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Everything posted by pghfett

  1. An update on my progress... I pulled the master shoulder bell and will be cleaning it up prior to making the final mold today. After this piece is made, I'm going to post some pics of all the pieces on my person to show it's scale as each piece looks with each other. I'm a little behind but the smaller pieces are proving to be much easier to sculpt with the exception of the shoulder bell. I also have the proto elbow armor mold finished and waiting for a gel coat, a pull and then final finishing for the master mold. busy, busy , busy....
  2. BARC armor will help you hide behind that tree better than white armor LOL
  3. I would suppose it would be up to the person assembling the knees. I'm going to intergrate the brackets right into the FG.
  4. Thanks Mad - I'll pass that along and have the slots cut evenly. Also Mad read the above - the knees pic'ed is the Galatic Marine knee, the BARC knee will have the segmented details added in. above I wrote "NOTICE they have smooth edges - the GM knee plates have smooth edges and the BARC knees have a slight beveled edge and a detail line in the middle of the bevel. I'll add this to them to make the BARC knees. I'm makeing two molds - 1 for Galactic Marines and 1 for BARC knees plates, might as well considering they are the same overall. " Thanks Mad I thought it looked better with the slots even from the edges as well. heres the adjustment to be made.
  5. A special thanks has to go out to Madphisto for his illustraion on the knee greeblie. The parts were made from the research he put into making the above bluprint. A quick update on the knees. I received some pics via email of the first prototype greeblies for the knees. The piece is made of 1/8" aluminum - nice and strong - sanded and finished to a brushed aluminum look. heres a pic - when they arrive I will attach them to the knee piece for pics. No price on these as of yet and I've invited the builder over here to post something soon - if not I'll keep us updated. ~Mike The bend BTY allows the greeblie to run evenly along the side of the knee so as not to "stick out " into thin air. The slots are not evenly spaced by design - see screen grabs and pics above. Also the top pic is upside down
  6. Here are some pics of the finished Galactic Marine knee plate pulled form the mold and cleaned up ready for the final molding to be done. NOTICE they have smooth edges - the GM knee plates have smooth edges and the BARC knees have a slight beveled edge and a detail line in the middle of the bevel. I'll add this to them to make the BARC knees. I'm makeing two molds - 1 for Galactic Marines and 1 for BARC knees plates, might as well considering they are the same overall. I'm also working on having the knee greeblies to be made out of 1/8" machined aluminum.
  7. I'm trying to get this part custom made into aluminum parts. I put the word out looking for good source.
  8. Tank Details - still unknown detail as seen here - Any sugestions ? Otherwise I'll improvise Unknown Tank detail
  9. I will be finishing up the kness and shoulder armor over the next couple of days. I'm also done with the elbow armor sculpt as well. I've discovered it (the elbow armor) is very different from the normal clone elbow armor after staring at movie stills all weekend. I'll post some pics after the sculpt is done. I suppose normal clone elbows would work, considering they are close in accuracy and a small part. Seeing the differences, I'm sculpting them for accuracy. Once these parts are done, I'll move onto the bicept armor. I'm looking forward to my biggest and most anticipated sculpt ever - the shin / boots and boot armor set up. I can't wait to work on this, with the boots I have, I plan on taking this to a new level.
  10. I agree - custom is best - but you know me, always lookin'.........
  11. Ghst915 and everyone how 'bout this for a base glove ! I like it ! http://cgi.ebay.com/XLong-Cuff-Shooting-KE...bayphotohosting
  12. Have you tried this addy ? skygunbrojpw@yahoo.com Also, Jason has been ill for more than a few weeks, even hospitalized for a short period of time.
  13. Hey Jas, I find myself turning to Phil for the "final say" on alot of the stuff I've worked on. He has a terricfic eye for scrutinzing CG images and giving honest constructive opinions as well. BTY Mad how 'bout that "opinion" on the BARC's knees side detail
  14. I'm in for at least two suits and can also help out more if needed.
  15. Holy Crap - talk about disrespect of a character...
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  17. What ! What ! They actually let you away from the sewing machine to play on the computer ?!? I thought you were chained to that dang thing ?
  18. The ratio is VERY nice with the bucket on (I'd say almost perfect but I dont want to jinx myself) I'm very pleased with it overall. You'll see soon, more pics will be coming with the gear on. Oh yeah the sculpt on the shoulder armor is almost done and it's looking very nice as well. Belive it or not there are alot of complex curves on the shoulder armor I discovered. pics of this sculpt may be up tonight.
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  20. Or sometimes after all that it's not right and you gotta start over DOH !!!
  21. No insult intended Kray, my bad, came across wrong. I posted my response because I know army scouts huge on firearms privatley is all He is very knowledgeable about guns from front stuffers on up, as you can tell by his response. ~Mike
  22. I plan on adding this detail to my knee plates and was wondering if anyone had better pics of could whip up a few drawings for me ? (hint, hint MAD LOL )
  23. I knew you would jump on thatone Chris - Right up your alley
  24. Welcome the 41st ELITE
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