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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TB-7076

  1. The toe strip is a bit thin for my liking. From the comfort side of things boots built up as real boots are probably better but I think they completely lack the typical feel of boots build up on canvas boots - canvas boots because most boots used are working boots and look even more strange sometimes than these completely fabricated boots. These are probably more true to the original features than caboots for example. I guess crows boots are in the same league as being build by the same principle so these will be competitors. I'm interested how they look in a year with the wrinkling appealing to me after some wear. Maybe they look a bit more appealing then. It's always dofficult to see new boots when they're still new. I wonder how ILM managed to do that as the boots itself got made shortly before the takes by a bootmaker too. Are you going to add the carving?
  2. Guys we got a gift - another peace to the puzzle maybe. I got information from a guy already owning the new book about classic costumes and it seems to be written just for us costume people as there are small hints to original used stuff. Some we already know of course but some are new information at least for me. So we got esprit gloves and have guys who make them we got the 3M liners and still sources to get them even though they just switched production we got Sierra related boots from Hi-Tec and try to work something out we got .... the brand the overalls of the scout costumes seem to be made of... It is said to be a model of the company Avirex. Wikipedia has the following to information: The question is if all patterns went to Ecko - which I doubt - and if or if not if old stuff was kept in archives. I haven't found anything on the web that fits the pattern we need. Based on the info we got from Gino that sort of fake pockets were present also at knee height I think the suit pattern might look similar to the Luke Bespin Outfit just minus the collar style etc. And I also think while the suede got dyed the overalls were already black. Can we find that suit? Can we have them made?
  3. If you're a lot larger than 180cm and of a more massive built I'd opt for SC. Around 180 and smaller you might better chose MC even if waiting time is a problem. Every armor has its up and down sides. There is no armor out there without any issues in detail. Some more some less and often in different areas. Personally I still prefer MC for the alround package and being of a comparable good and sharp pull quality. Still I have my gripes with this one too. For my future gears I try to get someone to try it again from scratch though. If time and also customs is of concern you can also chose for the UK based armor. You shouldn't be too big though same as with the MC kit in some parts even smaller (knees, chest) which can be of advantage in some cases. The problem with size is that we have no actual sizes to have movie accurate standard to model from. There is only guessing via dubious measureing techniques and comparing scales and lengths with known parts by eyeballing pictures which are difficult due to angles and their contortions. Ideally there would be at least two sizes like Kevin offers with his clone suits but well - doing armor on a private base is already hard enough to stem and motivate oneself for. Regarding shapes you may consider the age of an armor pattern. The SC while still good for large people and in its time almost unchallenged in the whole for some time is older than the MC moulds benefitting from a lot of new knowledge about the costume. Im not sure if Jeff updated all of his parts - I think he moulded a new helmet but I'm not sure about his armor parts. It is a very difficult decision and I can only advise to go to an event and compare armors. In most of the larger events you have at least the better known armors present -> KS,SC,MC. Photographs cannot show you everything and preferences of others may not be your's.
  4. Backed them up already. I guess everyone did . There is an automation already saving any and everything that could be usefull no matter how many pics I already got. I even save pictures and urls of fan armour...even poor armor and parts, possible substitutes etc. If not I probably wouldn't be as vocal about the costume as I am . It's important to know every facett and any bit regarding the costume and its replicas to advise people what to chose and eventually devlop your own rig to the best possible - in case that is one's preference and dedication. I guess the new owner is disclosed right?
  5. That's quite sum for that helmet.
  6. I ordered MLC helmets twice from Mardon directly. The first order was wehn MC didn't have the moulds and the second time I thought it would be better to split the order and why not have the original - also he made some modifications by my demand and that time the original MLC cost 50$ less than those of MC (don't know what it's now). The cool thing that happend.....the second time it slipped through customs without any fees. Never happend with something from the US though.
