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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TB-7076

  1. Another detail that I never realized until now when I saw the book and crosschecked with screen references. The tank of some scouts have a small detail added. This strengthens my assumption that the intention has been to simulate a hatch in the tank. And the small trapezium probably simulates a slot to open it with a finger. It is however a detail not present on all scouts as we see in the examples.
  2. Them we have to ask the eldersnof thebimter....err of thebBSN who made the pictures of the gallery resources.
  3. You have to have the end of the scrotch shorter so it ends right before the correspomding area of the suit. Otherwise you always get the camel toe.
  4. Do you mean Raw or is there information also stored in original camera jpgs?
  5. Already found but is there a source in europe as well? I couldn't find any resembling clips here although this seems to be standard stuff.
  6. Mine are attachedbto a strapping system holdong the belt too. But attached to armor?
  7. I think there was some talk about delays somewhere. But I'm not sure.
  8. I agree and I only disagreed in that point regarding the need for distinction. I have been both; membership liaison and detachment leader when this was decided under Thomas' helm if I remember correctly. Well anything EU is something he takes very serious. And I for one support it. Actually I was aiming at Westend Version that time evven thoigh it is more difficult due to helmet not being based on a biker helmet but a crossbreed of thos one and the base being a german ww2 helmet. Wehather the two should be defined as seperate units or not - well jere I am with you. I think that just makes it unnecessarily complicated and as you say TK remains TK no matter if anh/esb/rotj ... Well they could have incorporated TD into this as well as I see not difference but the equipment while Snowtroopers and scouts have an entirely different gear. But I'm not a fan of legion logic concerning abreviation and categorisation system anyways.
  9. The differences are quite significant. They had to distinguish somehow.
  10. Some people used laser dot techniques for the mom shot and still I'm sceptical. And as Marcel stated except for obvious sizes like the webbing and buckles we have nothing as orientation. And the parts are often screwed by perspective with no exact determination of angles possible. So this can be very vague. I think it might be possible if we had someine used to tracing figures via 3D applications. I'm not sure if that is just fiction of the entertainment media on TV or actually used techniques to reconstruct stuff. Like in architecture restoring sites by pictures and photographs etc... Or engineering.
  11. What's underneath and invisible for the spectator is - at least for legion approval - no issue. It is only an issue for those trying to replicate the look and functions as close as possible. So no force here and freedom of personal preference for those who wish to keep it simple and economic in regards to upgrades. And I guess arguing for the 5 cm a belt might be more up or down is in the same league in regards of our basic operations. Still it is important not to rest until oneself is satisfied and actually there are things that might be critical for basic approval and the so called levels. I don't like these as it has no meaning at least I don't see it but they'r there. Knowing is key at least for those who see their major project in the scout and are not so interested in quantities but more quality. A costume is never really finished Another important thing is the silky fabric. I didn't like it as the MoM shots already reveiled it but certainty and acceptance grew within me when the Blu Ray pictures verified it in HD. Nowadays I I have a whole new perspective on that feature... So never say never
  12. @ Dart - I am not sure if I understood you correctly but I tgought it was just natural that the belt is not a hip belt just like a belt on a uniform.usually worn about a hand width above the belt you use with pants. And most Scouts seem to do that out of Intuition. Some look strange as their gear and especially the armor parts don't support their body frame. Just today I had the chance to look at me in an elevator mirror during a promotional event for lfl/disney and in general the black and white proportions already looked similar as well as placement of the individual elements. A problem is the behaviour of the bund being independent as i creates a whole new impression. Tension is better distributed and creates less problem areas. As I mentioned my riding pads are far too short. Having these as long as the reference creates a whole new composition - at least in the aged stage the pads are today. On screen they look a lot darker. Also the chest piece and its shape as well as the helmet still a lot sleeker inbhis shape from the front than the curre t available helmets for us with LW being the closest so far. All these things look a lt different from what we're used to and unfortunately some stuff in the toy market adapted some of our shapes. At least I got the impression looking at the small scout helmets of the Hasbro figures while the whole proportions of white and black areas as well as the size and general dimensions of rhe old Kenner scout look closer being larger and thinner in front profile. So a lot of us are tok much influencednby our ownncreationsnanyways. I guessbrhere are even costumers just looking and adapting wjat the others have. I see this practice in my local garrison area with existing and future members. This is also a reason some ill designs lasted for quite a while and the progress on research from our side stagnated a bit once MC released his armor and has set the standard. At last that is my observation... I get side tracked again - sorry So I agree the belt is at a height we shiuld be used to from contemporary and past utility belt and strapping systems used in the military or specialists like firemen and all sorts of other 'equippment'-based professions. But military of course is the most related theme and underlying design scheme regarding the scout. Dispatch riders are nothing sci-fi :-)
  13. That's basically what I said Just my wording was maybe a bit complicated... But...this is a manequin! It might differ being worn from a guy of average build. They said the span they planned for was about 176-183 cm. So we still have to keep our own body frame in mind when talking about relation of gear and manequin. I wouldn't expect the suits being made to fit all standins individually but covering the projected span.
