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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TB-7076

  1. Well if the helmet is not made of ABS they would lie to the customer which I doubt: from their page: The legend edition however was announced to be made of fiberglas, metal and plastic parts. I wonder what people can report about this issue which visited the convention these helmets were displayed? *Edit: I just reread the entire conversation here and now I am even more puzzled about the quote I took from the EFX page as the way it is teased it contradicts the previous statements about the mixed technique don't you agree? Btw: here is a picture previously posted in this discussion that shows how much it flares out. Sorry I didn't see that earlier. It's a bit disappointing however there might be originals flaring out as well. Still a great opportunity to modify some features of the fan made helmet sculpts using the measures and proportions of this helmet as a reference.
  2. I wouldn't touch any of these helmets if you're not 100% sure what you're doing. Actually I'm not sure yet if these are really items for trooping. I will look into it when my helmet arrives but its value makes me a bit afraid exposing it to the side effects that occur while trooping (sweating, damage or even worse - theft). the Legend line will fit better to most of the armors out there made of ABS or similar plastics as it is not made of fiberglas like the Limited. My gear has 5 years now and it only looks bright on pictures today. Parts are broken and need replacements, boots and pouches as well as helmet and armor are not looking as new as they did on my first troop. The costumes won't stay shiny so battle weary look is something that comes with age anyways and going for it right from the start will cover up the process of "decay" . I know that some events might require clean suits only but it takes a lot of care and luck not to get dirty or damaged in some way during your service. I wish I could have both helmets but I could only afford and get a Limited edition here in europe. I guess in 2016 the latest there will be even better fan made helmets now that people are able to study the original shape more intense and close enough to make proper sculpts.
  3. It may be a sacrifice to the material used maintaining stability. It is a bummer indeed but still the helmet will serve as a good reference for a new generation of fan made helmets. The Legend Edition doesn't seem to have this annyoing spot. It is also made from ABS or simolar material like the originals. It doesn't seem to be constructed like theboriginals though as I couldn't spot the sheet of plastic supporting the connection of the visor halves.
  4. Most people seem to put them way too low.
  5. I have leather chaps like the originals which provides a far better fit and look than vinyl. Plus it's closer to the originals. My current boots only suffer from an ill fated choice of leather type and a mistake from the leather worker regardig the toe tip cover. Version 2 will feature the almost original boot base and bring a remedy to those two points of disappointment. Compared to everything I've seen so far I am lucky I spent the extra money on my boots made of leather. Unfortunately I can't post pics before 24th of july when I have returned home.
  6. I can't recognize synthetic in the mom shots but as I used such a material for my vest I wished I had found a similar fabric in white. But it seems you only get that in large quantities in germany. So I went wih heavy cotton which is similar to the duck cloth used with the pouches but with a more linear weaving pattern fitting to the matt black nylon. The characteristics of thesenmaterials I deem better suited for constant usage and maintnance which is more critocal to our needs than those of the movies.
  7. Will be difficult for me to come to sdcc... I hsve some gripes with archive material though. Something which was meabt for thebscout like other features known and shown from preproduction shots obviously didn't make it to the shootings or at least those variants aren't shown. It's a given fact that suits differed and to establish a proper standards we need to be carefull how to verify things. Screen always beats sources outside the movies except we have no possibility to verify by screen sources. This applies to most of the details regarding the belt and how it was attached and closed as well as exact cloth types some back up for certain armor features and boot details. I'm not saying it isn't possible - actually I'd welcome some type of closed neck feature as the open collars of a common racing/working overall never appealed to me - but we need better proof than hear-say and a very small hint in a screen. I know I had vague screen material as well when discovering the details of the range finder of the ATST helmet but at least the complete body could be seen to identify it
  8. You could at least describe it. I doubt it is a stormtrooper neck seal. It must be less thick and of different material otherwise I can't verify it on screen. We know that todays remaining outfits like the mom scout has details not corresponding with the originals on screen -> red square on tank, missing belt device details (greeblies). I wish they wiuld finally release a proper costume guide.... Most of the illustrated series are not worth the paper they got printed on....
  9. Haven't seen the latest pics butHaven'ttnversion I've seen looked a bit srange regarding shapes in general. A lot of people are happy about it though. Depending on your expectations you can only compare Pictures of the latest version and the original and decide by your own judgement and taste. It is about the same size as the original +/-.