  7. In germany the book is already out - unfortunately I ordered the original US version to arrive at my desk start of november . But I got a preview today from a garrison mate already in possession of that book - it has been for sale on Jedi Con two weeks ago. I don't have clearer pictures and I think it's not appropriate to publish them in print size anyways but I wanted to show you that this book is golden for us scouts and other costumes as well!!! This is a must have!! Definately! Best I've seen so far regarding classic costumes. ...even got the confirmation that the belts I purchased for the rebel endor commando seem to be spot on .
  8. Flight suits tend to be more baggy than rallye style suits. While I agree that using a real racing suit is not a good idea as nowadays they have these fire protective coating/material there are working overalls running by the sub title rallye overall as they use a similar pattern. It basically says slim fit often using extending sleeves at the shoulders as we're used from the imperial crewmen suits. Actually I used such a suit stripped it of its pockets and had it converted to a scout suit then. If your body frame allows I'd always go for slim fit! Too baggy pants look strange and flight suits often feel more baggy than others. Ideally I'd go for a custom tailored suit! as it is easier to add some of the details fo the scout overall like the fake pockets, the riding pads and strapping. But I know that this is something most try to avoid .
  9. While it might look annyoing the gap is actually screen accurate in case it settles your disappointment. I myself prefer it over the integrated tanks which looks completely strange. However I wish there was something that would make it look as if it was more solid under that mantlet surrounding something. I plan to do one realistic interpretation of the scout once I have my other two completed and matching the reference. Will use the current costume to realize this then. But for the 501st I can live with a gap
  10. Can do that but you have to wait until friday or weekend.
  11. I'd try to make the ridges thinner so that the lower carvings are longer than the upper ones. At least in that perspective the carved sections - lower and upper - seem to be equally proportioned though if you look cloesely you can see the original shows a difference in length of upper and lower. Also the second carving from right the center of the boot usually is thinner than the others if you look at the reference you also placed next to the boot. But as your heels - like most btw. - are lower in general I understand that this might be hard to achieve the right proportions. It is already hard enough not having the right tools for such a job. My current are even lower so that I had to skip it completely Other than that - nice work going beyond the average.
  12. Well, Gino has been in the archives, he might have spoken to Mollo too - also I think he might have had a view behind the scenes of this very book as well. Gino I haven't found a post asking for advice on the RPF though I admit I haven't read the complete thread showing off your costume there. I think in the whole there is more interdisciplinary expertise to be found than here (not saying BSN is a place of ignorance). Maybe I just didn't look carefully enough though.
  13. The CRL states....guess what But I see CRLs as a two-edged sword anyways.... It is made by people - and people often do mistakes. So far I never used CRL but still did the costume justice. Actually I always go beyond CRL. Just use your screen reference and you're good to go. A few weeks ago I comissioned Juno Eclipse boot changes to be made on equestrian boots (something ideally fit to be taken up by you btw.) that surpassed anything those CRL-Junkies ever found out about their own costume though clearly visible or didn't dare to take the challenge. I'd go with a bright khaki which is according to the rules and screen accurate if you meet the tone seen on screen. And what is on screen is always correct!
  14. I think the only exisiting camo close is the digital camo but a bit scaled up and not that sharp edged: http://www.ebay.com/itm/HYDROGRAPHIC-WATER-TRANSFER-HYDRODIPPING-HYDRO-DIP-GREEN-DIGI-CAMO-CAMOUFLAGE/191134640166?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D25881%26meid%3D02e53954e8b0465a9a48ab76e9ac35be%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D10819%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D271608980806&rt=nc
  15. Actually I am in the same boat regarding the attachment of the pouches. It is the one thing I will also avoid in future builds being unpractical and leading to (in my eyes) unwanted results while in action. It is also one of the things I already read out of the references but didn't incorporate into my suit for practical reasons be it washing, flipping over and lose and all that side effects I don't like while trooping and trying to keep a believable impression which is hard enough with the kids of today being robbed their childhood by industral interests too soon. However knowing the truth is a relief and very important for me and of course the other bikers out there whatever personal preference they might be up to. I also think while we get small heaps of information these little tidbits are of a major impact for our development of the costume. I also want to thank Gino for this special favour to us. And hope there will be some more of these earth shaking little details.
