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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. Yes any pictures you have that shows the above items mentioned please post them here. Blaster doesn't have a actual lens,the dvh blaster is good to go for Lancer status as is. Take your time and don't get discouraged.
  2. Any updates for us? If you have any questions shoot them my way here in the thread or via pm.
  3. Got bet to it. I used a longer tie and doubled it up,but as stated it can be one.
  4. Yes it should. You get any more taller on the bund it affects how the the armor sets. In short it throws the whole costume off.
  5. Most of us use Devcon. It's easy to spread and sand. https://www.amazon.com/Devcon-22045-Plastic-Welder-Dev-Tube/dp/B003NUGL9S
  6. Yes I'd like to see some pictures of it. I know what the one looks like via their website. https://cyber-craft.shop/products/star-wars-scout-trooper-stormtrooper-helmet
  7. Looking good. I'm interested in seeing the helmet complete.
  8. Ok the the real 3m bolts won't work by themselves. You can use a shorter bolt and have it attached that way. If you went the route you could cut the round part off of the 3m bolt and use it to cover the bolt head. There's also resin 3m bolts. Someone around here was selling them. However with all going on I'm not sure you get them right now. Here's a link to actual kit.
  9. @MrPoopie should be able to help you out on that.
  10. Is that a fiberglass helmet or Abs plastic? I can tell you more by knowing what it's made from as to what to use to mount the visor onto the dome with.
  11. It looks as most has a trim line. Watch the forearms and knees. You want a small edge left on the forearm pieces and a little more left on the knees for the rivets.
  12. Looks like you don't have much to trim. Take your time! Looking forward to this build!
  13. That looks great! I'm about to dive into 3d printing. I held off due to the prices,but it looks as they are in my budget now. The DLT-19x will definitely be my first print!
  14. Thanks for the application Mark,the team will go over it and get back with you.
  15. Yeah that flipped image has caused problems in the past.
  16. Here's a pic of my TD. Constructed as just as the film TD.
  17. Take your time,go very slow. Super fine steel wool will take some paint off without scratching the armor underneath. No, like I stated about just the rattle can black. I've seen some of the scouts your referring to. It just doesn't look right to me. I'd stick with the screen look. You did check out Striders video right? If not I would. That's how we do it.
  18. Depends on how accurate you wanna be. The rattle can black was the only paint used on the screen scouts.
  19. Its required for level 2 "Lancer" its optional for basic approval.  Codpiece attaches under the cummerbund either to the vest, the undersuit or the backside of the cummerbund. The codpiece is NOT sewn to the bottom edge of the cummerbund.
  20. Here's a pic of my TD I did it the same way. Two clips hidden behind the housing along with the main black metal clips.
  21. Yes you'll have to in order to the the washers in there. You'll need 1/8 washers.
  22. Looks like you need rivet washers. They work as backing to hold the revit in place.
  23. As close as you can get it to the original one. Here a shot for reference of the lens. Most of us use cotton strapping. It's what was used on the screen used suits. Stickey back Velcro for attaching strapping where needed. As for strapping size the follow the crl here https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TB_Scout_trooper
  24. It'll fit better and look correct once to get the strapping in place.
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