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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. Well my daughter has a wtf kit and she's 5'5" and it fits good. There's a couple of kits that are adult sized but can be trimmed to fit. Your self you wanna go SC I use SC and I'm about the same height as you.
  2. Brother your way better off to. When I built my snowy I checked the legion crl and then blizzard forces and wow they were a bit behind on the main board. There's always room for improvement and following the crl here is gonna get you where you wanna be. If I would have followed the snowy crl on the main board I would have gotten approved. You'll see the crl update on the main board it just takes time. Also I can't say it enough go Lancer out the gate! You'll thank me later don't wait!
  3. I never went off the main 501st legion crl. The only thing I'm missing still is real suede. I stuck with the crl that easbhere. If you plan on going Lancer do it the first go dont be like me and have a simple piece of material from holding you back. I don't use the basic CRL at all for any of my builds any more. There's a bit of conflict between the main Legion CRL's and the detachments. It takes a bit to get all the updates to the main crl. Just keep a eye on your detachments crl. They are kept updated.
  4. Yes as long as the rivet is present your good. Just don't make anything obvious. It's up to you how you wanna mount the tank.
  5. Just to be clear I used spent pop rivets where they should be used on the SC kits.
  6. I have three scouts a SC and MC classic TB and a shadow. The SC I just glued the top of the tank with hot glue and a pop rivet in the bottom. MC I used the two screws with nuts so I can take it off when I store it and the shadow is velcroed through the back plate with a spent pop rivet. There's no wrong way as long as you have two pop rivets one on top and one on bottom. MC is a bit different the bottom it held on by a long screw because of the design of the tank and back. The screen used ones weren't actually riveted on. However I don't think I can talk about that right now.
  7. That's what I use however I buy mine from eBay. It has a very very light grain. I use the Marine grade. Watch some of the faux leather. It can be the correct thickness but can be tore easily.
  8. Trooperbay has really nice ones. I think SC comes with decals. Don't hold me to it.
  9. I wouldn't do another layer. They look fine to me.
  10. Yes I've done it. You get the screen look for sure with the rattle can spray. I weathered my daughter's scout that way. Just make sure you test out and or practice with the can and a piece of cardboard or something. What I mean is figure out what distances you wanna spray from.
  11. Ive had em all! I use to use a mlcv3 with my Biker and shadow scouts. I went with ALT with my classic however I'm waiting on my RS helmet as of now. The mlc is what you get from farawaycreations is a bit soft when it comes to the face. Now they look bad a$$ when painted black with a silver lens the ALT is a solid choice! You have a few more options than what you posted above.
  12. You want like you see in the movies where you can set and the bund strap can easily be brought up over it. No it doesn't need to be like cardboard.
  13. Honestly you be better off to go with goop. It's easier to spread and once it dries it seems to "me" to hold the vinly better.
  14. The coffee will give a reddish look. I used tea on my snowy it gave it a nice off white.
  15. I make my own. There's a for sale thread for boots in the for sale section. There's several folks around that make the boots.
  16. Well Joe was right. My machine was pretty dirty. Also this is the much thinner material that's has no grain I'm use to the thicker grained stuff. In the words of a wise man from Nova Scotia... I just got learnt! Thanks gents.
  17. OK I'm not that good at sewing and my machine doesnt like vinyl. So will these pass or do I need to try again? The only problem is that the velro doesn't go all the way up to the top of the boot. My machine bunches up and chews its up when I try to take the velcro over the folded down part.
  18. Can you take it back off and glue it down in that spot? That's looks to be the problem. I mean I don't have it right in front of me either.
  19. Your straps need to be brought up to your thighs. The bund is way to long that something I went through. The mudfap could be a bit wider. The length of it looks good. You most definitely want to shorten the bund if your going lancer. As well as bring the thigh straps up. The bund will cause the "look" to be off when it comes to the belt setting on your waist the way it should. Also your punches are backwards. They need to mirror each other.
  20. Yep. What I was told by a fellow scout is go off your dress coat size.
  21. Yes I have a ALT along with a RS. The ALT swallows my head. I wear a 71/8 cap. ALT are super nice also I have the bust that goes with it.
  22. I wanna say his name is Jim. He's out of one of the northern eastern garrisons. He's 6'8" and wears SC.
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