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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. You can always paint the sole a nice wheat color. A lot of us do that bit.
  2. It is really nice and with some modifications could be really screen accurate. Chances are it's a recast but not certain if it's an older KS or not.
  3. That's a really old promo shot from KS! They do not offer parts like that anymore...probably not in the last 5 years. The aerator part does look similar, but remember it's from a faucet. It could even be from a Canadian faucet. Where did you get the helmet?
  4. IMO...the faceplate is too small to be a KS. This could be an older CB lid, or a one-off cast from others.
  5. I'm not certain what he's referring to as "a CTM holster". This blaster does fit a KS, SC, and MC holster.
  6. I got mine from Automotive Workwear and the sizing is pretty straight forward. http://www.automotiveworkwear.com/RedKap/CT10/coveralls.html
  7. I do not know him (from the forum) but have seen the items on eBay. IMO...move along.
  8. Yep, I'm a blaster guy. I've got 2 Leia sporting blasters but they more resemble the one used in ROTJ. It's a resin cast but not too bad.
  9. Np, glad to help. There are pros and cons with both armors. I really like my KS setup but have replaced several parts due to them being overly large and not very accurate (drop boxes, shoulders, holster, etc). My Shadow Scout is SC armor and I really love it more than the KS.
  10. Yeah, I don't think any of this will affect your approval submission. In the 2 years I've been a scout, I've tweaked my stuff probably twice based on what I have learned. It never stops! Here's a shot of my chest/back setup. The chest and back parts are about .5" apart with Velcro underneath holding them in place. Then the cotton webbing wraps around it and I have a "T" strap underneath for the shoulder parts. This method works well for me. I've also got my shadow scout setup this way.
  11. I'm usually asked to "blast" something with mine.
  12. Very nice work on your build. I know you've had challenges, but you have done outstanding. This is just my 2 cents: the boots should really be a bit higher (based on your height), but it should not hold up an approval. A lot of troops run into the "sagging boot" deal due to the weight of the blaster. Your snap idea should fix that up for ya. Next, I'd raise your belt boxes about .5 to 1" a little closer to the belt. Love what you did with the TD, looks cool (and I noticed the orientation of the greeblie). I have my white TB done with a Velcro belt closure and TD clips. For my shadow scout belt, I went with the clip closure similar to the CRL pic. I like them both, but tend to sway towards the Velcro closure since that's what was used. Awesome work on the shoulder shaping, super nice. For the chest/back closure, I'd use 2" cotton webbing similar to your belt webbing. It'll look more uniform and less flimsy. The 3" is too wide and I'd also bring it together a bit more to sure up the way the chest sits on you. I also love the material you used for the cummerbund. Nicely done. All-in-all, just a few tweaks and you'll be all set.
  13. Totally agree and love the way you fixed this issue. It can get out of control! But, (and im sure you know) the image above has some problems too. Check out the boot holster...here's the backside shots.
  14. I personally do not have mine painted black. I've got black material behind the ear sections though which creates depth inside the helmet.
  15. If it's not too bad, you should be fine. However, if it's too noticable then your GML may have concerns. IMO...you probably won't be able to see them in the pics.
  16. Looks like you are doing just fine. Keep it up...!
  17. Awesome info...thanks for the helmet padding link too.
  18. Nice work Scott, looks pretty good to me. The collar is fine since there's no real exact screen shot of this section.
  19. Great pics and setup. You have done a awesome job!
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