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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by ScaryGuy

  1. Sorry, we need to add some more to the list. The low-res pictures make it hard to capture everything. It looks like there is no weathering on the brown belt and the strap around the pringles can. This is how the original looked: There seems to be some weathering around the knee of the breeches, but in the full costume pictures the breeches look clean. It probably needs some more weathering. Can you post a full front and back picture of the breeches when you think they are ok?
  2. This happens everytime when there’s an announcement on the SW Rebels Scout . Maybe Lothal Scout would have been a better name to avoid confusion.
  3. The Under Suit - Pants section in the new CRL has been updated to allow pants with discrete side pockets, and rear pockets without flaps. Pants are plain and without decorations. The only visible seams are the side seams of the pants. Pants without pockets are preferred. If pockets are present the front pocket must open discreetly along the outside leg seam and the rear pockets do not have flaps. Optional: Creases on the front and back of the legs are acceptable.
  4. For level 2 we want to see the correct red and blue colors. The difference is noticeable. Did you check the shoretrooper paints topic? There is a US alternative for the Dirty Down spray listed there. Most of the list are minor things, hip armor and the red and blue paint are the biggest issues.
  5. Thanks for your application, we have a few things for you. First of all we would like to know what paint you used for the red and blue. Can you post a picture of the red bicep and a blue armor piece with a higher resolution (at least 1280 x 1024). The blue should also have been sprayed with matte black and a grey aging spray. The eyebags are too thick, they need to be cut down so they end before the nose. Your hip armor is too small. It needs to extend further to the rear and connect to the back armor behind the thermal detonator. The ammo shells do not have the correct hose connectors. The top black stripe on the shoulder bell should be ticker than the lower one. You have them the other way around. The foam in your back plate extends past the shoulder bells. You need to pull it tighter so the foam will move inward. Your BSP shins don't have real straps but they are moulded in. That's fine, but then we would like you to make the recesses darker to give them more depth. Your boots can use some more weathering, they should be darker. Your E-22 has a few issues. We can't see the two pins inside your code cylinders. The front bolt of your scope rail is missing. We can't see the rear of the rail, so that one might be missing too. The bolt handle seems to be missing We can't see if the swivel stud is present on the other side of the blaster, it should look like this: We also like to see pictures of the following: Abdomen side (diagonal strip) Front and back of the entire shirt and neck seal Gloves (both sides) When you post new pictures make sure they are at least 1280 x 1024. If the image is vertical then the height should be at least 1280.
  6. I’m 5’7 and I still have enough clearance between the helmet and the armor with the BSP v2 helmet.
  7. He didn’t really put it together, he just did a quick mock up to show me how it would fit. But yes, the front ends should be butted together and the seam filled. And probably cut something out length wise.
  8. Here’s a pic from Alain how it would fit the current holster. It needs to be way more wider and is too long to keep the holster in place.
  9. No, it’s off in both width and length. Alain told me they plan to modify the holster for the kit, but no time frame for that. When I get the blaster I’ll see how I’m going to modify the holster. I saved the scrap abs pieces so I can make color matching abs paste, if I need to fill anything after making mods. He also sent a 3D printed holster with it, but that needs to be painted. Unfortunately he used the wrong shipping service so it’s coming by boat and it’s taking a loooooooooong time.
  10. Just a note about the holster measurement I gave you. I have the WTF/Alain Rivard blaster on order. Turns out it doesn’t fit the current WTF holster, so just forget those measurements.
  11. Here's a link to how I did my visor: EDIT: I also added the eyebags with some abs pieces later on:
  12. I have a BSP helment and the visor they deliver with it is really bad, you can hardly see through the plastic very foggy. It's a bit of trial and error to get a good fit with a standard motorcycle helmet visor. I bought a rounded jet helmet visor and I looked for the area that best matched the shape of the helmet, then cut off the excess. I still had to use some force to bend the visor in place but I have pratically no gaps.
  13. I don’t have a source either. Did you trim the visor as much as possible?
  14. Another option you have is to cut the forearms to the desired length, then sand down the recessed area and create a new one with the 12 recesses (e.g. with pieces of plastic, wood). It's going to take some effort, but it is not an expensive mod. But again, posting pictures helps to give better advice.
  15. Before you buy something else, just contact the GML and tell about the problem. They are also there to advice with issues like this. Can you post a picture on how they fit you now? That gives a us a better idea what needs to be removed.
  16. Just when I think I should stop building costumes, they come up with this!
  17. Like KOtrooper says I think it's best if you contact the GML of your local garrison about this. The GML is the one who makes this decision. With abs kits there is no other solution then to cut down the forearms, but with 3D printed armor it could have been scaled down before printing so it would fit your forearms. Did you print it yourself or did you buy a printed kit from someone else?
  18. Looking good! The buckles could use a good sanding, these have some heavy print lines.
  19. Amazing how sharp these look! Excellent!
  20. Yes, that is what I meant. You could also fill it with some extra abs pieces until the area is filled from the faceplate to the edge of the visor and fill any remaining gaps. Then it will appear as one large piece. That looks like what I have. On the outside I got them to align like this:
  21. Great to see some more Rebels Scouts coming! Position looks good. Can you post a picture from the side? The edge of the visor and faceplate should pretty much align. You might want to fill the gap between the two abs pieces holding the visor parts together. The edges of the strips are creating shadows so they will be more visible. I made a small cut in the faceplate to get it as close as possible to the visor.
  22. This is first class shoretrooper pr0n! 😛
  23. Nice plot twist 😁, showing progress pictures then BAM! Approved! Congrats Mickey! Great outfit for a DL 😉.
  24. Yes, it’s the right side with the pouch. The black webbing is not part of the costume, it was used to strap the mannequin to the stand behind it.
  25. Congratulations Mickey! Well deserved!
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