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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TB-7076

  1. Somethng I didn't took into account but remembered and just checked... Chief mentioned the hexagonal shape which is visible in the BR reference. I revisited that reference and found one thing hardly visible in these shots given by Gino. The box shape with rounded corners is not just a box - it has a second level forming a stair shape at least at one side. But it is also possible that the parts used on both biceps parts are of the same part but different halves. Back to the hexagonal chief pointed out which might be a nut or a cap with a nut shape. I haven't found any evidence but one thing that motorized vehicles have in common and usually features a nut-shaped cap is the oil sump/pan. These either are for filling or changing oil. At least with most cars we have the filler neck located on top of the engine block so it is most certain this to be a bottom part with the drain. Most oil pans look very complex in shape and have punched braces or cooling fins but some are quite straight and basic. Here are the cropped captures of the blu ray reference: A and B being two possible shapes I see indicated in this reference I'm pretty much done with ideas and resources. All Kit scans I could imagine and dig up from the web did not match. The above guesses are...guesses. I think the oil pan idea might be a route to further explore. I concentrated on trucks and jeeps as well as armoured cars usually used in the movies. Motorcycles seem to have cooling fins on their oil pans most of the time. For example that one of the Yamaha Midnight Special whose size would be adequate to feature such a part has a different shape. Planes I left out. Another thing I checked was radio boxes from bigger radio installations used by the german forces but with no positive results. Most of the war models have been 1:35 or below anyways so this part would be too big except it is something else. The part doesn't look scrathc built to me as the details I already pointed out earlier are too meticulous for that small size to be random addons. Especially the supposed recessed joint trap and the nut of some sort with its micro-hexagonal shape are indiators that this part belongs to some scale model or toy. However I'm curious how wrong I am with my speculations in the end.
  2. yes, but with no positive results so far. However I noticed that this part might be incomplete! If you look at the bottom part of the rectuangular body you see artifacts of something that was cut or sanded away. It might have been part of the object or again joints of some sort to attach to another part. It wouldn't be the first part that was only used partially and modiefied. So maybe we have to look a bit more careful.
  3. I have had decals included with the LW. But I had some trouble with the back trap decals.
  4. Actually those parts are known. MC revealed them in 2006 here and offers them since then with his kit or single. I personally prefer the casts of MC as they're very very sharp though my deto greebleis are from DJ. So most detail parts of the scout armor are already known: Snout Grill = Tamiya Yamaha Midnight Special 1:8 Cylinder half with cooling ribs Snout "Speaker" = ? some aerator or random tubular object Tank Topper "button" = Tamiya Gepard 1:32 Radar dish of the front radar Tank Topper "small Greeblies" = Tamiya Gepard 1:32 mount halves of afore mentioned radar Tank Topper "gas cap" = ? - might be scratch built Tank Topper "cooling fins" = ? Tank Topper base = ? - might be scratch built bicep upper greeblie = AMC/Ertl TIE Advanced (Vader's TIE) Solar pannel detail bicep lower greeblie = ? "Thermal detonator" or unspecified tech accessory in the back button = Tamiya Gepard 1:32 Radar dish of the front radar "Thermal detonator" or unspecified tech accessory in the back button = ? One piece revealed by chef but no mentioning of the source "Thermal detonator" or unspecified tech accessory in the back clip = ? "Thermal detonator" or unspecified tech accessory in the back cable/wire = ? Liner and visor caps = M3 speedglas headband (can't quote the fabricate number form memory ) Thigh box strapping buckles = type used still common and available Would be cool to find and identify the other parts as well. Problem is - they probably used quite a lot stuff apart from the model kits or model kits that weren't identified yet. Did I mention that the raised cradle of the bicep greeblies looks like a batterie charger? Though I'm not sure if these already had this shape in the early 80ies and rechargables already were available.
  5. The page: https://www.indiegogo.com/
  6. Not much time left. There is a page where you can collect for a project and people send in their money. There is a time limit when the critical mass must be reached. If not the contributors get their momey back. I know it works as one garrison mate tried to realize usb sticks in the shape of code cylinders which infortunately failed three times. They needed to reach certain sums/numbers to get in production. They mamaged to collect up to 6.500 $ which was 65% of the needed funds. Let's say everyone contributed about 100 £. We would need at least 1.000 people to contribute to reach a sum worth bidding for some time. Doable but quite a short time to arrange this in the two weeks remaining.
