a similar type of problem. How do you allow someone to sell something, and then how do you enforce whether they actually deliver, stand up to the quality, etc.. We're always looking to improve things, and that's the reason for this thread and the discussion. I will address your "member based sale" below as well. I always hate to see this happen, but it does happen. If you have been making props and been part of a similar community, you have probably even seen it happen too. Unfortunately, any member can post a FS thread, show his stuff, and someone could buy it. The terms of that sale are between the seller and the buyer. We have a strict rule and I feel it is enforced. Again, you mention that you lurk and watch, but it may have helped you to ask, or even look for feedback first. Btw...the FS thread rules can be found here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=1161 The LSFU Debbi really works hard (both here and in real life) and has had many, many successful runs. If you read her updated post, she fully intends to fullfil all open orders. She even mentions that you should contact her on Facebook and/or her personal LSFU web site. She is not hiding, nor is she ignoring the situation. I'd advise your friend to contact her via the methods she outlined. Also, since you use the forum search and have extensively browsed the site, I'm sure you noticed this thread. It's the BSN Vendors List. We work with the various armor and soft part sellers to either add, update, or remove sellers based on performance, feedback from members like yourself, and overall "value-add" to the BSN community. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8569&hl=&fromsearch=1 Although I can't speak for your local Garrison, it always saddens me to hear about how you are being treated. That's just not right. I'm not sure what BSN can do, but we will try to help. I do not know the seller but, if I were asked, would not have recommended that setup. Did you ask any questions before you bought it? To anyone on this site? I've been in the Legion going on 2.5 years now and I love it. This was all new to me when I got started and sure, I made tons of mistakes, learned lots of lessons, who is good-or-bad, and who has what...it's all part of the experience. Some join the Legion, and others do not. We are not pushing you to join the Legion, although I think you'll find it's a really cool thing. When you troop at a Hospital, and visit a sick child in a burn ward, it changes you. Trivial things become less important, and the smiles you see on the kids faces are priceless. IMO...that's why I really enjoy what we do. Btw...here's the 501st Mission statement. "...The Legion is an all-volunteer organization formed for the express purpose of bringing together costume enthusiasts under a collective identity within which to operate. The Legion seeks to promote interest in Star Wars through the building and wearing of quality costumes, and to facilitate the use of these costumes for Star Wars-related events as well as contributions to the local community through costumed charity and volunteer work..." I have lots of costume friends who are not in the Legion. They also do the Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Boba Fett, and/or other Star Wars costumes. The difference? Theirs are not as accurate as ours (Rubies armor vs. AP, RS, or others). But its all good and we are friendly, at least here in Texas!
  5. Ya, the SC helmet face plate sort of needs to line up with the visor/blinder. You can see the faceplate plastic underneath. I had this same issue with my SC lid and just made sure both curves lined up. As mentioned, you could trim it a bit but be careful.
  6. Really nice work Terry. I'm looking forward to seeing you all suited up.
  7. Wow, that's really cool Paul. The soles look really, really close to the original Sierra Sneaker.
  8. Those are really good boot soles. Where did you find them? Yes, good for basic and could be fine for Lancer too. Would need to see more to be sure though.
  9. 1. Yes, as long as it's not a horrible gap. 2. Yes, the bolts are good. 3. Yes, the lens is perfect.
  10. Thermal Detonator (TD) clips?!
  11. That would be very welcome LW! The grey kits are no longer available and 3M has replaced them with a black version. The shape is more rounded than the grey bolts. They can be modified and painted, but it's sort of a pain. 3M SPEEDGLAS HEADBAND HARDWARE GREY - Part #: 051131-49520-3 UPC: 051131495203 Series #: 04-0067-00 BLACK - Part #: 051131-37141-5 UPC: 051131371415 Series #: 04-0660-00
  12. That would be very welcome LW! The grey kits are no longer available and 3M has replaced them with a black version. The shape is more rounded than the grey bolts. They can be modified and painted, but it's sort of a pain. 3M SPEEDGLAS HEADBAND HARDWARE GREY - Part #: 051131-49520-3 UPC: 051131495203 Series #: 04-0067-00 BLACK - Part #: 051131-37141-5 UPC: 051131371415 Series #: 04-0660-00
  13. I sport the Schampa balaclava which is super stretchy and can be worn either way. Personally, I pull it just over my lower chin. I have worn it "ninja style" but it ended up getting moist from trooper breathing! Although I've got some facial hair, nothing like Nik Sant (the rebel scout actor) above. Perhaps they exposed more of his face so you would know "hey, that's Nik Sant". No idea...plus he's got some bulky facial hair going on!
  14. Agreed...not too bad but the cut on the soles are different than the originals.
  15. I use the sock method, but my new suit has stirrups.
  16. You can find the 3M bolts online and even on eBay. The grey bolts we know and love have been discontinued and replaced with the black version. You can still find them though, just look hard and ask questions. 3M SPEEDGLAS HEADBAND HARDWARE GREY - Part #: 051131-49520-3 UPC: 051131495203 Series #: 04-0067-00 BLACK - Part #: 051131-37141-5 UPC: 051131371415 Series #: 04-0660-00
  17. Looks pretty cool and grimey for sure! Hey...are those KS t-bits?!
  18. Coming long very well. Really nice work on the shoulders too!
  19. You need to post in the Lancer Deployment thread. You'll need to post your pics in that thread along with details on your build. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showforum=51
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