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Everything posted by BikerScout007

  1. I don't think the base armor is going to change much or at all from the regular Scout. The differences will be in all the new accessories.
  2. I've moved this to the Fallen Order Scout forum. We are waiting for the game to come out to really get started on this, but this will be a new CRL -- it is not going to be added accessories to the ROTJ Scout.
  3. Check out our list of vendors here:
  4. Awesome! Welcome to the Pathfinders, Trooper!
  5. What did you use to cut out the lens area and the teeth?
  6. Is it the tank strap?
  7. I have used my SC holster for 5 years and over 100 troops without a crack. So I haven't had this experience. Do you have some pics of the inside and outside of your boot we can see so that we can try to determine what happened here?
  8. Thank you for representing us so well! Here's a link to the trooping patches. I've let John know you are eligible to purchase the Ranger patch http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/19856-troop-rank-rocker-patches/
  9. Now I remember why I never got Battlefront 2....
  10. Kinda my job Still a great job you did on your kit!
  11. Looks like you got your pouches reversed. The flat sides of the pouch flaps should be on the interior. Other than that, I'd like to see you make a Lancer application!
  12. Great looking Scout, Paul! Stormtroopers are always going to be most people's touchstone with Star Wars. But don't worry, you'll get plenty of people over the years coming up to you saying "Ya know, the Biker Scout was always my favorite." Don't worry! And make sure you start a trooping log so you can start earning patches and badges! http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/forum/141-pathfinder-trooping-awards/
  13. On behalf of Pathfinders' Command, it is my pleasure to promote Doug "Nigoki" Wilder (TB-15000) to the rank of Ranger! @Nigoki has completed 100 troops as a Pathfinder, showing true dedication to this Detachment! Check out his trooping log here: Congrats, Doug. @Shortstack will add your picture to the Pathfinder Hall of Fame. I've also let @plagu3is know you are eligible to purchase the Ranger patch. Wear it with pride, Pathfinder!
  14. I think adding some of these new paint schemes can be done without worrying about the armor.
  15. I have not played Battlefront 2 yet, but I assume so. So some of these variants may be something we can add to the Detachment.
  16. Hey Pathfinders! With more and more Legion members building prop Speeder Bikes around the globe, we decided to create a dedicated forum where they can be shown off and ideas can be traded back and forth between builders. Also, we know many of you became Scouts because you love motorcycles, and we'd love to see your Star Wars-themed rides. Or even you posing with your bike in Armor or with your patch jacket! Anything transport-related belongs in "The Garage": http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/forum/188-the-garage/ Can't wait to see what you got!
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  17. Absolutely and like @greenyone said above, it's better to make measurements with your armor already in hand so you know better how it's going to fit. However we've written the CRL so that you can still meet the requirements no matter what your body type.
  18. That looks great! Let us know when you are approved and I'll upgrade your access!
  19. Awesome. Be sure to post up pics when you receive it!
  20. Wow! that box was in rough shape. Your collar was cracked too? Thanks for starting a thread and I look forward to your progress.
  21. Yeah and add the thigh straps!
  22. Looks great, buddy! thanks for sharing.
  23. I wrote this post after IB first unveiled their soft parts. They have since made some adjustments to them. But as the others said, they're not great. .
  24. Turn them inside out, wash in cold. Hang to dry. Or hell, throw them in the dryer. I really don't care if the suede fades or gets rough. It's not supposed to be perfectly smooth suede anyway.
  25. Great. And looks like we're going to need updated photos for the CRL. @Ruthar?
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