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Everything posted by BikerScout007

  1. Vanguard applications go in this link: http://forum.bikersc...p?showforum=160 There are only two others so far, so you can check their applications to know what you need!
  2. April 11-15th, 2019 CHICAGO!!!! McCormick Place, Chicago, IL
  3. Nice job! And this is absolutely in the right place. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Not a problem, I get that it's confusing. Think of this as an "outsourced" merch run. the Detachment didn't have the capability to do an ongoing run so we had to find someone who could.
  5. I don't see anything there to hold up Basic approval, although it looks like your TD came off the belt in that 2nd pic.
  6. The Detachment provided Andrew with the designs from which to make the shirts and obtained the authorization from the Legion, but the logistics of the run are being handled by him. Which is why the run is on the Legion merch forum and not here. Any questions have to be directed to Andrew. happyvalleycustom@gmail.com
  7. That is correct. We are going to evaluate the situation once the current orders have all been handled and decide whether to continue this or take a new approach
  8. The next card run is now OPEN. Post your request for cards at the link below: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=19166 Please note, a number of you asked for cards in the last run but never responded to Shortstack's request for your photos. Those folks will have to reapply. PLEASE HAVE YOUR PHOTOS READY TO GO IF YOU WANT CARDS. WE ARE NOT HOLDING SPOTS.
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  9. Only Andrew is going to have that info unfortunately.
  10. This was for a totally unrelated costume, but I bought this stuff to make green lenses https://www.ebay.com/itm/One-Way-Solar-Reflective-Mirror-Privacy-Window-Tint-Film-Anti-UV-Heat-Stickers/273112213537?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=572375875720&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  11. Best place to start is here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showforum=116 We have vendor lists and loads of other information. Not sure what kits you've seen on YouTube, but the ones sold by the vetted vendors are anything but flimsy. Some are downright heavy. There is however, Sean Fields 3D print files circulating out there, and many folks have used them to print their armor. Here's a great thread about that here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=18728
  12. I love Evil Ted. Got a lot of good tips from him!
  13. In order to stamp out the glut of oversized pouches I see out there in the wild, I have created this guide based off of every reference we've been able to measure. Anyone interested in pursuing Lancer, I would definitely advise using these dimensions. Forward them onto your pouch maker or make your own pattern from them. And make sure your pouch maker makes the attachment tab run the width of the pouch. At least if you are gunning for Lancer where pouches must have the appearance of being attached to the bund. There is a little leeway for the bottom of the pouch flap because we haven't been able to nail down an exact size for it at this point. Check out this awesome updated patch pattern by @woobiee! And here's a handy PDF for printing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8bgo83jk0a6zwsd/PouchDimensions.pdf?dl=0 Now I can already hear people saying "But I'm very [tall/short/skinny/wide]! Can't I adjust them to my size?" To that I say we've allowed people that leeway for years and the results have been.... unsatisfying to say the least. We have pouches that are too big, too square, too short, or too long. So why not try a more uniform size and see how that works out instead? I've seen pouches with these dimensions used on costumers with a variety of body types and this size works the best. Even the Scouts in the film were not a uniform size (look closely at the Death Star parade) and yet all their pouches are the same size. As an example, here is a Scout (retired), who changed his pouches to 6x5x2. And he is 6'5! Now can you adjust this pattern if you still don't believe me? Of course! We are not adding this to the CRL.... yet. But will i silently be judging you in my head if you have pouches that look like pizza boxes? Absolutely. Hope this helps!
  14. For the armor there are a variety of prop makers that sell kits that need to be assembled. The soft parts are either made by the costumer or commissioned. Since the Legion's primary goal is screen accuracy, everything has to meet that standard. We are somewhere in between off-the-shelf and cosplay. I save all my foam building for my Fallout cosplays. You may want to try the RPF for what you are looking for. Its just not what we do here.
  15. Ugh, that blu ray model with the black leotard and neck seal hurts my eyes
  16. Building costumes from foam is not something that really goes on with 501st costumes. I haven't even seen a decent model of the Scout helmet available for 3D printing, so it doesn't surprise me at all that foam templates don't exist.
  17. If such a thing exists, I haven't seen it yet
  18. I know that guy. He comes to all the cons here.
  19. The Legion is really not big on making new Detachments (see Shoretrooper) and I think we have the best case for the PT! Feel free to chime into the CRL thread if you have any thoughts: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=19161
  20. Well done! You have been added to the roster. Beautiful logo
  21. Thanks Denis, I have added your language to our CRL! The LMO will probably take out the measurements but I will leave them for now
  22. I'm not really a big fan of their work, there are better options out there.
  23. Okay I was able to look at this on my phone. I wouldn't recommend doing it this way. It seems overly complicated and wouldn't give a screen accurate result. The closure in the back should be Velcro, not a parachute clip. But a lot of the info on their build instructions is outdated. That's what we are here for! Sent from my LG-H872 using Tapatalk
  24. Also, we recommend synthetic webbing for the belt closure because that's what it looks like here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?app=gallery&image=64 You can use cotton, but if you compare the two side by side in this pic you can see that the belt closure webbing looks more like nylon or polypro than the dropbox straps.
  25. For whatever reason the site is not opening for me, but that's funny because when I ordered my SC kit way back when they sent 2 inch polypro webbing for their belt
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