  7. I found the page again wtih the list and kit scans: http://studioscale.com/kitscans.htm
  8. I think that depends on the individual body frame - at least in the movies. From the scene in the bunker we know that we had different sizes of extras in the costumes but I doubt the costumes were tailored to fit as individually as our individual costumes. I think there is no real wrong or right as long as you achieve a look matching the given references on screen which seem to differ slightly as well. Manequins usually are of a idealized model height and physique. In europe that is 1,85 m and quite athletic but still slander. I am 1,76 m "tall" and of average physique (a tad of the fater side for some period), the extras on set we don't know the exact ranges and depend on guess work. It might be the shorter one shown among the lance at the bunker in the moment prior to the "speeder theft" is of my height or slightly taller, while one or two are quite large but still within the norm and one in between. The debate about Bear's involvement in the Scout role set aside - he was an extra or stuntman and was larger than me. So naturally a one-size-fits most design would have looked different on him than on me also resulting in different heights of the belt in relation to the bund. In the screenshots in most cases we see that the belt and bund form a gap in the rear but not always a clearly visible border between utillity belt and forward bund. In one case it is questionable for both sides - front and rear - as we can't see a clear border or the bund wrapping over. It looks as if this guy has the belt slightly covering the bund end - be it for reasons of body frame or dressing. This is also quite "borderline" if you ask me (I hope it's not too small or too large, I can't tell with my WQHD monitor) I think while it is intended that the bund at least doesn't go beyond the lower end of the utilltiy belt the actual look depends a kot on how the suit was applied on the extra for xy scene and what type of body frame he had. I know that a lot of bunds in the legion are way too long for various reasons ranging from bad base patterns as well as bad communication of sizes with distant commissions opposed to on-set possiblities to adjust as we have seen the behind the scenes footage where the skid pads were also a tan to brown tone as in the concept sketches. Additonally we have the differences in width in the belt - forward utillity belt is like 8.5cm (MC), originally used polyester webbing for the actual belt riveted to the utillity part was about 5cm - a size most of our legionaires use. So in case we have a slight overlap of belt over bund we still have the distance of belt and bund in the back - especially in bend positions we often see in the endor scenes (riding, running, fighting). However even a moderate design like my bund tends to produce different relations to the belt depending on how the suit was taken on that day although it is always the same suit and the same guy in it.... So if your bund is not way too long like some of our comrades it should be ok. I think - from a designer's point of view - we can assume that the intention has been that belt and bund don't interfere but form a close border. However it seems the border between crotch and bund was consistently covered in the movie shots. We can't tell if that was intended or just a coincidence until one of those involved remember otherwise. Conclusion I think our efforts replicating a proper presentation of the character should promote to avoid that the bund overlapping beyond the belt at the belt's lower end and the upper end of the webbing of the torso. Overlapping of the upper end of the utillity belt is not a drama in my opinion and justified looking at the screen references. Also it just doesn't look right even without the reference. But I also have another question for Gino As I'm planing on applying screen authentic weathering on my current armor I wonder if you can tell something about the spray paints and maybe other techniques used. Some original references allow for the assumption that the weathering applied not only derived from black spray paint. I find some grey and even brownish tones in some photos. Can you elaborate on that? Here are two screenshots that lead to my assumption (due to size only linked): http://www.madphisto...bootholster.jpg http://www.madphisto.net/dirt_boot.jpg http://www.madphisto...irt_brscout.jpg http://www.madphisto...rt_momscout.jpg I am aware of the fact that some of the colours on armor and boots may have their origin due to exposure to nature while filming at Redwood Forest and storage and transportation as well as the usual friction between prop material. After 5 years of service my armor doesn't look pristine as well and features some interesting marks and weathering of non-artificial origin . But I think the pictures illsutrate quite well that black might have been not the only option. Some more info on the material of the bund would be also nice but I think that was already asked and left out...so. I still think it is very basic fabric similar to the one used for the vest although it sometimes looks as if they were different materials. I myself allowed for some freedom due ot the lack of a definate answer and created a more durable and practical piece. But then again I'm not of the same mind set as collectors are but still need as much background information to preserve a the formal look and feel of that character.