  16. I think these are questions we might answer ourselves even though it's still guessing: First - it is no gap per se. It is a border between two elements being connected to each other. I think there is nothing to hold the belt. It is probably a matter of how tight the belt ran around the wearer's hip and how carefully it got positioned by the dressers or how movement caused them to slip and clearly expose this border. But except for production shots and exhibition pieces like the blu ray 360° installation I don't remember a scout having slipping problems on screen. (But I haven't checked it yet) Here the production shots with one example that should be noticable on screen as well: It might also be that this has been on purpose to define were the belt should sit. It would pose an analogue to the TK abdomen plate with the distinct raised border above the line where the belt is used to be. (source: troopermaster album) --- The connection of the pouches can be recognized very well in the frontal zoom view of the blu ray showroom feature. Looking at it you see that these seem to be sewn on directly to the cummerbund. They appeal to mee too tightly attached to the bund to be velcreod on or something like that. As Gino already said that everything is kind of hung or attached to the vest it makes no sense to have them connected to vest and bund as bund and vest still seem to be independent items. If they were connected to the vest there would be no connection to the bund and if there was no connection to the bund the extensions of the pouches wouldn't sit so tight to the bund. Looking at the picture you also might realize there are some hints that there is a clear border between black vest area and bund and pouches. The extensiopns holding the pouches would go beyond the bund if they were connected to the vest. The zoom also shows that the overlapping extension of the pouch is kind of slipping under the armor due to missing tension keeping it in place. There you see this fold under the chest armor and looking at it carefully you might discover the seam of the edge of that part. The corner pointing inwards is also almost visible implying it's still in the white area of the bund. But.... I discovered an interesting thing in one of the Brinn71 promotion shots that also show that the pouches probably are not connected to the vest. If you look at the strapping between chest and back. the strap seems to cover at least one loop or something else which might be part of the connection between bund and vest... As it shows both - the border of bund/pouches to the vest and this strip or loop I put it into the picture as well but isolated it in this picture again: I think one guy once claimed the pouches were attached to the strapping running along the chest. Looking at the Magic of Myth pictures I think I'm pretty safe saying that is not possible. At least that MoM strapping is ending at the slot being wrapped around and sewn on to itself creating a loop. Meaning there is no strapping running along the chest line. But maybe he interpreted these white spots to be such a connection. Now the interesting thing would be what are they and how does this work? Loops holding a square ring or a hook meeting thier counterpart at the vest or something? --- Now that I have typed so much again... Gino please tell me if comments/discussions like these are unwelcomed as this is actually your showcase with your Q&A. I'd respect that and just aks and listen like everyone else does and of course ask a moderator to remove posts that contain no questions and just theories on my behalf. I wish there was a spoiler-collapse function.
  17. Do you have access to a professional working environment for this technique or is it easy to get it done by yourself? I mean looking at the videos it doesn't look too complex but there is stuff I have no idea of like sourcing and producing the prints on suitable material. You need a basin and water warmed up to 30° but there is probably more.... carrier material, special colors, fixation and the like. But it does look very interesting especially as the cgi clone camouflage doesn't feel like applied manually of some sort. Nice find and looking forward to what evolves out of it.
  18. Does it work like paint coating or is it comparable to car wrapping? If this technique looks like the reference and has no trade-offs making it inferior to paint I see no rason why it shouldn't qualify for approval.