  10. I'm going to wipe it.
  11. My reference is the Outtake showing "Nik Saint" alias the disguised imperial who put on the gear of the captured remaining scout. He only wears a balaclava. People may argue of hypothetical imperial uniform continuity but I always argue from what can be proven 100%. I know some people tailor and sell vests for biker scouts with such a neckseal because people somehow find it cool but seriously if you don't have a neck like a giraf it looks strange due to the slim helmet opposed to the wide stormtrooper design. If I take on my stormtrooper neckseal I couldn't even get my helmet on correctly. So I'm not saying people can't do what they think is cool (we have seen scouts with pauldrons all kinds of "artillery") but most of the references don't support this theory even if we know there are inconsistencies in screen canon as well. - In most scenes we lack the ribbed neck while we can clearly see the details of the suit collar. - In the cut scene we see this afore mentioned rebel in disguise sporting a balaclava and no hint of a neck seal - In the pre-production/PR shots we see can recognize the collar of the suit again just that they seem to be folded up or some kind of turtle neck but no ribbed neck seal. The stormtrooper neckseal is made leather or rubber - in the screenshot the material looks as dull as the fabric of the suit, no glossy and rather smooth material as we know it from the neck seals we see in neck seal references. So argument may be they just didn't use the same material as for the stormtroopers or something similar to Boba Fett who also sports a flak vest but seriously.....too much speculation here and no real evidence. If they used a pattern like the Boba Fett vest - which might be possible from a practical point of view - we wouldn't see any overall collars as that kind of vest would cover it completely. Instead we can see a quite wide border line of the flak vest in prominent screenshots of the endor scenes which lead to the traditional design of the flak vest of our repro armors. Of course I also just speculate in some areas but this screenshot never convinced me to accept the existence of a neck seal for scouts. However I respect if people do their costumes as they like it - I do that as well and used some creative freedom to achieve a better look of my cummerbund and vest for example and even the collar (I used the imperial crew overall with the typical closed neck collar as base for my suit). But a neck seal as I said earlier in picturesque words would result in an awkward look for most body types (if you ask me).
  12. This misconception stirs up every once in a while . Maybe we should establish a scout FAQ.
  13. There were holster straps and thigh armor in the concept shots of the visual illustration publications as well. Some of the produced collectible items still use these due to these references. We also know that the concept sketches feature bright brown skid pads for the suit and the early test fits sport these bright pads opposed to what was done in the final shootings. So we have to distinguish concept and screen canon. So while we have proof that there were chin cups in helmets (see original from Steve Sansweets collection for example) it is quite logical that the stuntmen probsbly found this design element to be inappropriate in most of the action shots and removed them. We can't tell if helmets like the aforementioned piece that was in possession of Sansweet has been the helmet of an extra in the background scenes or an unused prototype. So it depends which philosophy you're entitled to. I personally think both variants are legit bit I prefer the no-cup-solution due to the same reason I hypothetically assumed to be a probable reason for the stuntmen to get away with it. Also the loose or in most cases non aligned look of these spoils the apearance if you ask me. Haven't checked the requirements for 501st scout levels lately but even of I always argue for authenticity I habe no problem to not reach a certain level like lancer if it does collide with my philosophy and understanding of the costume.
  14. It seems I managed to get one as well. Found a trustworthy german reseller and a possibility to fund it. Phew...... Have to wait till the end of the year though.
  15. I thought they were the same base but the legend one with the endor battle marks. Haven't seen high res pics yet though.
  16. News are out on efx page. The legend edition features a scout blaster probably taken from the original too. Nice.
  17. If the padding is installed permanently I wouldn't troop n it anyways. Having a 700 $ piece exposed to sweat without being able to wash or exchange the inerior would make me cry. My experience is that I sweat a lot in a helmet and therefore prefer the original interor which at least can be cleaned. Also I'd prefer to install a speaker and voice amp into the helmet as planned with my current LW. I wouldn't ever dare modifiying such a collectors helmet except i was in the position to afford 2-3 extras straight out of my potty cash. I'd use it as display and study piece to better advise fan creations. But for anything else it would be too expensive for me to risk damage, theft or stench
  18. Aboit the time we had to save up money. I did so but as time passed there were bills to pay and it looked as if the project was on hold or something. When I mailed an inquiery to efx I even got no answer about the status. So I had to use the funds. Currently thinking of ways to raise the money somehow but well even the distributor doesn't seem to answer what eu based customers have to expect.
  19. I wouldn't mind the price if I had the time to save up for it. It too k me 5 years to finance my current scout costume which cost like 2.500 € not counting stuff I bought for trial issues. I payed like 350 € to obtain those Sierra boots and 150€ for original Esprit gloves. When I have money I'm more than happy to invest it in case it is worth that for me. I know some stuff has a price but this limitied runs and short time frames are the biggest problem for me. So far I could handle everything with patience and discipline in saving funds for my projects or having some cash in a lucky moment but in this case I can't do anything. People who know me everything scout and everything spot on is holy to me. I know "limited" may be a business manouver to hype sales, makig it a rare and extraordinary product and to have license fees only for a short time but since collecting of props today isn't just a hobby of an elite clique we have the class system kicking in.... That is what disappoints me the most. PS: Would love to see one in person as well. Guess I have to wait if someone in our garrison is lucky enough to get one.