  9. Shorten the bund? I don't understand. so far I had a combination but the bund only covers the area it has to cover. It also has the two seperate elements (crotch and bund). http://www.madphisto.net/myscout/kummerbund.jpg http://www.madphisto.net/myscout/kummerbund2.jpg http://www.madphisto.net/myscout/kummerbund3.jpg http://www.madphisto.net/myscout/kummerbund4.jpg The new version will also incorporate the information given in this thread. Of course there will be my special gimmicks for comfort and practicability as always. I doubt. I think it is the same material as the bund. what kind of material I can't say but it must be soft as it wrinkles a lot at the sides in most scenes. So it it's not that stable. However I used such synthetic material for the vest. for the bund I couldnt get it in white unfortunately so I used heavy cotton which blended well with the synthetic. Maybe I have more luck next time. The stability in my gear was achieved by the seamstress who made the decision to add a seam at the sides. So the bund consists of actually 4 pieces. left and right wing at the back and the front with attached crotch. actually I am not unhappy with that decision but I'm still unhappy with the messed up boomerang seam at the crotch and the thinner velcro seam line compared to the vest part.... I gess I will give up on the combination idea although I liked it but the original concept may allow for more movement although I encounter not to many problems. Still it might open up some more (not screen accuratebut practical) opportunities that way. Just pre-ordered the new book focusing star wars classic costumes and hope to get some more information. I just hope they don't neglect the scout as they did in other publications (aka star Wars Illustrated and the Tricia beggar Book with focus on prequel stuff) with rare details and badly lightened pictures.
  10. like this http://atlanticweave.com/index.php/portfolio/plush-back-elastic/?
  11. You may have noticed that the lower circular element has a recessed half circle. this is a common joint technique with model kits... so I wouldn't wipe away the possibility this to be a part of XY model kit or something of that kind.
  12. I had to redo some parts of my gear for a recent troop and found something I bought for my next scout suit. In the MOM shots I already figured out that the strapping I used was a lot different than that of the original so I always bought samples of straps and cloth for a version 2 of my gear. This one I almost forgot about but found it friday night in one of the boxes while searching for stuff. I got it last year or so from one of our petty wares shops in the city center. It is not the one you are looking for but it is flexible, wide and not plastic-like. The ribbing-structure tends to be quite rough though. It is a tad wider - about 5mm and the border is not that pronounced. It feels more like the strapping the AT-AT pilots had just soft and flexible...and the ribbing is probably a bit thinner but still visible from some distance. however here it is - I made a picture on my suit to compare and photoshopped how it would look like in a similar perspective and integrated on the suit.
  13. I guess we have to wait and see how these look after some use. "Out of the box" they look not too well. Major gripe as always is the base boot not matching the typical slick feel of the originals. The individual threads can be added later on but the character of the boots can't be changed. So I'm curious how it turns out -please keep on reporting. Currently savung up to grt a new pair done as well. The current ones are about to die soon.
  14. Saw this thread just now.... Wee...I envy you Gino. Very nice display I wish I could see in person. I think I've read all but sorry if this was asked already. Regarding the vest-to-cummerbund connection. As all seems to be carried by the vest I wonder how the individual parts are connected. I think it's quite certain that the pouches are connected with velcro or sewn on as the way the extensions at the back of the pouches suggest it. But what about the bund? Does it hang on hook and loop system similar to what we know of the regular troopers just with a different material? Or is it velcroed on? Something I have doubts about as it would be impractical on the move and not flexible enough. So can you tell about that? Also. As you jave seen them probably... Do the boot leg and toe tip sport different material? I think ot's quite certain the boot leg is made of leather but I am unsure about the toe tip. It is common practice to use vinyl and the way it shines on reference photos and regarding the thickness - which looks quite thin at the toe tip - seem to support this theory. I'm not sure if any of the fortunate people who saw the exhibit peace were close enough to say for sure and did so. At least I can't recall anyone proving it. So are there different materials ised ans is it correct that vinyl has been the second material? Pr wasnit all completely different? Would be nice to get a definate answer but oc I respect that some can't be revealed and look forward to what comes to light. Thanks for doing this! Edit* Another question to Gino: In the MOM exhibition piece we see hints to some sort of additional or just seperating square at knee height. We see what looks like extra seams at the knee pit or just the rest of a forward pointed textile segment. Looks a bit like the pockets we have in contemporary working pants just that it's no pocket but part of the basic overall. Is that a unique thing limited to the MOM Scout or some part as described meaning another hint what type of overall was used? To other people asking some questions: I hope I adress the correct parts asked for. The detonator greeblies, the bund and crotch connection/seperation are very good recognizable in the Blu Ray references posted here some time ago. (Too bad that one got no under suit :/). The detonator greeblies are offered by various sources (also in the UK). One of which was identified to be the radar dish of the Gepard 1:35 model like with the tank topper (including the two smaller greeblies next to the fins). The other one I don't know but the replicas I got seem to be spot on. Only things missing are the correct origin and size of "cooling" fins and the "gas/thermos cap" and the aforementioned lower bicep greeblie. At least that is my status.