  19. Yes the originals were made of leather but not like those replica boots by Gio or sources like caboots, zonkvador and some other source in mexico or another south american source apart from Gio build up their boots in leather right from the start based on a generic sole. ILM has build them around the base canvas boots as far as we can tell. If they weren't they would lack any stability to the feet due to the way they're constructed. That is why Gio build a jodpur like boot first as a base. Just that he had no canvas based tip and that way only the boot leg to be attached unlike the original. For the covering strip along the tip ILM used the same leather just thinned. Talking to a local shoe worker I was told this is a common practice when I asked how you can achieve that look if not using vinyl. The final confirmation was given by Gino when I asked him in his life size figure thread if vinyl was partially used or not. So no vinyl was used! I'm not sure if they used thinned leather for the tip though. I guess that would be subject to a test what is possible and what it looks like in the end compared to the references. I think Gio already incorporated the velcro in the back. I'm going to re-scan my boots within the next months with a better scanner - however I want to try something else before releasing them to the public to be sure to have the maximum quality, authenticity and ideally the maximum demand to realize it. But... there should be at least three known pairs of Hi-Tec boots out there next to mine - so if one of the owners decides different you don't have to wait for me and my more ambitious capers. And... as we see with the example of jcarlson101 there are also customers prefering functional boots rather than screen authentic boots.
  20. Looking from that perpspective it would be more logical to have them white as opposite to stormtroopers and Jango Fett clones have started out white soles - all of them if I recall correctly - except for the discussed versions with the Jango soles. But....as I said - the colors look too uniform in their coating to be only affected by lighting and environmental influences. Also their white boot legs would be affected by the same effect. Which they don't - we see it very clearly in example of the Marines. In the classic trilogies they used certain camera filters - for example even on endor some blueish which affected the colors as well. This is recognizable looking at helmets of the AT-ST walkers as the tone is slightly different than on behind the scenes shots. In cases of doubt the on-screen references are favoured - at least in the 501st. That is why most imperial AT-AT and rebel navy helmets and armor parts are white though there are hints they were actuially of a pale gray. In my opinion the boot soles of the KT and GM are of a light tan and it is absolutely plausible in the references at hand. There is a theory though that people have a different perception of colors and the tests prior to elementary school resulted in a slight gray-red defeciency for me. I don't know if that result is justified due to younger kids not being aware of the color scales but the main tones but it might affect how I see colors while others may see it completely different. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion and if you think it is like that and someone else is not and the proofs given are not convincing for you as well as a missing majority to support the antithesis then you're good to go by your own judgement.
  21. I'm not sure if this critique is welcomed btu as it states WIP I share my thoughts. They look better than most but I think a sneaker base like the original aka Paladium/Sahal would have been better to achieve the more pointed toe tip opposed to working/outdoor boots. The metal toe also detracts form the original scout boot look. I'm not sure if these soles are custom made or available generic blanks to base individual boot designs on. If custom made you may try to bring it more in line with the original look. See - those scout boots probably were made to resemble jack boots of some kind but the boots are completely different due to the base they used and the way the "chaps" were applied. And this creates a very unique look. Look at these shots - very soft and wrinkled opposed to your (and most other competitors and custom mades) solid and sleek design. People will hate me but I did this chart to compare: As most use working boots as a base though - it won't be noticed by the audience if at all. But going the more difficult path it would add to the more authentic look. I think there are enough square boxy scout boots out there and more or less easy to aquire. How about something new? The closest so far but not finished (I think) has been Lonewolfs attempt on modeling the sole pattern on his own in 2011 or so. That said I of course admire your abilities to do these from scratch and hope you go the extra mile. A better angle of the piece covering the instep would be nice too as it looks as if it would be a bit misplaced -> too much towards the heels. But I cannot tell from that last picture.