  20. Most fan made helmets derive more or less from Don Post sizing. It is no miracle these turn out to be smaller. But LW and one of the south american ones are quite near the actual size. It was proven with exhibit comparisons. Of course the fact EFX got the original moulds is implying that helmet will be the most authentic one regarding the details and proportions which is a major argument for me to get my hands on one of these but well... Atm such a price in a limited time frame is simply not doable. I don't want to argue about the price. It is high but as it is a collectors item this is expected. License fees, development and production costs, staff costs and a niche market (even if numbers of costumers and collectors are growing) are factors business men have to call for prices like that to have a benefit. Otherwise why should you do all that if there is no revenue involved? I wish you guys would have been two years faster in the development. And I wish there could be a constant supply of buckets with that origin. Less interior, less retail stuff I don't need like plaques, documents etc. and kit form if it would lower the costs. The simple men would appreiciate it
  21. I already contacted one of the sources given on the EFX page and currently waiting for a response. Nevertheless those distributed goods will probably be more pricey than the original offer which already is a huge investment. And I can't come up with that much money instantly these days.... I once saved up to 500,- € when the first announcement for an EFX Scout helmet appeared but I had to spend it meanwhile due to shortages. I doubt there will be a constant supply with these (limited) or a still pricey "economy" edition later on. The same problem I had back in the 90ies with the two different Don Post helmet versions. Bad luck and timing...
  22. The helmet on that promo pic looks very nice. Though it looks a lot different than the prototype posted in the introduction. Too bad...that it is unaffordable for me - with customs and shipping on top that will be like almost double the price.
  23. Dead end atm actually. I myself wasn't available here and able to pursue the case as I had and still have quite a good deal of work on the private side of things. I am still open to proposals but I am carefull which road to go and whom to provide with materials without knowing what happens. I need trustworthy and honest people working on this project! I want the best option possible for any scouts or rebels out there who want to go that extra mile. And unfortunately that takes time to get to know people and then things actually done. Before anything starts: - we need to refine the 3D CAD material - we need to convince the company or someone else to do it (my preference the company) - we need to raise and rally the interest parties with a definate order to fill a minimum production number - we need to find a way to distribute the boots - someone has to order these and then distribute them to the people...(problems: bulk imports, taxes) I doubt that a company like that distributes to end users but one distributor. - in worst case we need to explore the best way to reproduce these on our own (-> i.e. crow) I already invested a lot obtaining the boots and I am not interested letting them go and have them taken apart without the guarantee there will be a top notch product for all in return! Especially regarding longevity and durability I have high expectations as people probably will have to pay quite a price for it and thus I don't accept anything of less quality than what I hold in my hands! I regard it my highest priority that the reproduction of these boots doesn't end up in an exploit of the community and people getting poop for $$$. First step before approaching a company as proposed would be to have a project group and some numbers. Ideally we use the chance and go by screen accurate getting the rebel commandos in the boat as well. Second step kicking of at the same time is finding a professional CAD engineer among us that is able to reproduce and correct the sole pattern on the base of the scan. Third step is approaching the company and make sure to brief them as precise as possible. I don't know if the guy who made contact is also native speaker - I learned that you sometimes have problems to get details across and understand at the receiving end. If company option fails we have to rely on crafters among us which means trade-offs. For example level of quality in materials and build -> durability/longevity, missing steel shank in this case etc. for a similar price.
  24. This was suggestetd before and while I still say it is not necessary to stop camel toeing it's fine if it works for those who do it. Disadvantage even using flexible plastic - it won't bent anymore the way like in the one shoot of the scout on the bike (try to find it later). *edit download the follwoing caps: http://www.madphisto.net/093.jpg http://www.madphisto.net/094.jpg http://www.madphisto.net/095.jpg Same result, no plastic, just tailored to fit: http://www.madphisto.net/scoutevents/2013_04_27_endor-shooting_01.jpg
  25. Thing is, if we produce an accurate boot we would also have rebel commandos in the boat. However we should first be sure weather or not a company was able to make an acceptable offer. This has to happen quickly and using propper material and numbers. If that fails we News to go the Rocks road doing it ourselves. So I think we have one with contacts, one with skills and one with the source material. Let's try to her simething worked out.
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