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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TB-7076

  1. ....plus: the next one for sale should be mine! Seems like the ten out are going to remain extremely rare items.
  2. I couldn't retore with tags either. first I thought it were the capitalized lead-in tag opposed to a lower case lead-out tag. But only the image button worked.
  3. Your personal Jackboot height I'd say: Keep in mind that with time the leather or vinyl will tend to wrinkel a lot and thus result in lower shaft height. I myself had my boot legs made to lower knee height so now 3 years later they're on a comparable height as on screen. these are pictures of my bots when they were fairly new: last year:
  4. My last information has been that he was too busy with upgrading the moulds and stuff. Haven't heard any news since then. As far as I know he only produced the ten testing sets to get it field tested.
  5. The MLC is a design derived from the Don Post. as such it is smaller than the original and due to material also has a thicker material strength. that is why it is not possible to install the liner like the original. this LW helmet is closer to original specs and also pulled with a near original if not original material. that is why everything will work as in the original helmet. Too bad I still don't have one.....sold my MLC to have the funds
  6. Let me just say I'm jealous - great advance in the build.
  7. wow that's even better than the Palladium boots except for the quite flat threads underneath but other than that - nice! Lonewolf should use these for his sole project.
  8. I'm not a military person but my scout gear is not as hot as my at-st driver uniform. 1. the white armor seems to reflect the sun 2. though I have a synthethic vest it doesn't heat up much more as I have incorporated a mesh where the chest armor covers the vest In fact I felt quite comfortable in my suit at most events and never had to lift the helmet or had to cut event time. I never needed any electric ventilation in the helmet as well even though I have trooped with a vinyl based Don Post Hottest known temperature I had to withstand yet was 32+ °C for about 6 hrs in character time. material info: suit -> cotton polyester vest -> 100% polyester (the material you often have for back packs / I used it to be water proof to some degree) cummerbund -> impragnated canvas gloves -> screen accurate esprit leather gloves with lining intact boots -> double layered leather chaps on sierra boot lookalike canvas boots (outward = artificial "furniture" leather / lining = genuine suede) helmet -> unfortunately still the classic DP vinyl helmet with ears cut open additional head gear -> under armor-like coolmax balaclava under wear -> coolmax function under wear Additionally I have a polyester based elbow supports from cannibalized biker knee protectors to keep the arm protectors in shape. People predicted additional heat but apart from some moisture on the suit due to the pressure and heat which is a common problem with any armored costume I have no disadvantages or feel uncomfortable. Might be that some climate will put you under more stress but in moderate climate conditions with peaks the socut is a fine suit to go with even with full spec (flak vest). So don't fear the socut armor PS: ....only in rough winter times I have a hard time!!!
  9. First let me say that I'm so interested in how this develops though I may not be part of it as I have 8.5 - 9 boot size :/. It may be too late for this critique but instead of taking a workers boot proportion you should have used an israeli desert boot as a reference as it has the same slim sole appearance. This one looks a bit too chunky. Apart from a slightly different thread the only drawback the pladium boots have are color and heel height but it has the same proportions!
  10. Already transferred xxx € to a saving account for this one and will add another xxx € next month. this has to be mine. Hope they keep the price reasonably though
  11. I have some problems with it - not that much with the overall shapes and the formal details but the materials used. The sleeves need to be more rigid; in your proto they look too thin and soft. Also the fabric used looks a bit too shiny in my opinion. It should be dull. The chest is also very soft - I know you probably used a thin layer to prevent heating but it creates a strange look in the back area were it is visible and exposed also due to the border of the closure. The former needs to be a tad thicker. Originally they probably used cotton materials - I used a polyester fabric known from backpacks to achieve the look and also keep it rain resistant to some degree. Original: Note thickness of closure and appeal of the material This is what I did: http://www.madphisto.net/myscout/vest02.jpg As you see I also made up my mind how to prevent overheating and rain but tried to conserve the correct look and feel of the materials. Matrials I used: a medium thin polyester fabric for the vest (that one used in sport and leisure products) for the vest a polyester net fabric also used in sports utilities for the venting window (I also suggest a small window for the axles) padding for the sleeves The most important thing I think is that the materials are not shiney/glossy and rigid not to soft.
  12. Maybe you could talk to the "Prop store of London" guy?!
  13. Sorry to disapoint you but I don't let this thread and the project disappear bump for the sake of awareness - me wants
  14. I see improvments with the overall shape of the helmet but it is still far from authentic to be honest! A lot of the "organic" anatomical features of the helmet are wrong - it is hard to describe these features correctly. Most parts of the very important shapes around the bulge of the main ear vents and the visor apear too boxy. The goggle frame looks a bit awkward as most of the helmet's facemask apears quite symetric but the eyes don't. I wonder if you have enough material of the original helmet to help you shaping the details correctly - a lot of spots are completely different than the orignal especialy visor, continued shapes of visor to main helmet and other parts like the neck being of different depth on each side. I like the opened vent holes in the back - though you should offer these as an optional choice - some people would like to have it screen accurate!
  15. Look at it from the bright side - at least LW is not promising anything he cannot fullfil. But I know the feeling
  16. Any company label to look after?
  17. Oh I feel the pain too ...a red carpet event soon and still I have to go with the bloody DP modidied :/
  18. It is known for some years now - I doubt Mr. Schwarzenegger will be available for us to retrieve them Best Screenshots I've seen so far though.
  19. Yes that's seems to be almost the same as the 3M set.
  20. Are there more screencaps in that resolution?
  21. You mean the square bits? I think they would be too large for the detonator. Though I'm also not sure weather they used the same greebles as on the taornister I think there is indeed something round and the others could be square. I myself use chip blocks from motherboards for the square parts - plan to replace the square bits of the T bits with those in proper size as well. Probablx not screen accurate but very techy
  22. Hey Lonewolf your creation is the sole subject of my current midlife crisis - when do I hold one in my hands??? Freakin' awesome and I still have a M3 liner waiting here to get embedded in one of these sweeties (quoting vorhees)
  23. John this is a wonderful helmet and I hope you can make them available for us.
  24. The front segments of the soles had been just slightly recessed anyways - probably due to the problem Marcel mentioned. This Sierra variant is just a relative of the original boot but it shows well (you can see the same in a Schwarzenegger movei cap with the original boots)
  25. someoen with experience and good knowledge of the costume parts and an excellent 3D reference may succeeed - so far I've never seen a proper 3D model of any classic trooper though.
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