  22. First of all - thanks for the nice words. I guess the only problem is the shielding speaker versus microphone as they're close to each other. To circumvent this I am using micro speakers so that the speaker in the snout tube has more distance also room wise. There will be a small felt pad to act like a shear wall. I have lost a link to some self adhesive foil which also acts as a shield between mic and speaker. I just hope the buzzer speakers are loud enough - a clone in my garrison already uses this system just with two speakers in the larger and even more distant aerators. He actually also developed that amp. Some people advised to install larger speakers behind the "ears" but that would limit my ability to hear and the sound origin being unauthentic. Even though it would be a better option than having the sound source at chest height or else. Just yesterday the audience was so close - literally in my face - so this would have been strange. Also because it would be even more obvious that there is some mumbling under the helmet and a voice coming from elsewhere . So this is my motivation - Not only to improve communication but to simulate real functionality making the illusion even more believable. Let's hope it works
  23. If you ask me - it is neither tan nor white. It looks like a light tan with some grey in it - a warm grey if you want to call it like that. I once made this mock up My theory is that GMs and KTs use the same boot base. All clones started out in white by design but altered it to their needs or liking (something I detest considering these are the foundary of the uniform imperial forces). The GMs have several items of their gear being of such a "warm grey-light-tan" whatever you want to call it as well as their boot sole. There is no real gray or blue-gray as we're used to from the imperial era and the first generation of Gio's boots do feature. The screenshots of the Kashyyyk encounter also look to me like this tone in between the colour two color tones. You may also say a bleached tan towards some of the more grayish khaki tones. It can't be worn of white or faded gray - it is too distinctive for that and too solid in coating. If it had been like that you would see very different areas as dirt and the different exposure to the elements can't result in such a consistent pattern. While the designers chose to leave the GM boots to be white those of the KT's got the camouflage on their boots. The soles however look identical. Of course it might be lighting - especially in the GM scene we have obscure lighting with a lot of yellow coming from blaster fire and explosions as well as the atmosphere or just the temporary conditions during the battle. But looking at the CGI renders and concept drawings I see this thesis verified. I can upload the references but I think most of us already know these by heart.
  24. Dear reader For starters I apologize that this resumée evolved in quite a wall of text - maybe you take the time to work it through or maybe you just enjoy some pictures ____________________________________ TB-7076 V 1.0-1.5 Scout Trooper (Approved) This is not a new one but somehow my old thread got lost in the wilderness and as there is no real showroom here I take the freedom to present an old-new costume. Actually the costume hasn't really changed in looks within the 5 years after its approval but there definately have been improvements over time. Some subtle one major. This is how it started out in 2009, V 1.0 and basically accompanied me the last 5 years 2009 2013 Specifications: armor: MC detonator greeblies: custom made (main board parts) / improvised attachment helmet: DP modified with MC Snout, decals some internet source / lens laser cut by SL-9135 / bolts M3 / lining foam overall: modified CB crew overall cummerbund, vest, pouches: individually made by a professional theatrical dress studio boots: leather chaps sewn on sneaker base by a leather manufacture pouch strapping: improvised attachment (tape + metal band) blaster: HS stunt rubber blaster belt: original polyester-band belt got changed later to US pistol belt for more stability gloves: Esprit Originals (black lining / tan suede dyed black) subtle innovations: arm protectors held by modified biking elbow guard pouch strapping clipped to vest and belt preventing pouches from flipping while in extreme poses or movement and helping holding the belt in place vest-cummerbund combo with the vest featuring fishnet cooling window at chest height open topped cardboard box for pouches to remain in shape and still be functional unfortunately I haven't spend much time yet developing a solution in soft plastic to be rain proof (no picture) The basic soft goods and armor haven't changed except for wear. Among some cracks in the armor the most annyoing "damage" is the rubbed of and brittle surface of my boots. This is a result of using wrong type of leather to build the boot around the sneakers. I wanted to have a leather texture but not too coarse to match the reference. Additionally the boots have a major flaw in the way how the toe tip sides are covered...something the leather worker misunderstood. As I was lucky enough to aquire High-Tec boots almost matching the originals and due to the fact I have to re-do the entire costume anyways this is something I can live with for the next time. I changed the functionality of the belt and strapping which is not finished as I type due to some better fitting parts missing. But