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Everything posted by Chex

  1. Looks good. Prolly a little more all the way around.
  2. Looks like you've got some great advice already. I believe the fishhook is there, the flash just drowns it out. Also, make sure you cover up thegap on your shoulder tabs, and don't forget the greeblies on the TD. Try to see if you can get a set from DJ over there.
  3. Wow, you did an outstanding job on that bucket. Plan on getting one myself once I get these car repairs paid off.
  4. I'd say about another1/2 inch then. As for the belt, got a little confused cause you talked about your belt, then TD, then straps hehe. you could always do plastic, belt, strap, then plastic, and a rivet through them all. It's what I did, and it's held up over a rigorous year of trooping. Have you sourced your cotton webbing yet. If not, try Jontay.com. Cheap, and quick.
  5. Wow, you are tiny. Keep in mind when sizing the belt, is that it still has to go over a suit, and cummerbund. You could prolly afford to bring the drop boxes up a little bit more..maybe another inch or so. Your straps do not attach to the TD, they attach to the back of the belt. You can use rivets, it's what I did. Just make yourself a plastic washer from spare abs, or use a real one so the rivet doesn't slip through the webbing. Great job so far.
  6. REALLY picky lol. He's right though, you did a great job putting that together.
  7. I hate to say it, but based on the new Lancer guidelines, you'll prolly need new armor, as that looks like the old MG stuff, which I don't think would qualify for Lancer any longer. That said, the boot holster is all wrong. The TD has the vac formed greeblies on it which is a no no. I'd say the only thing you could really keep would be the knees and forearms. You need a one piece belt, your boxes have to come up a bit more as well. For your size, make the vertical stitches on the bund more narrow. Also, would need close ups of your snout, boot soles, etc. The only thing I can recommend is to say look at the new Lancer specs that Marcel and Andy just finished up with. With myself being a Lancer, there's things I need to upgrade as well.I hope all past Lancers do. Don't be discouraged though, just do what you can when you can. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
  8. Congrats brother, you were a worthy adversary. seriously though, was a smooth election.
  9. Looking real good brother. Here are some things I would do to get you on your way to Lancer. 1. Lower your thigh boxes a little. 2. You already touched on your pouches, but I would also make sure to move them out a tad, at least to the edge of the ribs on the bund. 3. Rank stripes are a little too thick. I used the same thickness as the tank detailing. 4: Don't forget you'll need to add the thin strap with the rivet on your upper knee armor. As far as approval goes, just lower your boxes, change out your stripes for thinner ones, and submit. You can be approved without a blaster, or greeblies on your TD. It's all up to you though bro. Nice job so far.
  10. Welcome to BS.N. Jasmine. SC armor is very easy to work on. Have fun with the build.
  11. I own a KS and I love it, and I've tried on an MLC. The MLC was a really snug fit, but felt sturdier then the KS, but was heavier as well. Comfort-wise, KS would be the safer route for you.
  12. Looking good! What problems are you having with the tank?
  13. Usually not a problem with shipping, it's just that MC makes so many different things, that it just takes a while for you to get it. It's top quality and worth the wait. You don't see MC scout armor come up for sale all that much..and when it does, it doesn't last long.
  14. Yep, John has his own, beautiful helmet. I have a KS, and I've tried on an MLC v3 and the KS is slightly bigger.
  15. Honestly, it shouldn't be a problem. I've never had a problem with mine flapping or anything. Every now and then you have to reach back to make sure it's not bunched up, but nothing major.
  16. Nice job so far. Paint those rivets on the boot though, and also...your forearm armor goes outside the glove, not tucked in.
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