  14. Yes I also realized even though mine is already shorter than most I have seen so far it mist be higher at the lower end to sit flush to where the belt is supposed to be. The whole arrangement of the cummerbund itself as a seperate item from the cod that way resembles more the function it probably was based on. -》kidney belt from motor cycling. And as bukowsky pointed out in that constelation the cod looks much longer than most if not all of the known patterns. As the belt is extending to almost the same circumference of the bund the whole shape/silhouett changes as well as the composition of black and white changes as well opposed to almost all of our replicas. What was new to me too is that the padding obviously ends around knee height. I already noticed that in Gino's build but now see it verified by the picture. It was not that obvious in that high contrast picture of the illustrated series and the MOM shots. As the dye was more fresh those days when the takes took place it was also harder to recognize in the screenshots. So while the picture material is not that much and comparably tiny there is a lot of information in these 4 pages. Too bad they did not reveil the system the vest and bund was attached to each other.
  15. The cod is probably made in a similar fashion as some protective vests. The look and feel is identical and actually that is the most probable design concept behind it. When I instructed my seamstress I ised a picture of a bomb squad and some police riot vests to show them an example of the real world.making it easier for them to get into it. And this actually leads me to a major gripe of mine for years now... The following I typednin a kind of rage even though I don't want to attack anyone. I just vent about a problem that I think is fundamental to our work and our need to cooperate and to actually getbit to work. Anyone not interested please ignore the vent. The forim has no spoiler collapse function and I find it incomfortablento copy pastenin tapatalk on this lousy tiny screen. Snip------------------------------------------ Think of what was available to the dressing department and not that much to the work shops. Also think from an evolutionary approach the designers bases their concepts upon. A lot of the backgrounds are given in the book which makes it easier from what kind of mindset was behind it. Especially regarding the character. One problem that always occurs when we get pictures of WIPs is that photos can't replace first hand experience with the object. Why was George always looking at the designs and prototypes himself as well as the production leads? Because a surgeon would also prefer to be at the operation table next to his student rather than instructing them by wire while they're treating an open body. Ok we are all students here actually and everyone has a different approach and vision of the object we're dealing with - the replica of the costume used in the movies. And then there are different motifs and philosophies as well as a different background. Communication at distance and without real interaction leads to misconceptions in most cases. Some are only small irritations easily solved some are major errors. What I'm aiming at is that I'm not sure if we use the potential correctly and if the way we're developing things are really productive. Just a thought. Sorry if that side tracked the thread a bit but I got confronted today with various concepts and ways how to get feedback about stuff related to the scout which all lead to the same result in my head. I know what's wrong or I know howbI could help you if we would sit in one room but just now and just in this way ...I can't find a way how to explain to xy how he can fix things. I can't point fingers at areas of concern I can't turn an angle to show what is wrong in m eyes, I can't interrupt and adjust myself or the other end and the other way around. I had the same problem when I workednwith 3D artists who got photo referwnces and blueprints and still managed to get it wrong. Even drawings and photos with aerrows and explanations didn't really work and we even had IRC chat running and it took ages until something was understood and finally worked out or at least resulted in a compromise acceptablenformboth sides. Now my question is: what do you crafting guys need as a feedback to really get it to work? I can tell you what I need even though it is utopic: I neednto touch it and to place it on someone to really make an educated statement. As this doesn't work due to technical issues and barriers tied to the distance, difficulties and costs involved as well as interests and protection of the own work we have to improve the way we deal with information and feedback. And that is why we need to know what and what format each side needs to understand each other. I mean I often see people talking about rhe same thing but don't realize it as they either ignore it or can't decode the message. In thenworst case this leads to an entire inferior or half assed product. I want a convincing product in the span of my lifetime though . So if anyone has an idea feel free to open a discussion about it. I have no idea even though I am eager to help and to achieve the best we can get out of the information available.
  16. One or two pages back or in the other thread "Lifesize Costume" Dart mentioned one of the Ferrari types used for one part -the part that Chef has found - but not all of the greeblie. Tjere were several other racing kits used even several Ferrari kits bit of those we could find kit reviews nothing seemed to fit. It could be all kinds of kots and stuff. I also looked at the Midnight Special kit bit found no match. Sometimes parts got cut so it's also possible we just didn't recognize it yet. Very difficult and unfortunately innthe book there is no information about any kits used. But...I found several indirect cross references I think. Don't know if intentional or just by coincodence. So I'm still not finished with all pages but there might be hints. Sometimes parts and suits are not directly referenced but descrbed almost similar or with the same terminology. I will explain what I mean with one detail that struck me in regards to the overall.