compared to the quite improvised construction an improvement. Btw. the strapping and soft goods are one of the reasons I never applied and actually don't qualify for lancer status even though some have thought I should have. The flipped termal det greeblies is something I have to blame myself. I totally messed it up trying to realize a better functionality prior to an event in the midst of the night...unconcetrated and in haste to get at least some two hours of sleep. Well armor has to be changed anyways...and a simple change of the decals of the tank, left visor and the holster would make it almost screen accurate again The biggest improvement is the LW helmet. I owned two MLC helmets before (V1, V2.5) but never wore them as something was missing. The lack of the "cheek bones" of the face mask and the typical edges of the visor really spoiled it for me. So I chose to stick with a modified Don Post for almost 5 years. I got the rare LW in 2012 but due to other commitments and fear to mess it up it just dwelled in a corner. This year I made the decision that this undeserved fate has to end. I'm a good researcher and have eye for details and the creativity to realize quite a lot of things even in costuming but I completely suck when it comes to execute that stuff. So with the help of a friend a complete desaster could be avoided. I know it is a shame and blasphemous considering how rare and hard to get this helmet still is. However it still works and I'm amazed how different the whole costume looks just for this single swap. 2014 Please bear with me - I didn't noticed the thigh boxes slipped so they're misplaced in these pictures armor: MC NEW! helmet: LW with MC snout / lens laser cut by SL-9135 / bolts + liner M3 NEW! amp (not installed yet): PowerAmp by CT-2260 / Sony-Erricson cell phone buzzer/speaker NEW! detonator greeblies: DJ / clamps and back wall added overall: modified CB crew overall cummerbund, vest, pouches: individually made by a professional theatrical dress studio boots: leather chaps sewn on sneaker base by a leather manufacture NEW! pouch strapping: added eyelets and clasps connecting to belt NEW! belt: british courlene belt with US pistol belt buckle/ belt and utility belt as seperate items gloves: Esprit Originals (black lining / tan suede dyed black) blaster: HS stunt rubber blaster The last modifications this rig will get until it get replaced by two new versions (Two because of Endor deployed/death star assembly) is weathering. Most armor parts already feature dirt and scratches and the helmet will benefit from a weathered look to cover up some of the flawed construction. To return more closer to the original belt look I found a stronger webbing of the same polyester material but different weaving pattern. The functionality is more important to me than using the correct material as long as the impression remains the same. Maybe I decide to switch from vinyl decals to water slide decals (found a small business doing these) Oh...and add electronics which are already with me The future I'm getting an EFX helmet around christmas. This will be a possibility to compare the LW and the original shape and maybe there will be new fan made helmets on base of this new knowledge and possibility to compare the creations next to a real life object. I have the High Tec boots to base at least one pair of boots or to be able to reproduce them. They will be scanned again with a better 3D scanner so that cleaning the scan and adding the missing ridge will be far easier than using the current. In the meantime I have to source possibilities for a solution to copy these or even get whole boots made but as I have high expectations and don't want to waste these boots - I have no problem to remain patient until the right partners are found. In the last five years there were some smaller discoveries and lately new information about the costume. There migh be more ahead - we still have unanswered questions but the whole picture is almost complete. Based on this knowelege I try to realize one - ideally two - new costumes of this SW character. As we got a lot of new pictures and close ups we can also recognize that there is a lot of room for improvement of existing armors. Some easy stuff already got incorporated in some of the newer creations some areas are still neglected. Chances for fresh blood and high spirited craftsmen to give it another try as I doubt the majority of established armor sources are motivated to do it all anew. At least the past has shown exactly that pattern. In the soft parts area we also have new informations and riddles challenging those striving to improve their gear. As we have the sequels around the corner and probably a buttload of new costumes all these things depend a bit on how much attention the original scout is losing. We already see a lot of people selling their scouts for new character projects. So maybe we're already at the peak of the development of this one - maybe even beyond. A lot of stuff to think about and to plan until a version 2.0 is realistic.
  25. Well obvopisly even Gino doesn't know everything and the guys who did these probably also only have kept the peaks of their work in mind. I pre-ordered that new book being released soon and hope there are some additional pieces to the puzzle. At least I may have some good news in the near future too. Any chance we see some more angles of your piece Gino?
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