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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by ScaryGuy

  1. Nice! It’s an excellent kit! Don’t worry about the arm length of the shirt, it will be hidden by the forearms. I had my shirt shortened like that otherwise the shirt would be too tick around my wrists.
  2. Helmets looks good, I see no issues here other then filling and sanding/cleaning. With 3D printed pieces it is important that when finished it should not be visible that it is 3D printed, so no visible print lines etc.
  3. Looking at the chest the print lines are still visible, gloss black is great for high lighting anything that isn’t perfectly smooth. When finished you don’t want it to be visible that it is a 3D printed armor. The Montana paint can be quite thick and with the weathering and all it’s possible that the lines will not be visible anymore, but be sure it’s smooth enough.
  4. Sorry to hear this bad news. My condolences to his family and friends.
  5. Nice build! Weathering looks good and realistic!
  6. That would be even better. Keep in mind that it is probably not allowed to sent spray cans through airmail.
  7. It’s hard to compare colors using a computer screen. I just picked a paint brand that offers automotive colors (e.g. Motip) and searched for Toyota 3E5 on their site. If you can’t get an exact match find something that comes as close as possible, for example Montana Gold Shock Red and Himalaya Blue can be used for basic 501st approval. It also depends on the weathering to get the correct look. For level 2 the exact colors are required.
  8. Looking good so far!
  9. Any updates on the new shoulder buckle?
  10. Amazing work, as always!
  11. Congrats Stefan!
  12. Amazing, was it freezing in the Maldives they needed a romper? Still I can't wait to see the level 2 approval pictures with people showing off their romper .
  13. The BSP medium boxes are 2 mm wider then the small ones, so there's too little difference in my opinion. I made mine wider to get a distinct difference between the small, medium and large boxes. The top detail is a sloped edge. You can see the modifications I made here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=16967&view=findpost&p=153446
  14. I'm 5'7 and I have a BSP kit. I had to reduce the size of the arm and leg parts, and the ab section to get a decent fit. Check out my WIP here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=16967 I think the biggest challenge will be the chest/back. Because of the design there really isn't room for trimming those. So hopefully they will not overlap the ab section too much. You might have to play with the height of the ab section a bit. I think the BSP kit is the smallest available. Another option would be a 3D printed armor, or only those parts that are really too big.
  15. I got mine from Stuart Galloway, he is in that group too. Sent him a pm.
  16. What's the reason for this? The edge of the vertical ribs is hidden by the armor and shoulder straps so you can't tell the difference when wearing it. I prefer a separate neckseal, makes it easer to use different ribbed shirts with the same neckseal.
  17. Imperial Supply Depot on Facebook is offering shoretrooper neck seals with the vertical ribbing. According the CRL the neck seal does not need to be sewn on to the shirt so you can use it separately with the dissident shirt. This is a link to the neck seal order form https://goo.gl/forms/7OM6t3zpxAvbhKOD2
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