  17. Yepp. I already have begun a new conceptual drawing to share soon with a few facts and speculations and to get a better picture of the whole. A true anatom so to speak. Will take a while but I try to hurry. Just want to be sure it is not just a scribble. Edit* is it possible to unlike? I accidentally liked my own post sue to mobile madness
  18. Yes I got it 2 weeks ago as for some reason the german version was out before the US release and my gf got one for review. My original us copy will arrive next week. There are some cool piecesnof information. That is why I started the Avirex thread though I think I got another hint within the book itself which makes sense. So there are a lot things that - in addition to Gino's information - really does a lot to complete the picture. I wish there were more pictures though and some costumes I feel a bit less detailed in their description. Well at least this is the most valuable glimpse into the archives from an official release. Screw the illustrated series - this book is the Trish Beggar version for us classic trilogy fans if not more. Both books have the same size btw! So they fit next to each ither in your shelves
  19. One of the best I've seen so far. Thumbs up. At the foward side there are two spaces too large though. But definately a good an comparably clean work.
  20. Well as I said there was an attempt once in 2006 to get such a helmet recasted but it didn't happen - at least not for the open (underground) market. It was a topic here and over at the RPF back then. For trooping the LW is still the premier choice regarding accuracy and practicability. The only occasion I'd consider trooping the EFX would be a red carpet event. I'm lucky to have a LW and soon an EFX. I guess our US comrades will have a comparison thread open once the helmet EFX arrives. Just check the forums on a regular base. The first batch of EFX were announced for october I think - so even with some delay we should expect something in the next weeks.
  21. The DP deluxe isn't accurate as well. In fact it has the same mods (interior) as the efx plus the inaccuracies outside. Both are made of fiberglas as far as I know. There are inconsistencies regarding the still available Legendary Edition which might be made of ABS or partially. The peoduct description and some other reports differ but there people who saw them at the efx booth on some occasions - they or Gino personally might give us the correct info. However between those two helmets the efx is probably the better choice - and for the moment the one to be obtained more easily. Just compare pictures of the DP and the EFX. Also - if you are afraid of "modifications" or better production features like the old MR stormtrooper helmets which efx took over - well I think that is not the case with these helmets. At least not to that extend and limited to material and lining as far as I can tell but we can only say for sure once there is a review of any once they're out. If you want something like the real deal you either live with the efx or wait for new fan creations once the new knowledge out of these efx replicas allows for adjustment. LW currently is the best option and maybe he or someone else will tweak their moulds if necessary while still producing them in ABS. Compare the pictures of the DP Deluxe and both EFX versions with those showing the original. I think it's easy to distinguish which one is closer to the original.
  22. I heard rumors that about 25 were produced and they ran about up to 10.000 $ before EFX helmets were available. Last time someone tried to get a hold of it as a donor helmet the owner withdrew at the last moment. That was about 2006/2007. Never heard of anyone exposing himself as an owner. But...the starwarshelmets.com guy may know as he has good contacts and pictures of one of these in his collection. While the helmet was cast from an original it still has some flaws aka edges of snout too soft and round, wrong visor bolts like all DP helmets and while better in shape due to fiberglas or something it still looks a bit wonky. My tip: still some EFX Legend incl. gun casted from originals http://www.efxcollectibles.com/p-246-scout-trooper-helmet-pistol-legend-edition-full-payment.aspx cheaper and better probably. Except you want to have a complete collection of helmets ever made Then you have to dig.
  23. To make your voice better heard coming out vague and muffled from within the helmet and get a more mechanical voice sound like a real com. There are several smaller voice amps out there fitting nicely into more authenitc sized helmets. Some still put their amps and speakers elsewhere like pouches, chest armor etc. There is also some 501st radio chatter for amps available - I for my part don't like his idea but well.... Having a more or leas concealed helmet I would suppose the only sound available for the public is the com so troopers can communicate with people around them and not equipped with a com link while base or squad communication if available would be FYEO and happen to be transmitted via headphone. But does it really exist? The one scout nailing Leia sending his partner to get backup implies if any communication takes place between scouts it must be short range at best and I don't need someone to report in that is just a shout around the corner . There are still scouts running around with BFGs though and god knows what else so why not have some more "candy" to add.
  24. I guess like most wouldn't dare to touch their efx which cost 700$, this guy wouldn't let anyone close to this bucket worth 17.000 £. But I'm still curious what kind of people collect these and spend such cash.
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