  15. I messed up with mine and would be glad to get another one or two. :/
  16. How about a combined effort with Marcel collecting the money and then pass it on to RS with options to get one?
  17. Think Chef's find is the closest so far. It meets all specs. Edit: should have been Chef - sorry
  18. Pictures of three different straps: All those straps are unfortunately too thin. But the material or way it is made opposed to the common elastics used in our hobby seems to be quite close. Contemporary straps might feature more synthetics than in the 70ies though. http://www.madphisto.net/strapcomparison.jpg Although it is quite difficult to compare it seems obvious that the 2" Gino has measured (I hope) seems to be valid. Mine look smaller even though I'm probably scaled smaller than that guy but as those are a tad different perspectives I used the thigh boxes and their straps as a reference. Boxes might be different of scale but I think the MonCal thigh box strapping must be the right size (clips). My leg strapping is made of the more common straps you get in every store around the corner, not the ones I photographed which are heavier and thicker due to the weaving and material used. http://www.madphisto.net/scoutcomparison.jpg Edit* display changed to links for better viewing the thread.
  19. The thigh strap material might be heavy strapping from bike protectors. I canibalized the elbow guards of biking protectors to keep the bicep and lower armor constantly at the same distance. That strapping is thicker and stronger than common elastic strapping you get in the sewing supply shops and it has the lining at the sides. The bright lines may be the relastic underneath or within the weaving. Just that weaving sometimes is irregular and causes some of the elastic elements to shine through. Will provide pictures once returned home. Thanks for the details on the clips and hose! Some more to share?
  20. That is the only detail missing. Those are probably of later production and streamlined. I have the same boots just in woodland camo and green sole but all the other details except that divider are tje same as in the movie piece. A minor detail that can be changed with rubber glued and a repaint as the amber tones are a bot different too. That rzbber can be painted I was told by a shoemaker.
  21. I installed foam into the knee protectors for more comfortable kneeling down in the first place but it also keeps them from slipping all too easy. As I am smaller than average they tend to rest on my boots in case there is some slipping nevertheless. This happens when being constantly in armor for more than 4 hours and a lot of action and different poses. Bit it doesn't look strange it just gets uncomfortable after a while and then I have to push them back in place. The same happens with my arm protectors even though those are additionally held by the base of real arm protectors. However this usually takes a while due to the friction of the additional materials and the overall and my arm prptectors always have the same distance to each other. In V2 of my gear I want to install additional canvas loops on the overall and the protectors to keep them in the same height. For the knee protectors I might use a double sided velcro solution for the strapping but I am not sure yet. I think thin loops like those on pants to host the belt are more practical and comfortable. They need to be inconspicious though as the originals haven't had such systems. Bit I already succeeded with something similar: the strapping system for my pouches to leep them from flipping. But well, I am more libertine and focused on practicability when ot comes to improvements in case the original look is still preserved .
  22. There is an office: The Armorer. This person of the staff can be the first to address with questions how to start and what to take care of. And the others can help you too . But the idea is nice indeed. In oir garrison forums we have a thread with people who volunteer to help new recruits on a more local base. I myself started out with extensive research for myself and looked through the boards which persons could be helpful to achieve the level I was trying to achieve. I monitored the forums and how competent their posts had been and how close they got to the original with their own gear. Of course this requires some knowledge about the costume to recognize who is talking trash and who isn't.
  23. I have an LW and will get the limoted edition. So there will be a comparison.
  24. Well the way it was presented here oz indirectly compared the two....at least my book. Of course the efx is not an average trooping bucket and yes it is quite an amount of cash. However, I think it is foolish to deem people foolish that decide to add it to their collection pr for the sake of screen accuracy (in shape not material) to even wear it. I spent some amounts of cash to have original items because I see a value in that. If that person thinks it is enough to go only a third of the route it is his and other people's mind set which I respect but no reason to indirectly stamp others as idiots who are of a different mind set. I mean this is nothing scientific where we can have arguments and evidence aboit an issue. This a matter of personal interest and preference. I think that guy is just jealous... And sure I would have loved to have such an opportunity for a more affordable price too bit in the end even fan made products will benefit from the new input we will get first hand through this piece. ...and then this guy might get a better helmet somewhen in time because someone else spent the bucks to compare and advise creative people within the community!
  25. Sorry but to compare a KS to an efx is foolish... If any of the fan made helmets reach the efx it would be the LW.
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