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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. I'm pretty into this design. I hope it has some decent screen time in the film and ends up having a home with the pathfinders detachment.
  2. That looks fine and I apologize for any confusion there. I think you're right and the reflection made it look like the bolt was slightly out of the hole in the visor. No worries.
  3. Hey Eric. I see a few small, simple refinements that can really improve your look as a scout, but overall I think you've done a really good job! Basic clearance should be easy work for you. Some suggestions: 1) move your pouches outward a bit -- approximately 1". 2) make sure you tuck the upper back side of your bund in, it's sticking out a little bit 3) the visor bolt on your left side seems to be popping out a bit. Is it loose? 4) rotate your bicep and forearm armour forward a bit slightly As I said, it's really just small stuff. But yeah, good job overall on your build.
  4. Jason, not sure if you were using this same primer before, but I've found that it's pretty magical with smoothing out 3D print lines. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-Automotive-11-oz-Gray-Filler-Primer-Spray-249279/202097276
  5. Hi, there isn't an exact specification for how the riding patches should sit, but roughly your riding patch should extend the length of your inner thigh, and stop before your actual knee starts. If there's some riding patch that gets covered (or doesn't) once your knee armor is properly fitted and secured, it should be ok. Here are some photos of ginos scout from celebration 2017, that should help illustrate the riding patch placement and general layout.
  6. It was most apparent on the scout that nabs leia, so that makes sense.
  7. You can cut the whole loop off. Use some small scissors, so you can cut it close to the seam, without marring the glove itself.
  8. That tab was present on some, but not all, of the screen used scouts. Adding it is up to you, but it is not part of the requirements for Level 2.
  9. Nice dude! Please share if you learn anything new.
  10. One thing which is clearer now that I posted that photo, is that it looks like his chest place is bent and warped along the middle. I found that the chest plate for Strider's armor was way too wide for me, and with Dickey being about the same size as me, I may try to emulate that bend. Maybe...maybe not, depending on how many other photos I can dig up through screenshots. We'll see how I feel about it once I get the RS armor in hand.
  11. I did find this autographed image online, assuming that's actually him in that particular suit:
  12. I'm curious if there's been any determination as to which Scout was portrayed by Dickey Beer in ROTJ? Dickey is about the same size and height as me, so with the RS Props scout armor coming out soon, I thought it might be interesting to try and emulate the weathering and set up of his kit as best possible. Anyone have any info as to which one he portrayed? Thanks!
  13. The drop box buckles you want to get are for 1.5" strapping.
  14. Right on. Def try an experiment on some trimmed scrap parts that are disposable first. Rubber resin like that is super tricky to glue properly.
  15. Hi Jill those marks look pretty good, but the cuts on the front part of the sole don't need to go up all the way. On your boots I'd stop the top edge of the cuts where the color changes in the sole. The heel marks look a-ok!
  16. Not sure right now. I can't punch through that with my machine, even with a heavy duty needle. I'll likely take them to a shoe repair place and see if they can do it.
  17. Yeah, I can see what Max is saying as well. The elastic is bunching and creating indents in the arms of your flak vest. The shoulder bell elastic shouldn't be super tight, it just needs to hold the bell onto the vest sleeve. I would also recommending moving your bells out a little bit. Right now they're really close to the shoulder bridges. There's no exact measurement, but try leaving about an inch between the bridges and the top edge of the bell. That should let them move with your body a bit more naturally. I added velcro to my suit for my bicep, forearm, and knee armor. This keeps them in place without having to worry about tightening the elastic down so much. You can see examples in the thread I posted earlier: http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/18894-some-tips-for-keeping-your-scout-costume-together-while-trooping/
  18. Hey @Evil Seed. Contact @sskunky regarding availability and price.
  19. That's great to hear -- the new helmet sounds like quite an improvement! I hope you'll post your progress in a build thread once you get started.
  20. Right on. He used to pull his helmets and armor from HIPS. Is he using ABS now? I read you on the under the visor join part. Both of my helmets (strider and rs) use 2mm abs as a join and it's really not that noticeable. My only hesitation with using 1mm is that I recall his older helmets as being pretty thin, so you'll have a thin plastic visor with a thin join.
  21. What kit are you using? RS? Did it come with extra abs to cut for the join strips? Using the 2mm will be a sturdier join, for sure.
  22. These are the boots I'm using. It's a lower profile boot, but it should still fit under the armor. FREE SOLDIER Men's Lightweight Tactical Boots - Desert Tan(Sand 10 US) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GFBL2X8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Ka0yCbHDDX7HF
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